<p>The following is your ballot with fingerprint <spanclass="hash">{{ eosjs.eos.core.hashing.SHA256().update_obj(ballot).hash_as_b64() }}</span>, decrypted and ready for auditing.</p>
<p>You may provide the above data to a trusted third-party, or use the <ahref="/auditor?electionUrl={{ election_base_url }}"target="_blank">Eos auditor</a> to verify that your ballot was prepared correctly.</p>
<p>Once you are satisfied that your ballot has been prepared correctly, click ‘Continue’. Your ballot will be prepared again, to protect your secrecy, and you may choose to audit your ballot again, or proceed to cast your ballot.</p>
<p>Eos is now ready to audit your ballot. This is an optional step that you can take to ensure that your ballot was prepared correctly by the voting booth.</p>
<p>To complete the audit, provide the data shown to a trusted third-party, or <ahref="/auditor?electionUrl={{ election_base_url }}"target="_blank">click here to open the Eos auditor</a> and copy-paste in the data shown.</p>
<p>If you are satisfied with the result of the audit, click the blue ‘Continue’ button to proceed to cast your ballot.</p>
<p>Click the ‘OK’ button below to close this help screen.</p>
<p>If you require further assistance, contact your election administrator.</p>