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/* OpenTally: Open-source election vote counting
* Copyright © 20212022 Lee Yingtong Li (RunasSudo)
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
use crate::constraints::{self, Constraints};
2021-09-09 04:07:18 +10:00
use crate::election::{CandidateState, CountState, Election, StageKind};
use crate::numbers::{Fixed, GuardedFixed, NativeFloat64, Number, Rational};
2021-09-02 17:17:45 +10:00
use crate::parser::{bin, blt};
use crate::stv::{self, STVOptions};
use crate::ties;
use clap::{AppSettings, Clap};
2021-09-09 04:07:18 +10:00
use itertools::Itertools;
use std::cmp::max;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{self, BufRead};
use std::ops;
/// Count a single transferable vote (STV) election
pub struct SubcmdOptions {
// ----------------
// -- File input --
/// Path to the BLT file to be counted
2021-09-02 17:17:45 +10:00
filename: String,
2021-09-02 17:17:45 +10:00
/// Input is in serialised binary format from "opentally convert"
#[clap(help_heading=Some("INPUT"), long)]
bin: bool,
// ----------------------
// -- Numbers settings --
/// Numbers mode
#[clap(help_heading=Some("NUMBERS"), short, long, possible_values=&["rational", "fixed", "gfixed", "float64"], default_value="rational", value_name="mode")]
numbers: String,
/// Decimal places if --numbers fixed
#[clap(help_heading=Some("NUMBERS"), long, default_value="5", value_name="dps")]
decimals: usize,
// -----------------------
// -- Rounding settings --
/// Round surplus fractions to specified decimal places
#[clap(help_heading=Some("ROUNDING"), long, alias="round-tvs", value_name="dps")]
round_surplus_fractions: Option<usize>,
/// Round ballot values to specified decimal places
#[clap(help_heading=Some("ROUNDING"), long, alias="round-weights", value_name="dps")]
round_values: Option<usize>,
/// Round votes to specified decimal places
#[clap(help_heading=Some("ROUNDING"), long, value_name="dps")]
round_votes: Option<usize>,
/// Round quota to specified decimal places
#[clap(help_heading=Some("ROUNDING"), long, value_name="dps")]
round_quota: Option<usize>,
/// (Gregory STV) How to round subtransfers during surpluses/exclusions
#[clap(help_heading=Some("ROUNDING"), long, possible_values=&["single_step", "by_value", "by_value_and_source", "by_parcel", "per_ballot"], default_value="single_step", value_name="mode")]
round_subtransfers: String,
/// (Meek STV) Limit for stopping iteration of surplus distribution
#[clap(help_heading=Some("ROUNDING"), long, default_value="0.001%", value_name="tolerance")]
meek_surplus_tolerance: String,
// -----------
// -- Quota --
/// Quota type
#[clap(help_heading=Some("QUOTA"), short, long, possible_values=&["droop", "hare", "droop_exact", "hare_exact"], default_value="droop")]
quota: String,
/// Whether to elect candidates on meeting (geq) or strictly exceeding (gt) the quota
#[clap(help_heading=Some("QUOTA"), short='c', long, possible_values=&["geq", "gt"], default_value="gt", value_name="criterion")]
quota_criterion: String,
/// Whether to apply a form of progressive quota
#[clap(help_heading=Some("QUOTA"), long, possible_values=&["static", "ers97", "ers76", "dynamic_by_total", "dynamic_by_active"], default_value="static", value_name="mode")]
quota_mode: String,
// ------------------
// -- STV variants --
/// Tie-breaking method
#[clap(help_heading=Some("STV VARIANTS"), short='t', long, possible_values=&["forwards", "backwards", "random", "prompt"], default_value="prompt", value_name="methods")]
ties: Vec<String>,
/// Random seed to use with --ties random
#[clap(help_heading=Some("STV VARIANTS"), long, value_name="seed")]
random_seed: Option<String>,
/// Method of surplus distributions [default: wig] [possible values: wig, uig, eg, meek, ihare, hare]
#[clap(help_heading=Some("STV VARIANTS"), short='s', long, possible_values=&["wig", "uig", "eg", "meek", "ihare", "hare", "eh"], default_value="wig", value_name="method", hide_possible_values=true, hide_default_value=true)]
surplus: String,
/// (Gregory STV) Order to distribute surpluses
#[clap(help_heading=Some("STV VARIANTS"), long, possible_values=&["by_size", "by_order"], default_value="by_size", value_name="order")]
surplus_order: String,
/// (Gregory STV) Examine only transferable papers during surplus distributions
#[clap(help_heading=Some("STV VARIANTS"), long)]
transferable_only: bool,
/// (Gregory STV) If --transferable-only, calculate value of transferable papers by subtracting value of non-transferable papers
#[clap(help_heading=Some("STV VARIANTS"), long)]
subtract_nontransferable: bool,
/// (Gregory STV) Method of exclusions
#[clap(help_heading=Some("STV VARIANTS"), long, possible_values=&["single_stage", "by_value", "by_source", "parcels_by_order", "wright"], default_value="single_stage", value_name="method")]
exclusion: String,
/// (Meek STV) NZ Meek STV behaviour: Iterate keep values one round before candidate exclusion
#[clap(help_heading=Some("STV VARIANTS"), long)]
meek_nz_exclusion: bool,
/// (Hare) Method of drawing a sample [default: stratify] [possible values: stratify, by_order, cincinnati]
#[clap(help_heading=Some("STV VARIANTS"), long, possible_values=&["stratify", "stratify_lr", "by_order", "cincinnati", "nth_ballot"], default_value="stratify", value_name="method", hide_possible_values=true, hide_default_value=true)]
sample: String,
/// (Hare) Sample-based methods: Check for candidate election after each individual ballot paper transfer
#[clap(help_heading=Some("STV VARIANTS"), long)]
sample_per_ballot: bool,
// -------------------------
// -- Count optimisations --
/// Continue count even if continuing candidates fill all remaining vacancies
#[clap(help_heading=Some("COUNT OPTIMISATIONS"), long)]
no_early_bulk_elect: bool,
/// Use bulk exclusion
#[clap(help_heading=Some("COUNT OPTIMISATIONS"), long)]
bulk_exclude: bool,
/// Defer surplus distributions if possible
#[clap(help_heading=Some("COUNT OPTIMISATIONS"), long)]
defer_surpluses: bool,
/// Elect candidates only when their surpluses are distributed; (Meek STV) Wait for keep values to converge before electing candidates
#[clap(help_heading=Some("COUNT OPTIMISATIONS"), long)]
no_immediate_elect: bool,
/// On exclusion, exclude any candidate with fewer than this many votes
#[clap(help_heading=Some("COUNT OPTIMISATIONS"), long, default_value="0", value_name="votes")]
min_threshold: String,
// -----------------
// -- Constraints --
/// Path to a CON file specifying constraints
#[clap(help_heading=Some("CONSTRAINTS"), long)]
constraints: Option<String>,
/// Mode of handling constraints
#[clap(help_heading=Some("CONSTRAINTS"), long, possible_values=&["guard_doom", "repeat_count"], default_value="guard_doom")]
constraint_mode: String,
2021-09-09 04:07:18 +10:00
// ---------------------
// -- Output settings --
#[clap(help_heading=Some("OUTPUT"), short, long, possible_values=&["text", "csv"], default_value="text")]
output: String,
/// Hide excluded candidates from results report
2021-09-09 04:07:18 +10:00
#[clap(help_heading=Some("OUTPUT"), long)]
hide_excluded: bool,
/// Sort candidates by votes in results report
2021-09-09 04:07:18 +10:00
#[clap(help_heading=Some("OUTPUT"), long)]
sort_votes: bool,
/// Show details of transfers to candidates during surplus distributions/candidate exclusions
#[clap(help_heading=Some("OUTPUT"), long)]
transfers_detail: bool,
/// Print votes to specified decimal places in results report
2021-09-09 04:07:18 +10:00
#[clap(help_heading=Some("OUTPUT"), long, default_value="2", value_name="dps")]
pp_decimals: usize,
/// Entrypoint for subcommand
pub fn main(cmd_opts: SubcmdOptions) -> Result<(), i32> {
// Read and count election according to --numbers
if cmd_opts.numbers == "rational" {
2021-09-02 17:17:45 +10:00
let mut election = election_from_file(&cmd_opts.filename, cmd_opts.bin)?;
maybe_load_constraints(&mut election, &cmd_opts.constraints, &cmd_opts.constraint_mode)?;
// Must specify ::<N> here and in a few other places because ndarray causes E0275 otherwise
count_election::<Rational>(election, cmd_opts)?;
} else if cmd_opts.numbers == "float64" {
2021-09-02 17:17:45 +10:00
let mut election = election_from_file(&cmd_opts.filename, cmd_opts.bin)?;
maybe_load_constraints(&mut election, &cmd_opts.constraints, &cmd_opts.constraint_mode)?;
count_election::<NativeFloat64>(election, cmd_opts)?;
} else if cmd_opts.numbers == "fixed" {
2021-09-02 17:17:45 +10:00
let mut election = election_from_file(&cmd_opts.filename, cmd_opts.bin)?;
maybe_load_constraints(&mut election, &cmd_opts.constraints, &cmd_opts.constraint_mode)?;
count_election::<Fixed>(election, cmd_opts)?;
} else if cmd_opts.numbers == "gfixed" {
2021-09-02 17:17:45 +10:00
let mut election = election_from_file(&cmd_opts.filename, cmd_opts.bin)?;
maybe_load_constraints(&mut election, &cmd_opts.constraints, &cmd_opts.constraint_mode)?;
count_election::<GuardedFixed>(election, cmd_opts)?;
return Ok(());
2021-09-02 17:17:45 +10:00
fn election_from_file<N: Number>(path: &str, bin: bool) -> Result<Election<N>, i32> {
if bin {
// BIN format
return Ok(bin::parse_path(path));
} else {
// BLT format
match blt::parse_path(path) {
Ok(e) => return Ok(e),
Err(err) => {
println!("Syntax Error: {}", err);
return Err(1);
fn maybe_load_constraints<N: Number>(election: &mut Election<N>, constraints: &Option<String>, constraint_mode: &str) -> Result<(), i32> {
if let Some(c) = constraints {
let file = File::open(c).expect("IO Error");
let lines = io::BufReader::new(file).lines();
let lines: Vec<_> =|r| r.expect("IO Error")).collect();
match Constraints::from_con(lines.into_iter()) {
Ok(c) => {
election.constraints = Some(c);
Err(err) => {
println!("Constraint Syntax Error: {}", err);
return Err(1);
// Validate constraints
if let Err(err) = election.constraints.as_ref().unwrap().validate_constraints(election.candidates.len(), constraint_mode.into()) {
println!("Constraint Validation Error: {}", err);
return Err(1);
if constraint_mode == "repeat_count" {
2021-09-09 04:07:18 +10:00
fn count_election<N: Number>(election: Election<N>, cmd_opts: SubcmdOptions) -> Result<(), i32>
for<'r> &'r N: ops::Add<&'r N, Output=N>,
for<'r> &'r N: ops::Sub<&'r N, Output=N>,
for<'r> &'r N: ops::Mul<&'r N, Output=N>,
for<'r> &'r N: ops::Div<&'r N, Output=N>,
for<'r> &'r N: ops::Neg<Output=N>
// Copy applicable options
let opts = STVOptions::new(
2021-10-27 19:52:51 +11:00
ties::from_strs(cmd_opts.ties, cmd_opts.random_seed),
// Validate options
match opts.validate() {
Ok(_) => {}
Err(err) => {
println!("Error: {}", err.describe());
return Err(1);
2021-09-09 04:07:18 +10:00
match cmd_opts.output.as_str() {
"text" => { return count_election_text(election, &cmd_opts.filename, opts); }
"csv" => { return count_election_csv(election, opts); }
_ => unreachable!()
// ---------------
// CLI text report
fn count_election_text<N: Number>(mut election: Election<N>, filename: &str, opts: STVOptions) -> Result<(), i32>
for<'r> &'r N: ops::Add<&'r N, Output=N>,
for<'r> &'r N: ops::Sub<&'r N, Output=N>,
for<'r> &'r N: ops::Mul<&'r N, Output=N>,
for<'r> &'r N: ops::Div<&'r N, Output=N>,
for<'r> &'r N: ops::Neg<Output=N>
// Describe count
let total_ballots = election.ballots.iter().fold(N::zero(), |acc, b| { acc + &b.orig_value });
print!("Count computed by OpenTally (revision {}). Read {:.0} ballots from \"{}\" for election \"{}\". There are {} candidates for {} vacancies. ", crate::VERSION, total_ballots, filename,, election.candidates.iter().filter(|c| !c.is_dummy).count(), election.seats);
let opts_str = opts.describe::<N>();
2021-10-27 19:52:51 +11:00
if !opts_str.is_empty() {
println!("Counting using options \"{}\".", opts_str);
} else {
println!("Counting using default options.");
2021-09-04 22:46:29 +10:00
stv::preprocess_election(&mut election, &opts);
2021-09-03 23:53:15 +10:00
// Initialise count state
let mut state = CountState::new(&election);
// Distribute first preferences
match stv::count_init(&mut state, &opts) {
Ok(_) => {}
Err(err) => {
println!("Error: {}", err.describe());
return Err(1);
let mut stage_num = 1;
print_stage(stage_num, &state, &opts);
loop {
match stv::count_one_stage(&mut state, &opts) {
Ok(is_done) => {
if is_done {
Err(err) => {
println!("Error: {}", err.describe());
return Err(1);
stage_num += 1;
print_stage(stage_num, &state, &opts);
println!("Count complete. The winning candidates are, in order of election:");
let mut winners = Vec::new();
for (candidate, count_card) in state.candidates.iter() {
if count_card.state == CandidateState::Elected {
winners.push((candidate, count_card));
winners.sort_unstable_by(|a, b| a.1.order_elected.cmp(&b.1.order_elected));
for (i, (winner, count_card)) in winners.into_iter().enumerate() {
if let Some(kv) = &count_card.keep_value {
println!("{}. {} (kv = {:.dps2$})", i + 1,, kv, dps2=max(opts.pp_decimals, 2));
} else {
println!("{}. {}", i + 1,;
return Ok(());
2021-09-09 04:07:18 +10:00
fn print_stage<N: Number>(stage_num: u32, state: &CountState<N>, opts: &STVOptions) {
// Print stage details
println!("{}. {}", stage_num, state.title);
println!("{}", state.logger.render().join(" "));
2021-09-11 18:42:15 +10:00
if opts.transfers_detail {
if let Some(tt) = &state.transfer_table {
println!("{}", tt.render_text(opts));
2021-09-11 18:42:15 +10:00
// Print candidates
print!("{}", state.describe_candidates(opts));
// Print summary rows
print!("{}", state.describe_summary(opts));
2021-09-11 18:42:15 +10:00
2021-09-09 04:07:18 +10:00
2021-09-09 13:46:10 +10:00
// ----------------------------------
// Wichmann/eSTV/ERS-style CSV report
2021-09-09 04:07:18 +10:00
fn count_election_csv<N: Number>(mut election: Election<N>, opts: STVOptions) -> Result<(), i32>
for<'r> &'r N: ops::Add<&'r N, Output=N>,
for<'r> &'r N: ops::Sub<&'r N, Output=N>,
for<'r> &'r N: ops::Mul<&'r N, Output=N>,
for<'r> &'r N: ops::Div<&'r N, Output=N>,
for<'r> &'r N: ops::Neg<Output=N>
// Header rows
let total_ballots = election.ballots.iter().fold(N::zero(), |acc, b| { acc + &b.orig_value });
// eSTV does not consistently quote records, so we won't use a CSV library here
println!(r#""Election for","{}""#,;
println!(r#""Date"," / / ""#);
println!(r#""Number to be elected",{}"#, election.seats);
stv::preprocess_election(&mut election, &opts);
// Initialise count state
let mut state = CountState::new(&election);
let mut stage_results = vec![Vec::new(); election.candidates.len() + 5];
// -----------
// First stage
// Distribute first preferences
match stv::count_init(&mut state, &opts) {
Ok(_) => {}
Err(err) => {
println!("Error: {}", err.describe());
return Err(1);
// Subtract this from progressive NTs
2021-10-26 00:55:49 +11:00
// TODO: May fail to round correctly with minivoters
2021-09-09 04:07:18 +10:00
let invalid_votes = state.exhausted.votes.clone();
let valid_votes = total_ballots - &invalid_votes;
// Stage number row
// Stage kind row
// Stage title row
for (i, candidate) in election.candidates.iter().enumerate() {
let count_card = &state.candidates[candidate];
stage_results[3 + i].push(format!(r#""{}""#,;
2021-10-26 00:55:49 +11:00
stage_results[3 + i].push(format!(r#"{:.0}"#, count_card.votes)); // TODO: May fail to round correctly with minivoters
2021-09-09 04:07:18 +10:00
stage_results[3 + election.candidates.len()].push(String::from(r#""Non-transferable""#));
2021-10-26 00:55:49 +11:00
stage_results[3 + election.candidates.len()].push(String::new()); // TODO: May fail to round correctly with minivoters
2021-09-09 04:07:18 +10:00
stage_results[4 + election.candidates.len()].push(String::from(r#""Totals""#));
stage_results[4 + election.candidates.len()].push(format!(r#"{:.0}"#, valid_votes));
2021-09-09 13:46:10 +10:00
//let mut orig_states = HashMap::new();
//for (candidate, count_card) in state.candidates.iter() {
// orig_states.insert(*candidate, count_card.state);
2021-09-09 04:07:18 +10:00
// -----------------
// Subsequent stages
let mut stage_num: u32 = 1;
loop {
match stv::count_one_stage(&mut state, &opts) {
Ok(is_done) => {
if is_done {
Err(err) => {
println!("Error: {}", err.describe());
return Err(1);
stage_num += 1;
// Stage number row
stage_results[0].push(format!(r#"{}"#, stage_num));
// Stage kind row
stage_results[1].push(format!(r#""{}""#, state.title.kind_as_string()));
// Stage title row
match &state.title {
StageKind::FirstPreferences => unreachable!(),
StageKind::SurplusOf(candidate) => {
StageKind::ExclusionOf(candidates) => {
2021-09-09 13:46:10 +10:00
stage_results[2].push(format!(r#""{}""#, candidates.iter().map(|c| &"+")));
2021-09-09 04:07:18 +10:00
StageKind::Rollback => todo!(),
StageKind::RollbackExhausted => todo!(),
StageKind::BallotsOf(candidate) => {
2021-09-09 04:07:18 +10:00
StageKind::SurplusesDistributed => todo!(),
2021-09-09 13:46:10 +10:00
StageKind::BulkElection => {
//let mut elected_candidates = Vec::new();
//for candidate in election.candidates.iter() {
// if state.candidates[candidate].state == CandidateState::Hopeful && orig_states[candidate].state != CandidateState::Hopeful {
// elected_candidates.push(candidate);
// }
stage_results[2].push(String::from(r#""Bulk election""#));
2021-09-09 04:07:18 +10:00
for (i, candidate) in election.candidates.iter().enumerate() {
let count_card = &state.candidates[candidate];
if count_card.transfers.is_zero() {
stage_results[3 + i].push(String::new());
} else if count_card.transfers > N::zero() {
stage_results[3 + i].push(format!(r#"+{:.dps$}"#, count_card.transfers, dps=opts.pp_decimals));
} else {
stage_results[3 + i].push(format!(r#"{:.dps$}"#, count_card.transfers, dps=opts.pp_decimals));
if count_card.votes.is_zero() {
stage_results[3 + i].push(String::from(r#""-""#));
} else {
stage_results[3 + i].push(format!(r#"{:.dps$}"#, count_card.votes, dps=opts.pp_decimals));
// Nontransferable
let nt_transfers = state.exhausted.transfers.clone() + &state.loss_fraction.transfers;
if nt_transfers.is_zero() {
stage_results[3 + election.candidates.len()].push(String::new());
} else if nt_transfers > N::zero() {
stage_results[3 + election.candidates.len()].push(format!(r#"+{:.dps$}"#, nt_transfers, dps=opts.pp_decimals));
} else {
stage_results[3 + election.candidates.len()].push(format!(r#"{:.dps$}"#, nt_transfers, dps=opts.pp_decimals));
stage_results[3 + election.candidates.len()].push(format!(r#"{:.dps$}"#, &state.exhausted.votes + &state.loss_fraction.votes - &invalid_votes, dps=opts.pp_decimals));
2021-09-09 04:07:18 +10:00
// Totals
stage_results[4 + election.candidates.len()].push(String::new());
stage_results[4 + election.candidates.len()].push(format!(r#"{:.dps$}"#, valid_votes, dps=opts.pp_decimals));
2021-09-09 13:46:10 +10:00
//for (candidate, count_card) in state.candidates.iter() {
// orig_states.insert(*candidate, count_card.state);
2021-09-09 04:07:18 +10:00
// ----------------
// Candidate states
stage_results[3 + election.candidates.len()].push(String::new()); // Nontransferable row
for (i, candidate) in election.candidates.iter().enumerate() {
let count_card = &state.candidates[candidate];
if count_card.state == CandidateState::Elected {
stage_results[3 + i].push(String::from(r#""Elected""#));
} else {
stage_results[3 + i].push(String::new());
// --------------------
// Output stages to CSV
println!(r#""Valid votes",{:.0}"#, valid_votes);
println!(r#""Invalid votes",{:.0}"#, invalid_votes);
println!(r#""Quota",{:.dps$}"#, state.quota.as_ref().unwrap(), dps=opts.pp_decimals);
println!(r#""OpenTally","{}""#, crate::VERSION);
println!(r#""Election rules","{}""#, opts.describe::<N>());
for row in stage_results {
println!("{}", row.join(","));
return Ok(());