* [Meek STV](http://www.dia.govt.nz/diawebsite.NSF/Files/meekm/%24file/meekm.pdf) – with [tree-packed ballots](http://www.votingmatters.org.uk/ISSUE21/I21P1.pdf) for efficient computation
After preparing the [BLT file](https://yingtongli.me/git/OpenTally/about/docs/blt.md), open the web UI. Select the BLT file, and click *Count*. OpenTally will count the election and display the results in a count sheet.
By clicking *Show advanced options*, you can customise the options used for the count. A detailed explanation of the various options can be found [here](https://yingtongli.me/git/OpenTally/about/docs/options.md).
Once the count is complete, you can click *Print result* to generate a printable result report.
## Command line usage
OpenTally may also be invoked as a command line application. Run `./opentally --help` to view help.
For example, run `./opentally stv path/to/blt_file.blt --ties backwards random --random-seed foobar`.