{# Eos - Verifiable elections Copyright © 2017-2019 RunasSudo (Yingtong Li) This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . #}

{{ questionNum + 1 }}. {{ election.questions.__getitem__(questionNum).prompt }}

{% if election.questions.__getitem__(questionNum).description %}

{{ election.questions.__getitem__(questionNum).description | urlize | replace(' {% endif %}

Vote for {% if election.questions.__getitem__(questionNum).min_choices == election.questions.__getitem__(questionNum).max_choices %} exactly {{ election.questions.__getitem__(questionNum).min_choices }} {% elif election.questions.__getitem__(questionNum).min_choices == election.questions.__getitem__(questionNum).max_choices - 1 %} either {{ election.questions.__getitem__(questionNum).min_choices }} or {{ election.questions.__getitem__(questionNum).max_choices }} {% else %} between {{ election.questions.__getitem__(questionNum).min_choices }} and {{ election.questions.__getitem__(questionNum).max_choices }} {% endif %} choices. Click and drag the choices from the grey box to the blue box in order from most-preferred to least-preferred. It is in your best interests to vote for as many choices as you can.

Options voted for:
{% set flat_choices = election.questions.__getitem__(questionNum).flatten_choices() %} {% macro printchoice(choice, ticket=None) %}
{{ choice.name }}
{% if choice.party %} {% if (ticket and choice.party != ticket.name) or not ticket %}
{{ choice.party }}
{% else %}
{{ choice.party }}
{% endif %} {% elif ticket %}
{{ ticket.name }}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
Options not yet voted for:
{% for choice in election.questions.__getitem__(questionNum).randomised_choices().impl %} {% if choice.choices %} {# Ticket #}
{{ choice.name }}
{% for choice2 in choice.choices.impl %} {{ printchoice(choice2, choice) }} {% endfor %}
{% else %} {{ printchoice(choice) }} {% endif %} {% endfor %}

This is a preferential voting question. You are required to vote for {% if election.questions.__getitem__(questionNum).min_choices == election.questions.__getitem__(questionNum).max_choices %} exactly {{ election.questions.__getitem__(questionNum).min_choices }} {% elif election.questions.__getitem__(questionNum).min_choices == election.questions.__getitem__(questionNum).max_choices - 1 %} either {{ election.questions.__getitem__(questionNum).min_choices }} or {{ election.questions.__getitem__(questionNum).max_choices }} {% else %} between {{ election.questions.__getitem__(questionNum).min_choices }} and {{ election.questions.__getitem__(questionNum).max_choices }} {% endif %} choices.

If using a desktop computer or a laptop, use your mouse to click and drag the choices from the grey box to the blue box.

If using a smartphone or tablet, use your finger to drag the choices from the grey box to the blue box.

You should order your choices inside the blue box in order from most-preferred (at the top) to least-preferred (at the bottom).

It is in your best interests to vote for as many choices as you can.

Once you are satisfied with your selections, click the ‘Continue’ button.

Click the ‘OK’ button below to close this help screen.

If you require further assistance, contact your election administrator.