Import statement
@@ -172,6 +172,11 @@
const statementLine = statementLines.value.find((l) => l.id === lineId)!;
+ if (statementLine.posting_accounts.length !== 0) {
+ await alert('Cannot reconcile already reconciled statement line');
+ return;
+ }
// Insert transaction and statement line reconciliation atomically
const session = await db.load();
const dbTransaction = await session.begin();
@@ -226,22 +231,109 @@
await load();
+ async function reconcileAsTransfer() {
+ const selectedCheckboxes = document.querySelectorAll('.statement-line-checkbox:checked');
+ if (selectedCheckboxes.length !== 2) {
+ await alert('Must select exactly 2 statement lines');
+ return;
+ }
+ const selectedLineIds = [...selectedCheckboxes].map((el) => parseInt(el.closest('tr')?.dataset.lineId!));
+ const line1 = statementLines.value.find((l) => l.id === selectedLineIds[0])!;
+ const line2 = statementLines.value.find((l) => l.id === selectedLineIds[1])!;
+ // Sanity checks
+ if (line1.quantity + line2.quantity !== 0 || line1.commodity !== line2.commodity) {
+ await alert('Selected statement line debits/credits must equal');
+ return;
+ }
+ if (line1.posting_accounts.length !== 0 || line2.posting_accounts.length !== 0) {
+ await alert('Cannot reconcile already reconciled statement lines');
+ return;
+ }
+ // Insert transaction and statement line reconciliation atomically
+ const session = await db.load();
+ const dbTransaction = await session.begin();
+ // Insert transaction
+ const transactionResult = await dbTransaction.execute(
+ `INSERT INTO transactions (dt, description)
+ VALUES ($1, $2)`,
+ [line1.dt, line1.description]
+ );
+ const transactionId = transactionResult.lastInsertId;
+ // Insert posting for line1
+ const postingResult1 = await dbTransaction.execute(
+ `INSERT INTO postings (transaction_id, description, account, quantity, commodity, running_balance)
+ VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, NULL)`,
+ [transactionId, line1.description, line1.source_account, line1.quantity, line1.commodity]
+ );
+ const postingId1 = postingResult1.lastInsertId;
+ // Insert statement line reconciliation
+ await dbTransaction.execute(
+ `INSERT INTO statement_line_reconciliations (statement_line_id, posting_id)
+ VALUES ($1, $2)`,
+ [line1.id, postingId1]
+ );
+ // Insert posting for line2
+ const postingResult2 = await dbTransaction.execute(
+ `INSERT INTO postings (transaction_id, description, account, quantity, commodity, running_balance)
+ VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, NULL)`,
+ [transactionId, line2.description, line2.source_account, line2.quantity, line2.commodity]
+ );
+ const postingId2 = postingResult2.lastInsertId;
+ // Insert statement line reconciliation
+ await dbTransaction.execute(
+ `INSERT INTO statement_line_reconciliations (statement_line_id, posting_id)
+ VALUES ($1, $2)`,
+ [line2.id, postingId2]
+ );
+ // Invalidate running balances
+ await dbTransaction.execute(
+ `UPDATE postings
+ SET running_balance = NULL
+ FROM (
+ SELECT postings.id
+ FROM transactions
+ JOIN postings ON transactions.id = postings.transaction_id
+ WHERE DATE(dt) >= DATE($1) AND account IN ($2, $3)
+ ) p
+ WHERE postings.id = p.id`,
+ [line1.dt, line1.source_account, line2.source_account]
+ );
+ dbTransaction.commit();
+ // Reload transactions and re-render the table
+ await load();
+ }
function renderTable() {
const PencilIconHTML = renderComponent(PencilIcon, { 'class': 'w-4 h-4 inline align-middle -mt-0.5' }); // Pre-render the pencil icon
const rows = [];
for (const line of statementLines.value) {
- let reconciliationCell;
+ let reconciliationCell, checkboxCell;
if (line.posting_accounts.length === 0) {
// Unreconciled
reconciliationCell =
+ checkboxCell = `
`; // Only show checkbox for unreconciled lines
} else if (line.posting_accounts.length === 2) {
// Simple reconciliation
const otherAccount = line.posting_accounts.find((a) => a !== line.source_account);
reconciliationCell =
${ otherAccount }
${ PencilIconHTML }`;
+ checkboxCell = '';
if (showOnlyUnclassified.value) { continue; }
} else {
@@ -249,13 +341,14 @@
reconciliationCell =
${ PencilIconHTML }`;
+ checkboxCell = '';
if (showOnlyUnclassified.value) { continue; }
- |
+ ${ checkboxCell } |
${ line.source_account } |
${ dayjs(line.dt).format('YYYY-MM-DD') } |
${ line.description } |