/* OpenTally: Open-source election vote counting * Copyright © 2021–2022 Lee Yingtong Li (RunasSudo) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ async function printResult() { // Remove highlighted stage comment if any for (let elLi of document.getElementById('olStageComments').children) { elLi.classList.remove('highlight'); } let printableWidth; // Printable width in CSS pixels let paperSize = document.getElementById('selPaperSize').value; if (paperSize === 'A4') { printableWidth = (29.7 - 2) * 96 / 2.54; } else if (paperSize === 'A3') { printableWidth = (42.0 - 2) * 96 / 2.54; } else if (paperSize === 'letter') { printableWidth = (27.9 - 2) * 96 / 2.54; } printableWidth = Math.round(printableWidth); let wprint = window.open(''); wprint.document.title = 'OpenTally Report'; // Add stylesheets let numToLoad = 0; let numLoaded = -1; function onLoadStylesheet() { numLoaded++; if (numLoaded == numToLoad) { wprint.print(); } } for (let elCSSBase of document.querySelectorAll('head link')) { numToLoad++; let elCSS = wprint.document.createElement('link'); elCSS.rel = elCSSBase.rel; elCSS.type = elCSSBase.type; if (elCSSBase.href.endsWith('?v=GITVERSION')) { elCSS.href = elCSSBase.href.replace('?v=GITVERSION', '?v=' + Math.random()); } else { elCSS.href = elCSSBase.href; } elCSS.onload = onLoadStylesheet; wprint.document.head.appendChild(elCSS); } // Configure printing let elStyle = wprint.document.createElement('style'); elStyle.innerHTML = '@page { size: ' + paperSize + ' landscape; margin: 1cm; } @media print { body { padding: 0; } }'; wprint.document.head.appendChild(elStyle); let elContainer = wprint.document.createElement('div'); elContainer.id = 'printContainer'; elContainer.style.width = printableWidth + 'px'; wprint.document.body.appendChild(elContainer); // Copy result logs 1 let divResultLogs1 = document.getElementById('resultLogs1'); let divResultLogs2 = wprint.document.createElement('div'); divResultLogs2.innerHTML = divResultLogs1.innerHTML; elContainer.appendChild(divResultLogs2); // Parse table, accounting for colspan/rowspan let elTrs1 = document.getElementById('result').rows; let rows = []; for (let elTr1 of elTrs1) { rows.push([]); } for (let r = 0; r < elTrs1.length; r++) { for (let c = 0; c < elTrs1[r].cells.length; c++) { let elTd1 = elTrs1[r].cells[c]; rows[r].push(elTd1); let colspan = elTd1.getAttribute('colspan'); if (colspan !== null) { colspan = parseInt(colspan); // Add ghost cells for (let i = 1; i < colspan; i++) { rows[r].push(null); } } let rowspan = elTd1.getAttribute('rowspan'); // NB: Only works for rowspan in first column if (rowspan !== null && c == 0) { rowspan = parseInt(rowspan); // Add ghost cells for (let i = 1; i < rowspan; i++) { rows[r + i].push(null); } } } } function copyColumn(c, elTrs2) { let tdsAdded = []; for (let r = 0; r < rows.length; r++) { if (c < rows[r].length) { let elTd1 = rows[r][c]; if (elTd1 !== null) { let elTd2 = wprint.document.createElement('td'); elTd2.innerHTML = elTd1.innerHTML; elTd2.className = elTd1.className; if (elTd1.getAttribute('rowspan') !== null) { elTd2.setAttribute('rowspan', elTd1.getAttribute('rowspan')); } if (elTd1.getAttribute('colspan') !== null) { elTd2.setAttribute('colspan', elTd1.getAttribute('colspan')); } if (elTd1.getAttribute('style') !== null) { elTd2.setAttribute('style', elTd1.getAttribute('style')); } elTrs2[r].appendChild(elTd2); tdsAdded.push(elTd2); } } } return tdsAdded; } async function copyTableColumns(startCol) { let modelRow = document.getElementById('selReport').value === 'ballots_votes' ? rows[4] : rows[3]; // Add table let elTable2 = wprint.document.createElement('table'); elTable2.className = 'result'; if (startCol > 1) { elTable2.style.pageBreakBefore = 'always'; } elContainer.appendChild(elTable2); // Add rows let elTrs2 = []; for (let elTr1 of elTrs1) { let elTr2 = wprint.document.createElement('tr'); elTr2.className = elTr1.className; elTrs2.push(elTr2); elTable2.appendChild(elTr2); } // Copy first column copyColumn(0, elTrs2); // How many columns to copy? let totalWidth = modelRow[0].clientWidth; let endCol; for (endCol = startCol; endCol < modelRow.length; ) { // Check first column if (totalWidth + modelRow[endCol].clientWidth > printableWidth) { break; } if ( (document.getElementById('selReport').value === 'ballots_votes' && endCol + 1 < modelRow.length) || (document.getElementById('selReport').value === 'votes_transposed' && endCol != 1 && endCol + 1 < modelRow.length) ) { // Check second column if (totalWidth + modelRow[endCol].clientWidth + modelRow[endCol + 1].clientWidth > printableWidth) { break; } } // Ok! totalWidth += modelRow[endCol].clientWidth; endCol++; if ( (document.getElementById('selReport').value === 'ballots_votes' && endCol < modelRow.length) || (document.getElementById('selReport').value === 'votes_transposed' && endCol != 2 && endCol + 1 < modelRow.length) ) { // Second column totalWidth += modelRow[endCol].clientWidth; endCol++; } } // Copy columns let stages = []; for (let c = startCol; c < endCol; c++) { if (rows[0][c] !== null && rows[0][c].querySelector('a')) { // Track stage headings copied stages.push(parseInt(rows[0][c].querySelector('a').innerHTML)); } copyColumn(c, elTrs2); } // Copy stage comments elContainer.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', '

Stage comments:

'); let olStageComments2 = wprint.document.createElement('ol'); olStageComments2.start = stages[0]; elContainer.append(olStageComments2); for (let stage of stages) { olStageComments2.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', olStageComments.children[stage-1].outerHTML); } if (endCol < modelRow.length) { // Start new table if columns remain copyTableColumns(endCol); } else { // Copy winning candidates elContainer.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', '

Count complete. The winning candidates are, in order of election:

'); elContainer.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', document.getElementById('resultLogs2').lastElementChild.outerHTML); } } // Adjust results table to width document.getElementById('resultsDiv').style.width = printableWidth + 'px'; await new Promise(window.requestAnimationFrame); // Allow DOM to update // Copy table await copyTableColumns(1); // Restore original view document.getElementById('resultsDiv').style.width = 'auto'; // Trigger print when ready onLoadStylesheet(); }