# Eos - Verifiable elections # Copyright © 2017 RunasSudo (Yingtong Li) # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . from eos.core.bigint import * from eos.core.objects import * from eos.core.hashing import * from eos.base.election import * from eos.psr.bitstream import * from eos.psr.crypto import * from eos.core.objects import __pragma__ class BlockEncryptedAnswer(EncryptedAnswer): blocks = EmbeddedObjectListField() @classmethod def encrypt(cls, pk, obj, nbits=None): pt = EosObject.to_json(EosObject.serialise_and_wrap(obj)) bs = BitStream() bs.write_string(pt) if nbits is not None: if bs.nbits > nbits: raise Exception('Message is too big') bs.pad_to(nbits, True) bs.multiple_of(pk.nbits(), True) ct = bs.map(pk.encrypt, pk.nbits()) return cls(blocks=ct) def decrypt(self, sk=None): if sk is None: sk = self.recurse_parents(PSRElection).sk plaintexts = EosList([sk.decrypt_and_prove(block) for block in self.blocks]) bs = BitStream.unmap(plaintexts, lambda plaintext: plaintext.message, sk.public_key.nbits()) m = bs.read_string() obj = EosObject.deserialise_and_unwrap(EosObject.from_json(m)) return plaintexts, obj def deaudit(self): blocks_deaudit = EosList() for block in self.blocks: blocks_deaudit.append(block.deaudit()) return BlockEncryptedAnswer(blocks=blocks_deaudit) class Trustee(EmbeddedObject): name = StringField() email = StringField() class MixChallengeResponse(EmbeddedObject): challenge_index = IntField() response_index = IntField() reenc = EmbeddedObjectListField(BigInt) rand = EmbeddedObjectField(BigInt) class MixingTrustee(Trustee): mixed_questions = ListField(EmbeddedObjectListField(BlockEncryptedAnswer), is_hashed=False) commitments = ListField(EmbeddedObjectListField(BigInt), is_hashed=False) challenge = EmbeddedObjectListField(BigInt, is_hashed=False) response = ListField(EmbeddedObjectListField(MixChallengeResponse), is_hashed=False) def compute_challenge(self, question_num): if self._instance[1] % 2 == 1: return self.recurse_parents(Election).mixing_trustees[self._instance[1] - 1].compute_challenge(question_num) sha = SHA256() trustees = self.recurse_parents(Election).mixing_trustees for trustee in trustees: sha.update_text(EosObject.to_json(MixingTrustee._fields['mixed_questions'].element_field.serialise(trustee.mixed_questions[question_num]))) for i in range(self._instance[1]): sha.update_text(EosObject.to_json(MixingTrustee._fields['response'].element_field.serialise(trustees[i].response[question_num]))) return sha.hash_as_bigint() def get_input_answers(self, question_num): if self._instance[1] > 0: # Use the previous mixnet's output return self.recurse_parents(Election).mixing_trustees[self._instance[1] - 1].mixed_questions[question_num] else: # Use the raw ballots from voters orig_answers = [] for voter in self.recurse_parents(Election).voters: if len(voter.votes.get_all()) > 0: vote = voter.votes.get_all()[-1] ballot = vote.ballot orig_answers.append(ballot.encrypted_answers[question_num]) return orig_answers def verify(self, question_num): # Verify challenge challenge = self.compute_challenge(question_num) if challenge != self.challenge[question_num]: raise Exception('Invalid challenge') orig_answers = self.get_input_answers(question_num) # Prepare challenge bits challenge_bs = InfiniteHashBitStream(challenge) # Check each challenge response for k in range(len(self.mixed_questions[question_num])): response = self.response[question_num][k] challenge_bit = challenge_bs.read(1) should_reveal = ((self._instance[1] % 2) == (challenge_bit % 2)) if should_reveal: if response is None: raise Exception('Response inconsistent with challenge') # Check the commitment matches if self.commitments[question_num][k] != SHA256().update_obj(response).hash_as_bigint(): raise Exception('Invalid commitment') # Check the correct challenge/response pair if response.challenge_index != k: raise Exception('Invalid response') if self._instance[1] % 2 == 0: idx_left = response.challenge_index idx_right = response.response_index else: idx_right = response.challenge_index idx_left = response.response_index # Check the shuffle claimed_blocks = self.mixed_questions[question_num][idx_right].blocks for k in range(len(orig_answers[idx_left].blocks)): reencrypted_block, _ = orig_answers[idx_left].blocks[k].reencrypt(response.reenc[k]) if claimed_blocks[k].gamma != reencrypted_block.gamma: raise Exception('Reencryption not consistent with challenge response') if claimed_blocks[k].delta != reencrypted_block.delta: raise Exception('Reencryption not consistent with challenge response') else: if response is not None: raise Exception('Response inconsistent with challenge') # Check the responses are consistent with a permutation challenge_indexes = [] response_indexes = [] for response in self.response[question_num]: if response is None: continue if response.challenge_index in challenge_indexes: raise Exception('Response not consistent with a permutation') if response.response_index in response_indexes: raise Exception('Response not consistent with a permutation') challenge_indexes.append(response.challenge_index) response_indexes.append(response.response_index) # Check the outputs are all different blocks = [] for output in self.mixed_questions[question_num]: for block in output.blocks: block = (str(block.gamma), str(block.delta)) if block in blocks: raise Exception('Duplicate ciphertexts in output') blocks.append(block) def mix_votes(self, question=0): return False def prove_mixes(self, question=0): return False class InternalMixingTrustee(MixingTrustee): mixnets = EmbeddedObjectListField(is_protected=True) def mix_votes(self, question=0): __pragma__('skip') from eos.psr.mixnet import RPCMixnet __pragma__('noskip') election = self.recurse_parents('eos.base.election.Election') index = self._instance[1] self.mixnets.append(RPCMixnet(mix_order=index)) if index > 0: orig_answers = election.mixing_trustees[index - 1].mixed_questions[question] else: orig_answers = [] for voter in election.voters: if len(voter.votes.get_all()) > 0: ballot = voter.votes.get_all()[-1].ballot orig_answers.append(ballot.encrypted_answers[question]) shuffled_answers, commitments = self.mixnets[question].shuffle(orig_answers) self.mixed_questions.append(EosList(shuffled_answers)) self.commitments.append(EosList(commitments)) return True def prove_mixes(self, question=0): election = self.recurse_parents('eos.base.election.Election') index = self._instance[1] self.challenge.append(self.compute_challenge(question)) challenge_bs = InfiniteHashBitStream(self.challenge[question]) self.response.append(EosList()) for k in range(len(self.mixed_questions[question])): challenge_bit = challenge_bs.read(1) should_reveal = ((index % 2) == (challenge_bit % 2)) if should_reveal: response = self.mixnets[question].challenge(k) self.response[question].append(response) else: self.response[question].append(None) return True class PSRElection(Election): sk = EmbeddedObjectField(SEGPrivateKey, is_protected=True) # TODO: Threshold public_key = EmbeddedObjectField(SEGPublicKey) mixing_trustees = EmbeddedObjectListField() def verify(self): # Verify ballots super().verify() # Verify mixes for i in range(len(self.questions)): for j in range(len(self.mixing_trustees)): self.mixing_trustees[j].verify(i) # Verify decryption proofs for q_num in range(len(self.questions)): raw_result = self.results[q_num] if isinstance(raw_result, MultipleResult): raw_result = next(result for result in raw_result.results if isinstance(result, RawResult)) for answer_num in range(len(raw_result.plaintexts)): # Input and output blocks: plaintexts = raw_result.plaintexts[answer_num] ciphertexts = self.mixing_trustees[-1].mixed_questions[q_num][answer_num].blocks # Verify ciphertexts if len(plaintexts) != len(ciphertexts): raise Exception('Different number of plaintexts and ciphertexts') for i in range(len(ciphertexts)): if ciphertexts[i] != plaintexts[i].ciphertext: raise Exception('Ciphertext does not match mixnet output') # Verify decryption for plaintext in plaintexts: if not plaintext.is_proof_valid(): raise Exception('Proof of decryption is not valid') # Verify block combination bs = BitStream.unmap(plaintexts, lambda plaintext: plaintext.message, self.public_key.nbits()) m = bs.read_string() answer = EosObject.deserialise_and_unwrap(EosObject.from_json(m)) if answer != raw_result.answers[answer_num]: raise Exception('Result does not match claimed decryption')