module Jekyll module Tags class IncludeAbsoluteTagError < StandardError attr_accessor :path def initialize(msg, path) super(msg) @path = path end end class IncludeAbsoluteTag < Liquid::Tag VALID_SYNTAX = %r! ([\w-]+)\s*=\s* (?:"([^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*)"|'([^'\\]*(?:\\.[^'\\]*)*)'|([\w\.-]+)) !x VARIABLE_SYNTAX = %r! (?[^{]*(\{\{\s*[\w\-\.]+\s*(\|.*)?\}\}[^\s{}]*)+) (?.*) !mx FULL_VALID_SYNTAX = %r!\A\s*(?:#{VALID_SYNTAX}(?=\s|\z)\s*)*\z! VALID_FILENAME_CHARS = %r!^[\w/\.-]+$! def initialize(tag_name, markup, tokens) super matched = markup.strip.match(VARIABLE_SYNTAX) if matched @file = matched["variable"].strip @params = matched["params"].strip else @file, @params = markup.strip.split(%r!\s+!, 2) end validate_params if @params @tag_name = tag_name end def syntax_example "{% #{@tag_name} 'file.ext' param='value' param2='value' %}" end def parse_params(context) params = {} markup = @params while (match = VALID_SYNTAX.match(markup)) markup = markup[match.end(0)..-1] value = if match[2] match[2].gsub(%r!\\"!, '"') elsif match[3] match[3].gsub(%r!\\'!, "'") elsif match[4] context[match[4]] end params[match[1]] = value end params end def validate_file_name(file) if file !~ VALID_FILENAME_CHARS raise ArgumentError, <<-MSG Invalid syntax for include tag. File contains invalid characters or sequences: #{file} Valid syntax: #{syntax_example} MSG end end def validate_params unless @params =~ FULL_VALID_SYNTAX raise ArgumentError, <<-MSG Invalid syntax for include tag: #{@params} Valid syntax: #{syntax_example} MSG end end # Grab file read opts in the context def file_read_opts(context) context.registers[:site].file_read_opts end # Render the variable if required def render_variable(context) if @file =~ VARIABLE_SYNTAX partial = context.registers[:site] .liquid_renderer .file("(variable)") .parse(@file) partial.render!(context) end end def render(context) site = context.registers[:site] file = render_variable(context) || @file # strip leading and trailing quote's file = file.gsub!(/\A'|'\Z/, '') validate_file_name(file) source = File.expand_path(context.registers[:site].config['source']).freeze path = File.join(source, file) return unless path partial = Liquid::Template.parse(read_file(path, context)) context.stack do context["include"] = parse_params(context) if @params begin partial.render!(context) rescue Liquid::Error => e e.template_name = path e.markup_context = "included " if e.markup_context.nil? raise e end end end def valid_include_file?(path, dir, safe) !outside_site_source?(path, dir, safe) && File.file?(path) end def outside_site_source?(path, dir, safe) safe && !realpath_prefixed_with?(path, dir) end def realpath_prefixed_with?(path, dir) File.exist?(path) && File.realpath(path).start_with?(dir) rescue StandardError false end # This method allows to modify the file content by inheriting from the class. def read_file(file, context), **file_read_opts(context)) end private def could_not_locate_message(file, includes_dirs, safe) message = "Could not locate the included file '#{file}' in any of "\ "#{includes_dirs}. Ensure it exists in one of those directories and" message + if safe " is not a symlink as those are not allowed in safe mode." else ", if it is a symlink, does not point outside your site source." end end end end end Liquid::Template.register_tag("include_absolute", Jekyll::Tags::IncludeAbsoluteTag)