{# Eos - Verifiable elections Copyright © 2017-2019 RunasSudo (Yingtong Li) This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . #}

{{ questionNum + 1 }}. {{ election.questions.__getitem__(questionNum).prompt }}

{% if election.questions.__getitem__(questionNum).description %}

{{ election.questions.__getitem__(questionNum).description | urlize | replace(' {% endif %}

Vote for {% if election.questions.__getitem__(questionNum).min_choices == election.questions.__getitem__(questionNum).max_choices %} exactly {{ election.questions.__getitem__(questionNum).min_choices }} {% elif election.questions.__getitem__(questionNum).min_choices == election.questions.__getitem__(questionNum).max_choices - 1 %} either {{ election.questions.__getitem__(questionNum).min_choices }} or {{ election.questions.__getitem__(questionNum).max_choices }} {% else %} between {{ election.questions.__getitem__(questionNum).min_choices }} and {{ election.questions.__getitem__(questionNum).max_choices }} {% endif %} choices. {% if is_radio %} Click the radio buttons to the left of the choices to make your selection, then click the ‘Continue button’. If you make a mistake, click another radio button to change your selection. {% else %} Click the check-boxes to the left of the choices to make your selection, then click the ‘Continue’ button. If you make a mistake, click the check-boxes again to clear your selection. {% endif %}

{% set is_radio = election.questions.__getitem__(questionNum).max_choices == 1 %}
{% for choice in election.questions.__getitem__(questionNum).randomised_choices().impl %}
{% endfor %} {% if is_radio and election.questions.__getitem__(questionNum).min_choices == 0 %}
{% endif %}

{% if is_radio %}This is a vote-for-one question.{% else %}This is an approval voting question.{% endif %} You are required to vote for {% if election.questions.__getitem__(questionNum).min_choices == election.questions.__getitem__(questionNum).max_choices %} exactly {{ election.questions.__getitem__(questionNum).min_choices }} {% elif election.questions.__getitem__(questionNum).min_choices == election.questions.__getitem__(questionNum).max_choices - 1 %} either {{ election.questions.__getitem__(questionNum).min_choices }} or {{ election.questions.__getitem__(questionNum).max_choices }} {% else %} between {{ election.questions.__getitem__(questionNum).min_choices }} and {{ election.questions.__getitem__(questionNum).max_choices }} {% endif %} choices.

{% if is_radio %}

Click or tap the radio buttons to the left of the choices to make your selection. If you make a mistake, click or tap another radio button to change your selection.

{% else %}

Click or tap the check-boxes to the left of the choices to make your selection. If you make a mistake, click or tap the check-boxes again to clear your selection.

{% endif %}

Once you are satisfied with your selections, click the ‘Continue’ button.

Click the ‘OK’ button below to close this help screen.

If you require further assistance, contact your election administrator.