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2021-05-28 19:58:40 +10:00
/* OpenTally: Open-source election vote counting
* Copyright © 2021 Lee Yingtong Li (RunasSudo)
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
use crate::numbers::Number;
use crate::election::{Candidate, CandidateState, CountCard, CountState, Parcel, Vote};
use std::collections::HashMap;
2021-05-30 02:28:52 +10:00
use std::ops;
2021-05-28 19:58:40 +10:00
2021-05-30 02:28:52 +10:00
pub struct STVOptions<'a> {
pub round_votes: Option<usize>,
2021-05-30 02:28:52 +10:00
pub exclusion: &'a str,
pub fn count_init<N: Number>(mut state: &mut CountState<'_, N>, _opts: &STVOptions) {
distribute_first_preferences(&mut state);
calculate_quota(&mut state);
elect_meeting_quota(&mut state);
pub fn count_one_stage<N: Number>(mut state: &mut CountState<'_, N>, opts: &STVOptions) -> bool
2021-05-30 02:28:52 +10:00
for<'r> &'r N: ops::Sub<&'r N, Output=N>,
for<'r> &'r N: ops::Div<&'r N, Output=N>,
for<'r> &'r N: ops::Neg<Output=N>,
// Finish count
if finished_before_stage(&state) {
return true;
// Continue exclusions
if continue_exclusion(&mut state, &opts) {
elect_meeting_quota(&mut state);
return false;
// Distribute surpluses
if distribute_surpluses(&mut state, &opts) {
elect_meeting_quota(&mut state);
return false;
// Attempt bulk election
if bulk_elect(&mut state) {
elect_meeting_quota(&mut state);
return false;
// Exclude lowest hopeful
if exclude_hopefuls(&mut state, &opts) {
elect_meeting_quota(&mut state);
return false;
2021-05-28 19:58:40 +10:00
struct NextPreferencesResult<'a, N> {
candidates: HashMap<&'a Candidate, NextPreferencesEntry<'a, N>>,
exhausted: NextPreferencesEntry<'a, N>,
total_ballots: N,
2021-05-30 02:28:52 +10:00
total_votes: N,
2021-05-28 19:58:40 +10:00
struct NextPreferencesEntry<'a, N> {
//count_card: Option<&'a CountCard<'a, N>>,
votes: Vec<Vote<'a, N>>,
num_ballots: N,
num_votes: N,
fn next_preferences<'a, N: Number>(state: &CountState<'a, N>, votes: Vec<Vote<'a, N>>) -> NextPreferencesResult<'a, N> {
let mut result = NextPreferencesResult {
candidates: HashMap::new(),
exhausted: NextPreferencesEntry {
votes: Vec::new(),
num_ballots: N::new(),
num_votes: N::new(),
total_ballots: N::new(),
2021-05-30 02:28:52 +10:00
total_votes: N::new(),
2021-05-28 19:58:40 +10:00
for mut vote in votes.into_iter() {
result.total_ballots += &vote.ballot.orig_value;
2021-05-30 02:28:52 +10:00
result.total_votes += &vote.value;
2021-05-28 19:58:40 +10:00
let mut next_candidate = None;
for (i, preference) in vote.ballot.preferences.iter().enumerate().skip(vote.up_to_pref) {
let candidate = &state.election.candidates[*preference];
let count_card = state.candidates.get(candidate).unwrap();
if let CandidateState::HOPEFUL | CandidateState::GUARDED = count_card.state {
next_candidate = Some(candidate);
vote.up_to_pref = i + 1;
// Have to structure like this to satisfy Rust's borrow checker
if let Some(candidate) = next_candidate {
if result.candidates.contains_key(candidate) {
let entry = result.candidates.get_mut(candidate).unwrap();
entry.num_ballots += &vote.ballot.orig_value;
entry.num_votes += &vote.value;
} else {
let entry = NextPreferencesEntry {
num_ballots: vote.ballot.orig_value.clone(),
num_votes: vote.value.clone(),
votes: vec![vote],
result.candidates.insert(candidate, entry);
} else {
result.exhausted.num_ballots += &vote.ballot.orig_value;
result.exhausted.num_votes += &vote.value;
return result;
fn distribute_first_preferences<N: Number>(state: &mut CountState<N>) {
2021-05-28 22:37:18 +10:00
let votes = state.election.ballots.iter().map(|b| Vote {
ballot: b,
value: b.orig_value.clone(),
up_to_pref: 0,
2021-05-28 19:58:40 +10:00
let result = next_preferences(state, votes);
// Transfer candidate votes
for (candidate, entry) in result.candidates.into_iter() {
let parcel = entry.votes as Parcel<N>;
let count_card = state.candidates.get_mut(candidate).unwrap();
// Transfer exhausted votes
let parcel = result.exhausted.votes as Parcel<N>;
2021-05-29 01:22:46 +10:00
state.kind = None;
state.title = "First preferences".to_string();
state.logger.log_literal("First preferences distributed.".to_string());
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fn calculate_quota<N: Number>(state: &mut CountState<N>) {
2021-05-29 01:22:46 +10:00
let mut log = String::new();
2021-05-28 19:58:40 +10:00
// Calculate the total vote
2021-05-28 22:37:18 +10:00
state.quota = state.candidates.values().fold(N::zero(), |acc, cc| { acc + &cc.votes });
2021-05-29 01:22:46 +10:00
log.push_str(format!("{:.2} usable votes, so the quota is ", state.quota).as_str());
2021-05-28 19:58:40 +10:00
// TODO: Different quotas
state.quota /= N::from(state.election.seats + 1);
// TODO: Different rounding rules
state.quota += N::one();
2021-05-29 01:22:46 +10:00
log.push_str(format!("{:.2}.", state.quota).as_str());
2021-05-28 19:58:40 +10:00
fn meets_quota<N: Number>(quota: &N, count_card: &CountCard<N>) -> bool {
// TODO: Different quota rules
return count_card.votes >= *quota;
fn elect_meeting_quota<N: Number>(state: &mut CountState<N>) {
2021-05-28 22:37:18 +10:00
let quota = &state.quota; // Have to do this or else the borrow checker gets confused
let mut cands_meeting_quota: Vec<(&&Candidate, &mut CountCard<N>)> = state.candidates.iter_mut()
.filter(|(_, cc)| cc.state == CandidateState::HOPEFUL && meets_quota(quota, cc))
2021-05-28 19:58:40 +10:00
if cands_meeting_quota.len() > 0 {
// Sort by votes
cands_meeting_quota.sort_unstable_by(|a, b| a.1.votes.partial_cmp(&b.1.votes).unwrap());
// Declare elected in descending order of votes
2021-05-29 01:22:46 +10:00
for (candidate, count_card) in cands_meeting_quota.into_iter().rev() {
2021-05-28 19:58:40 +10:00
count_card.state = CandidateState::ELECTED;
state.num_elected += 1;
count_card.order_elected = state.num_elected as isize;
"{} meets the quota and is elected.",
"{} meet the quota and are elected.",
2021-05-28 19:58:40 +10:00
fn distribute_surpluses<N: Number>(state: &mut CountState<N>, opts: &STVOptions) -> bool
2021-05-30 02:28:52 +10:00
for<'r> &'r N: ops::Sub<&'r N, Output=N>,
for<'r> &'r N: ops::Neg<Output=N>
2021-05-28 22:37:18 +10:00
let mut has_surplus: Vec<(&&Candidate, &CountCard<N>)> = state.candidates.iter()
.filter(|(_, cc)| cc.votes > state.quota)
2021-05-28 19:58:40 +10:00
if has_surplus.len() > 0 {
// TODO: Different sorting orders
has_surplus.sort_unstable_by(|a, b| a.1.order_elected.partial_cmp(&b.1.order_elected).unwrap());
// Distribute top candidate's surplus
// TODO: Handle ties
let elected_candidate = has_surplus.first_mut().unwrap().0;
distribute_surplus(state, &opts, elected_candidate);
2021-05-28 19:58:40 +10:00
return true;
return false;
fn distribute_surplus<N: Number>(state: &mut CountState<N>, opts: &STVOptions, elected_candidate: &Candidate)
2021-05-30 02:28:52 +10:00
for<'r> &'r N: ops::Sub<&'r N, Output=N>,
for<'r> &'r N: ops::Neg<Output=N>
2021-05-28 19:58:40 +10:00
let count_card = state.candidates.get(elected_candidate).unwrap();
let surplus = &count_card.votes - &state.quota;
// Inclusive Gregory
// TODO: Other methods
let votes = state.candidates.get(elected_candidate).unwrap().parcels.concat();
// Count next preferences
let result = next_preferences(state, votes);
// Transfer candidate votes
// Unweighted inclusive Gregory
// TODO: Other methods
2021-05-29 01:22:46 +10:00
let transfer_value = surplus.clone() / &result.total_ballots;
state.kind = Some("Surplus of");
state.title = String::from(&;
state.logger.log_literal(format!("Surplus of {} distributed at value {:.2}.",, transfer_value));
2021-05-29 01:22:46 +10:00
let mut checksum = N::new();
2021-05-28 19:58:40 +10:00
for (candidate, entry) in result.candidates.into_iter() {
let mut parcel = entry.votes as Parcel<N>;
// Reweight votes
for vote in parcel.iter_mut() {
//vote.value = vote.ballot.orig_value.clone() * &transfer_value;
vote.value = vote.ballot.orig_value.clone() * &surplus / &result.total_ballots;
2021-05-28 19:58:40 +10:00
let count_card = state.candidates.get_mut(candidate).unwrap();
let mut candidate_transfers = entry.num_ballots * &surplus / &result.total_ballots;
2021-05-28 19:58:40 +10:00
// Round transfers
if let Some(dps) = opts.round_votes {
checksum += candidate_transfers;
2021-05-28 19:58:40 +10:00
// Transfer exhausted votes
let parcel = result.exhausted.votes as Parcel<N>;
let mut exhausted_transfers = result.exhausted.num_ballots * &surplus / &result.total_ballots;
if let Some(dps) = opts.round_votes {
checksum += exhausted_transfers;
2021-05-28 19:58:40 +10:00
// Finalise candidate votes
let count_card = state.candidates.get_mut(elected_candidate).unwrap();
count_card.transfers = -&surplus;
2021-05-28 19:58:40 +10:00
checksum -= surplus;
// Update loss by fraction
2021-05-28 19:58:40 +10:00
fn bulk_elect<N: Number>(state: &mut CountState<N>) -> bool {
2021-05-28 19:58:40 +10:00
if state.election.candidates.len() - state.num_excluded <= state.election.seats {
2021-05-29 01:22:46 +10:00
state.kind = None;
state.title = "Bulk election".to_string();
2021-05-28 19:58:40 +10:00
// Bulk elect all remaining candidates
2021-05-28 22:37:18 +10:00
let mut hopefuls: Vec<(&&Candidate, &mut CountCard<N>)> = state.candidates.iter_mut()
.filter(|(_, cc)| cc.state == CandidateState::HOPEFUL)
2021-05-28 19:58:40 +10:00
// TODO: Handle ties
hopefuls.sort_unstable_by(|a, b| a.1.votes.partial_cmp(&b.1.votes).unwrap());
2021-05-29 01:22:46 +10:00
for (candidate, count_card) in hopefuls.into_iter() {
2021-05-28 19:58:40 +10:00
count_card.state = CandidateState::ELECTED;
state.num_elected += 1;
count_card.order_elected = state.num_elected as isize;
2021-05-29 01:22:46 +10:00
"{} is elected to fill the remaining vacancy.",
"{} are elected to fill the remaining vacancies.",
2021-05-28 19:58:40 +10:00
return true;
return false;
2021-05-30 02:28:52 +10:00
fn exclude_hopefuls<N: Number>(state: &mut CountState<N>, opts: &STVOptions) -> bool
for<'r> &'r N: ops::Div<&'r N, Output=N>,
2021-05-28 22:37:18 +10:00
let mut hopefuls: Vec<(&&Candidate, &CountCard<N>)> = state.candidates.iter()
.filter(|(_, cc)| cc.state == CandidateState::HOPEFUL)
2021-05-28 19:58:40 +10:00
// Sort by votes
// TODO: Handle ties
hopefuls.sort_unstable_by(|a, b| a.1.votes.partial_cmp(&b.1.votes).unwrap());
// Exclude lowest ranked candidate
let excluded_candidate = hopefuls.first().unwrap().0;
2021-05-29 01:22:46 +10:00
state.kind = Some("Exclusion of");
state.title = String::from(&;
"No surpluses to distribute, so {} is excluded.",
"No surpluses to distribute, so {} are excluded.",
2021-05-29 01:22:46 +10:00
exclude_candidate(state, opts, excluded_candidate);
2021-05-28 19:58:40 +10:00
return true;
2021-05-30 02:28:52 +10:00
fn continue_exclusion<N: Number>(state: &mut CountState<N>, opts: &STVOptions) -> bool
for<'r> &'r N: ops::Div<&'r N, Output=N>,
// Cannot filter by raw vote count, as candidates may have 0.00 votes but still have recorded ballot papers
2021-05-28 22:37:18 +10:00
let mut excluded_with_votes: Vec<(&&Candidate, &CountCard<N>)> = state.candidates.iter()
2021-05-30 02:28:52 +10:00
//.filter(|(_, cc)| cc.state == CandidateState::EXCLUDED && !cc.votes.is_zero())
.filter(|(_, cc)| cc.state == CandidateState::EXCLUDED && cc.parcels.iter().any(|p| p.len() > 0))
2021-05-28 22:37:18 +10:00
2021-05-28 19:58:40 +10:00
if excluded_with_votes.len() > 0 {
excluded_with_votes.sort_unstable_by(|a, b| a.1.order_elected.partial_cmp(&b.1.order_elected).unwrap());
let excluded_candidate = excluded_with_votes.first().unwrap().0;
2021-05-29 01:22:46 +10:00
state.kind = Some("Exclusion of");
state.title = String::from(&;
"Continuing exclusion of {}.",
"Continuing exclusion of {}.",
2021-05-29 01:22:46 +10:00
exclude_candidate(state, opts, excluded_candidate);
2021-05-28 19:58:40 +10:00
return true;
return false;
2021-05-30 02:28:52 +10:00
fn exclude_candidate<N: Number>(state: &mut CountState<N>, opts: &STVOptions, excluded_candidate: &Candidate)
for<'r> &'r N: ops::Div<&'r N, Output=N>,
2021-05-28 19:58:40 +10:00
let count_card = state.candidates.get_mut(excluded_candidate).unwrap();
2021-05-30 02:28:52 +10:00
// Rust borrow checker is unhappy if we try to put this in exclude_hopefuls ??!
if count_card.state != CandidateState::EXCLUDED {
count_card.state = CandidateState::EXCLUDED;
state.num_excluded += 1;
count_card.order_elected = -(state.num_excluded as isize);
// Determine votes to transfer in this stage
let mut votes;
let votes_remaining;
if opts.exclusion == "one_round" {
// Exclude in one round
votes = count_card.parcels.concat();
votes_remaining = 0;
} else if opts.exclusion == "by_value" {
// Exclude by value
let all_votes = count_card.parcels.concat();
// TODO: Write a multiple min/max function
let min_value = all_votes.iter().map(|v| &v.value / &v.ballot.orig_value).max().unwrap();
votes = Vec::new();
let mut remaining_votes = Vec::new();
// This could be implemented using Vec.drain_filter, but that is experimental currently
for vote in all_votes.into_iter() {
if &vote.value / &vote.ballot.orig_value == min_value {
} else {
votes_remaining = remaining_votes.len();
// Leave remaining votes with candidate (as one parcel)
count_card.parcels = vec![remaining_votes];
} else {
// TODO: Exclude by parcel
panic!("Invalid --exclusion");
let value = &votes[0].value / &votes[0].ballot.orig_value;
2021-05-28 19:58:40 +10:00
// Count next preferences
let result = next_preferences(state, votes);
2021-05-30 02:28:52 +10:00
if opts.exclusion == "one_round" {
state.logger.log_literal(format!("Transferring {:.0} ballot papers, totalling {:.2} votes.", result.total_ballots, result.total_votes));
} else if opts.exclusion == "by_value" {
state.logger.log_literal(format!("Transferring {:.0} ballot papers, totalling {:.2} votes, received at value {:.2}.", result.total_ballots, result.total_votes, value));
2021-05-28 19:58:40 +10:00
// Transfer candidate votes
let mut checksum = N::new();
2021-05-28 19:58:40 +10:00
for (candidate, entry) in result.candidates.into_iter() {
let parcel = entry.votes as Parcel<N>;
let count_card = state.candidates.get_mut(candidate).unwrap();
// Round transfers
let mut candidate_transfers = entry.num_votes;
if let Some(dps) = opts.round_votes {
checksum += candidate_transfers;
2021-05-28 19:58:40 +10:00
// Transfer exhausted votes
let parcel = result.exhausted.votes as Parcel<N>;
let mut exhausted_transfers = result.exhausted.num_votes;
if let Some(dps) = opts.round_votes {
checksum += exhausted_transfers;
2021-05-28 19:58:40 +10:00
2021-05-30 02:28:52 +10:00
if votes_remaining > 0 {
// Subtract from candidate tally
let count_card = state.candidates.get_mut(excluded_candidate).unwrap();
checksum -= &result.total_votes;
// By definition, there is no loss by fraction
} else {
// Finalise candidate votes
let count_card = state.candidates.get_mut(excluded_candidate).unwrap();
checksum -= &count_card.votes;
count_card.transfers = -count_card.votes.clone();
count_card.votes = N::new();
// Update loss by fraction
if opts.exclusion != "one_round" {
state.logger.log_literal("Exclusion complete.".to_string());
2021-05-28 19:58:40 +10:00
fn finished_before_stage<N: Number>(state: &CountState<N>) -> bool {
2021-05-28 19:58:40 +10:00
if state.num_elected >= state.election.seats {
return true;
return false;