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Copyright © 2023 Lee Yingtong Li (RunasSudo)
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
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<title>PBS medicine search</title>
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.popover { max-width: 400px }
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<a class="navbar-brand" href="#">PBS medicine search</a>
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<div id="app-content" style="display:none">
<input class="form-control" id="search-input" placeholder="Search…" autocomplete="off">
<table id="search-results" class="table mt-2">
<th class="col-1">Item code</th>
<th class="col-8">Drug</th>
<th class="col-1">Quantity</th>
<th class="col-1">Repeats</th>
<th class="col-1">Restriction</th>
<td colspan="5" class="text-center">Enter a search term above to show results</th>
<footer class="border-top pt-4 mt-4">
<p class="text-muted">Results sourced from the PBS database as at <span id="pbs-date"></span>. This tool is made available in the hope that it will be useful, but <b>WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY</b>; without even the implied warranty of <b>MERCHANTABILITY</b> or <b>FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE</b>. Information provided in this tool is intended for reference by medical professionals. Nothing in this tool is intended to constitute medical advice.</p>
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<script src="autocomplete.js"></script>
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var db; // Keep in global namespace for debugging
async function main() {
// Load SQLite database
const sqlPromise = initSqlJs({
locateFile: file => ('' + file)
const dataPromise = fetch('database.db').then(res => res.arrayBuffer());
const [SQL, buf] = await Promise.all([sqlPromise, dataPromise])
db = new SQL.Database(new Uint8Array(buf));
// Display date
const pbs_date_bits = execAsScalars(db.prepare('SELECT value FROM meta WHERE key = "pbs_date"'))[0].split('-');
document.getElementById('pbs-date').innerText = {'01': 'January', '02': 'February', '03': 'March', '04': 'April', '05': 'May', '06': 'June', '07': 'July', '08': 'August', '09': 'September', '10': 'October', '11': 'November', '12': 'December'}[pbs_date_bits[1]] + ' ' + pbs_date_bits[0];
// Initialise search bar
const mp_preferred_terms = execAsScalars(db.prepare('SELECT * FROM (SELECT preferred_term FROM pbs_mp UNION SELECT mp_preferred_term AS preferred_term FROM non_pbs_tpp) ORDER BY LOWER(preferred_term)'));
let data = => ({'label': mp_preferred_term, 'preview': mp_preferred_term, 'value': mp_preferred_term}));
const tpp_brand_names = execAsObjects(db.prepare('SELECT * FROM mp_brand_name ORDER BY LOWER(brand_name)'));
data = data.concat( => ({'label': tpp_brand_name['brand_name'], 'preview': tpp_brand_name['brand_name'] + ' <span class="text-muted">(' + tpp_brand_name['mp_preferred_term'] + ')</span>', 'value': tpp_brand_name['mp_preferred_term']})));
const autocomplete = new Autocomplete(document.getElementById('search-input'), {
data: data,
maximumItems: 20,
threshold: 2,
onSelectItem: onClickSearchItem
// Hide loading spinner
document.getElementById('loading-content').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('app-content').style.display = 'block';
function onClickSearchItem(item) {
// Override label if clicked on a trade name
document.getElementById('search-input').value = item.value;
// Find matching PBS items
let stmt = db.prepare(
' SELECT code, mp_preferred_term, mpp_preferred_term, benefit_type, maximum_prescribable_units, number_repeats, program FROM pbs_item' +
' LEFT JOIN (SELECT code AS mpp_code, preferred_term AS mpp_preferred_term, mp_code FROM pbs_mpp) AS pbs_mpp ON pbs_item.mpp_code = pbs_mpp.mpp_code' +
' LEFT JOIN (SELECT code AS mp_code, preferred_term AS mp_preferred_term FROM pbs_mp) AS pbs_mp ON pbs_mpp.mp_code = pbs_mp.mp_code' +
' UNION SELECT DISTINCT NULL AS code, mp_preferred_term, mpp_preferred_term, "unrestricted" AS benefit_type, NULL AS maximum_prescribable_units, NULL AS number_repeats, "NA" AS program FROM non_pbs_tpp' +
' )' +
' WHERE LOWER(mp_preferred_term) = ?'
const items = execAsObjects(stmt);
// Update table
const tbody = document.querySelector('#search-results tbody');
tbody.innerHTML = '';
for (let item of items) {
// Get restrictions
stmt = db.prepare('SELECT *, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pbs_restriction_criteria WHERE pbs_restriction_criteria.restriction_code = pbs_restriction.code) AS num_criteria FROM pbs_restriction LEFT JOIN pbs_item_restriction ON pbs_restriction.code = pbs_item_restriction.restriction_code WHERE pbs_item_restriction.item_code = ?');
const restrictions = execAsObjects(stmt);
const tr = document.createElement('tr');
let td = document.createElement('td');
if (item['code']) {
td.innerHTML = '<a href="' + item['code'] + '" target="_blank">' + item['code'] + '</a>';
td = document.createElement('td');
let div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerText = item['mpp_preferred_term']; td.appendChild(div);
if (restrictions.length > 0) {
let ulRestrictions = document.createElement('ul');
for (let restriction of restrictions) {
let li = document.createElement('li');
li.innerHTML = restriction['indication'];
if (item['benefit_type'] === 'streamlined') {
li.innerHTML += ' (' + restriction['treatment_of'] + ')';
if (restriction['num_criteria'] > 0) {
li.innerHTML += ' ';
let span = document.createElement('span');
span.innerText = '(' + restriction['num_criteria'] + ' criteria)';
// Render restriction content
let content = '';
if (restriction['treatment_phase']) {
content += '<p><i>' + restriction['treatment_phase'] + '</i></p>'
content += restriction['criteria_rendered'];
// Create popover for criteria
new bootstrap.Popover(span, {
trigger: 'hover focus',
title: restriction['indication'],
content: content,
html: true
td = document.createElement('td'); td.innerText = item['maximum_prescribable_units']; tr.appendChild(td);
td = document.createElement('td'); td.innerText = item['number_repeats']; tr.appendChild(td);
if (item['program'] !== 'GE') {
td = document.createElement('td');
if (item['program'] === 'R1') {
td.innerHTML = '<a href="' + item['code'] + '" target="_blank">RPBS</a>';
} else if (item['program'] === 'NA') {
td.innerHTML = 'Non-PBS';
} else {
alert('Unknown program: ' + item['program']);
throw 'Unknown program: ' + item['program'];
} else if (item['benefit_type'] === 'unrestricted') {
td = document.createElement('td'); tr.appendChild(td);
} else if (item['benefit_type'] === 'restricted') {
td = document.createElement('td'); td.innerHTML = '<a href="' + item['code'] + '" target="_blank">Restricted</a>'; tr.appendChild(td);
} else if (item['benefit_type'] === 'streamlined') {
td = document.createElement('td'); td.innerHTML = '<a href="' + item['code'] + '" target="_blank">Streamlined</a>'; tr.appendChild(td);
} else if (item['benefit_type'] === 'authority') {
td = document.createElement('td'); td.innerHTML = '<a href="' + item['code'] + '" target="_blank">Authority</a>'; tr.appendChild(td);
} else {
alert('Unknown benefit type: ' + item['benefit_type']);
throw 'Unknown benefit type: ' + item['benefit_type'];
const regexIsNumber = /^[0-9.]+$/;
function comparePBSItems(item1, item2) {
// Sort RPBS, etc. benefits after other items
if (item1['program'] === 'GE' && item2['program'] !== 'GE') {
return -1;
if (item2['program'] === 'GE' && item1['program'] !== 'GE') {
return 1;
// Sort tablets/capsules before other forms
if ((item1['mpp_preferred_term'].indexOf(' tablet, ') >= 0 || item1['mpp_preferred_term'].indexOf(' capsule, ') >= 0) && !(item2['mpp_preferred_term'].indexOf(' tablet, ') >= 0 || item2['mpp_preferred_term'].indexOf(' capsule, ') >= 0)) {
return -1;
if ((item2['mpp_preferred_term'].indexOf(' tablet, ') >= 0 || item2['mpp_preferred_term'].indexOf(' capsule, ') >= 0) && !(item1['mpp_preferred_term'].indexOf(' tablet, ') >= 0 || item1['mpp_preferred_term'].indexOf(' capsule, ') >= 0)) {
return 1;
// Compare mpp_preferred_term word-by-word accounting for numbers and units
const bits1 = item1['mpp_preferred_term'].split(' ');
const bits2 = item2['mpp_preferred_term'].split(' ');
for (let i = 0; i < bits1.length && i < bits2.length; i++) {
if (regexIsNumber.test(bits1[i]) && regexIsNumber.test(bits2[i])) {
// Numeric compare
let num1 = parseInt(bits1[i]);
let num2 = parseInt(bits2[i]);
// Check for units - convert to grams
if (bits1.length > i + 1 && (bits1[i + 1] == 'microgram' || bits1[i + 1].startsWith('microgram/'))) {
num1 /= 1000000;
if (bits1.length > i + 1 && (bits1[i + 1] == 'mg' || bits1[i + 1].startsWith('mg/'))) {
num1 /= 1000;
if (bits2.length > i + 1 && (bits2[i + 1] == 'microgram' || bits2[i + 1].startsWith('microgram/'))) {
num2 /= 1000000;
if (bits2.length > i + 1 && (bits2[i + 1] == 'mg' || bits2[i + 1].startsWith('mg/'))) {
num2 /= 1000;
if (num1 < num2) {
return -1;
if (num1 > num2) {
return 1;
} else {
// String compare
if (bits1[i] < bits2[i]) {
return -1;
if (bits1[i] > bits2[i]) {
return 1;
// Sort unrestricted, then restricted/streamlined, then authority required
const type1 = item1['benefit_type'] === 'unrestricted' ? 0 : item1['benefit_type'] === 'restricted' ? 1 : item1['benefit_type'] === 'streamlined' ? 1 : 2;
const type2 = item2['benefit_type'] === 'unrestricted' ? 0 : item2['benefit_type'] === 'restricted' ? 1 : item2['benefit_type'] === 'streamlined' ? 1 : 2;
return type1 - type2;
function execAsScalars(stmt) {
let results = [];
while (stmt.step()) {
return results;
function execAsObjects(stmt) {
let results = [];
while (stmt.step()) {
return results;
function groupBy(array, grouper) {
// not yet supported in most (any) browsers
return array.reduce(function(result, item) {
(result[grouper(item)] = result[grouper(item)] || []).push(item);
return result;
}, {});