/* OpenTally: Open-source election vote counting * Copyright © 2021 Lee Yingtong Li (RunasSudo) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ use crate::election::{Candidate, CandidateState, CountCard, Election}; use crate::numbers::Number; use ndarray::{Array, Dimension, IxDyn}; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::fmt; use std::ops; /// Constraints for an [crate::election::Election] #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Constraints(pub Vec); impl Constraints { /// Parse the given CON file and return a [Constraints] pub fn from_con>(lines: I) -> Self { let mut constraints = Constraints(Vec::new()); for line in lines { let mut bits = line.split(" ").peekable(); // Read constraint category let mut constraint_name = String::new(); let x = bits.next().expect("Syntax Error"); if x.starts_with('"') { if x.ends_with('"') { constraint_name.push_str(&x[1..x.len()-1]); } else { constraint_name.push_str(&x[1..]); while !bits.peek().expect("Syntax Error").ends_with('"') { constraint_name.push_str(" "); constraint_name.push_str(bits.next().unwrap()); } let x = bits.next().unwrap(); constraint_name.push_str(" "); constraint_name.push_str(&x[..x.len()-1]); } } else { constraint_name.push_str(x); } // Read constraint group let mut group_name = String::new(); let x = bits.next().expect("Syntax Error"); if x.starts_with('"') { if x.ends_with('"') { group_name.push_str(&x[1..x.len()-1]); } else { group_name.push_str(&x[1..]); while !bits.peek().expect("Syntax Error").ends_with('"') { group_name.push_str(" "); group_name.push_str(bits.next().unwrap()); } let x = bits.next().unwrap(); group_name.push_str(" "); group_name.push_str(&x[..x.len()-1]); } } else { group_name.push_str(x); } // Read min, max let min: usize = bits.next().expect("Syntax Error").parse().expect("Syntax Error"); let max: usize = bits.next().expect("Syntax Error").parse().expect("Syntax Error"); // Read candidates let mut candidates: Vec = Vec::new(); for x in bits { candidates.push(x.parse::().expect("Syntax Error") - 1); } // Insert constraint/group let constraint = match constraints.0.iter_mut().filter(|c| c.name == constraint_name).next() { Some(c) => { c } None => { let c = Constraint { name: constraint_name, groups: Vec::new(), }; constraints.0.push(c); constraints.0.last_mut().unwrap() } }; if constraint.groups.iter().any(|g| g.name == group_name) { panic!("Duplicate group \"{}\" in constraint \"{}\"", group_name, constraint.name); } constraint.groups.push(ConstrainedGroup { name: group_name, candidates: candidates, min: min, max: max, }); } // TODO: Validate constraints return constraints; } } /// A single dimension of constraint #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Constraint { /// Name of this constraint pub name: String, /// Groups of candidates within this constraint pub groups: Vec, } /// A group of candidates, of which a certain minimum and maximum must be elected #[derive(Debug)] pub struct ConstrainedGroup { /// Name of this group pub name: String, /// Indexes of [crate::election::Candidate]s to constrain pub candidates: Vec, /// Minimum number to elect pub min: usize, /// Maximum number to elect pub max: usize, } /// Error reaching a stable state when processing constraints #[derive(Debug)] pub enum ConstraintError { /// No conformant result is possible NoConformantResult, } /// Cell in a [ConstraintMatrix] #[derive(Clone)] pub struct ConstraintMatrixCell { /// Number of elected candidates in this cell pub elected: usize, /// Minimum number of candidates which must be elected from this cell for a conformant result pub min: usize, /// Maximum number of candidates which may be elected from this cell for a conformant result pub max: usize, /// Total number of elected or hopeful candidates in this cell pub cands: usize, } /// Hypercube/tensor of [ConstraintMatrixCell]s representing the conformant combinations of elected candidates pub struct ConstraintMatrix(pub Array); impl ConstraintMatrix { /// Return a new [ConstraintMatrix], with the specified number of groups for each constraint dimension pub fn new(constraints: &mut [usize]) -> Self { // Add 1 to dimensions for totals cells for c in constraints.iter_mut() { *c += 1; } return Self(Array::from_elem( IxDyn(constraints), ConstraintMatrixCell { elected: 0, min: 0, max: 0, cands: 0, } )); } /// Initialise the matrix once the number of candidates in each innermost cell, and min/max for each constraint group, have been specified pub fn init(&mut self) { // Compute candidate totals self.recount_cands(); // Initialise max for grand total cell let idx = IxDyn(&vec![0; self.0.ndim()][..]); self.0[&idx].max = self.0[&idx].cands; // Initialise max for inner cells (>=2 zeroes) for idx in ndarray::indices(self.0.shape()) { if (0..idx.ndim()).fold(0, |acc, d| if idx[d] != 0 { acc + 1 } else { acc }) < 2 { continue; } self.0[&idx].max = self.0[&idx].cands; } // NB: Bounds on min, max, etc. will be further refined in initial step() calls } /// Update cands/elected in innermost cells based on the provided [CountState::candidates] pub fn update_from_state(&mut self, election: &Election, candidates: &HashMap<&Candidate, CountCard>) { let constraints = election.constraints.as_ref().unwrap(); // Reset innermost cells for idx in ndarray::indices(self.0.shape()) { if (0..idx.ndim()).fold(0, |acc, d| if idx[d] == 0 { acc + 1 } else { acc }) != 0 { continue; } self.0[&idx].cands = 0; self.0[&idx].elected = 0; } for (i, candidate) in election.candidates.iter().enumerate() { let idx: Vec = constraints.0.iter().map(|c| { for (j, group) in c.groups.iter().enumerate() { if group.candidates.contains(&i) { return j + 1; } } panic!("Candidate \"{}\" not represented in constraint \"{}\"", candidate.name, c.name); }).collect(); let cell = &mut self[&idx[..]]; let count_card = candidates.get(candidate).unwrap(); match count_card.state { CandidateState::Hopeful | CandidateState::Guarded => { cell.cands += 1; } CandidateState::Elected => { cell.cands += 1; cell.elected += 1; } CandidateState::Withdrawn | CandidateState::Doomed | CandidateState::Excluded => {} } } } /// Recompute [self::cands] and [self::elected] for totals cells based on the innermost cells pub fn recount_cands(&mut self) { let shape = Vec::from(self.0.shape()); // Compute cands/elected totals for nzeroes in 1..self.0.ndim()+1 { for idx in ndarray::indices(self.0.shape()) { // First compute totals cells with 1 zero, then 2 zeroes, ... then grand total (all zeroes) if (0..idx.ndim()).fold(0, |acc, d| if idx[d] == 0 { acc + 1 } else { acc }) != nzeroes { continue; } self.0[&idx].cands = 0; self.0[&idx].elected = 0; // The axis along which to sum - if multiple, just pick the first, as these should agree let zero_axis = (0..idx.ndim()).filter(|d| idx[*d] == 0).next().unwrap(); // Traverse along the axis and sum the candidates let mut idx2 = idx.clone(); for coord in 1..shape[zero_axis] { idx2[zero_axis] = coord; self.0[&idx].cands += self.0[&idx2].cands; self.0[&idx].elected += self.0[&idx2].elected; } } } } /// Attempt to advance the matrix one step towards a stable state /// /// Returns `Ok(true)` if in a stable state, `Ok(false)` if not, and `ConstraintError` on an error. /// pub fn step(&mut self) -> Result { let shape = Vec::from(self.0.shape()); for idx in ndarray::indices(self.0.shape()) { let cell = &mut self.0[&idx]; // Rule 1: Ensure elected < min < max < cands if cell.min < cell.elected { cell.min = cell.elected; return Ok(false); } if cell.max > cell.cands { cell.max = cell.cands; return Ok(false); } if cell.min > cell.max { return Err(ConstraintError::NoConformantResult); } let nzeroes = (0..idx.ndim()).fold(0, |acc, d| if idx[d] == 0 { acc + 1 } else { acc }); // Rule 2/3: Ensure min/max is possible in innermost cells if nzeroes == 0 { for axis in 0..self.0.ndim() { let mut idx2 = idx.clone(); // What is the min/max number of candidates that can be elected from other cells in this axis? let (other_max, other_min) = (1..shape[axis]).fold((0, 0), |(acc_max, acc_min), coord| { if coord == idx[axis] { return (acc_max, acc_min); } idx2[axis] = coord; return (acc_max + self.0[&idx2].max, acc_min + self.0[&idx2].min); }); // What is the min/max number of candidates that can be elected along this axis? idx2[axis] = 0; let axis_max = self.0[&idx2].max; let axis_min = self.0[&idx2].min; // How many must be elected from this cell? let this_max = (axis_max as i32) - (other_min as i32); let this_min = (axis_min as i32) - (other_max as i32); if this_max < (self.0[&idx].max as i32) { self.0[&idx].max = this_max as usize; return Ok(false); } if this_min > (self.0[&idx].min as i32) { self.0[&idx].min = this_min as usize; return Ok(false); } } } // Rule 4/5: Ensure min/max is possible in totals cells if nzeroes > 0 { for axis in 0..self.0.ndim() { if idx[axis] != 0 { continue; } // What is the total min/max along this axis? let mut idx2 = idx.clone(); let (axis_max, axis_min) = (1..shape[axis]).fold((0, 0), |(acc_max, acc_min), coord| { idx2[axis] = coord; return (acc_max + self.0[&idx2].max, acc_min + self.0[&idx2].min); }); if axis_max < self.0[&idx].max { self.0[&idx].max = axis_max; return Ok(false); } if axis_min > self.0[&idx].min { self.0[&idx].min = axis_min; return Ok(false); } } } } return Ok(true); } } impl fmt::Display for ConstraintMatrix { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { let shape = self.0.shape(); let mut result = String::new(); // TODO: >2 dimensions if shape.len() == 1 { result.push_str("+"); for _ in 0..shape[0] { result.push_str("-------------+"); } result.push_str("\n"); result.push_str("|"); for x in 0..shape[0] { result.push_str(&format!(" Elected: {:2}", self[&[x]].elected)); result.push_str(if x == 0 { " ‖" } else { " |" }); } result.push_str("\n"); result.push_str("|"); for x in 0..shape[0] { result.push_str(&format!(" Min: {:2}", self[&[x]].min)); result.push_str(if x == 0 { " ‖" } else { " |" }); } result.push_str("\n"); result.push_str("|"); for x in 0..shape[0] { result.push_str(&format!(" Max: {:2}", self[&[x]].max)); result.push_str(if x == 0 { " ‖" } else { " |" }); } result.push_str("\n"); result.push_str("|"); for x in 0..shape[0] { result.push_str(&format!(" Cands: {:2}", self[&[x]].cands)); result.push_str(if x == 0 { " ‖" } else { " |" }); } result.push_str("\n"); result.push_str("+"); for _ in 0..shape[0] { result.push_str("-------------+"); } result.push_str("\n"); } else if shape.len() == 2 { for y in 0..shape[1] { result.push_str("+"); for _ in 0..shape[0] { result.push_str(if y == 1 { "=============+" } else { "-------------+" }); } result.push_str("\n"); result.push_str("|"); for x in 0..shape[0] { result.push_str(&format!(" Elected: {:2}", self[&[x, y]].elected)); result.push_str(if x == 0 { " ‖" } else { " |" }); } result.push_str("\n"); result.push_str("|"); for x in 0..shape[0] { result.push_str(&format!(" Min: {:2}", self[&[x, y]].min)); result.push_str(if x == 0 { " ‖" } else { " |" }); } result.push_str("\n"); result.push_str("|"); for x in 0..shape[0] { result.push_str(&format!(" Max: {:2}", self[&[x, y]].max)); result.push_str(if x == 0 { " ‖" } else { " |" }); } result.push_str("\n"); result.push_str("|"); for x in 0..shape[0] { result.push_str(&format!(" Cands: {:2}", self[&[x, y]].cands)); result.push_str(if x == 0 { " ‖" } else { " |" }); } result.push_str("\n"); } result.push_str("+"); for _ in 0..shape[0] { result.push_str("-------------+"); } result.push_str("\n"); } else { todo!(); } return f.write_str(&result); } } impl ops::Index<&[usize]> for ConstraintMatrix { type Output = ConstraintMatrixCell; fn index(&self, index: &[usize]) -> &Self::Output { &self.0[index] } } impl ops::IndexMut<&[usize]> for ConstraintMatrix { fn index_mut(&mut self, index: &[usize]) -> &mut Self::Output { &mut self.0[index] } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; fn assert_cell(cm: &ConstraintMatrix, idx: &[usize], elected: usize, min: usize, max: usize, cands: usize) { assert_eq!(cm[idx].elected, elected, "Failed to validate elected at {:?}", idx); assert_eq!(cm[idx].min, min, "Failed to validate min at {:?}", idx); assert_eq!(cm[idx].max, max, "Failed to validate min at {:?}", idx); assert_eq!(cm[idx].cands, cands, "Failed to validate cands at {:?}", idx); } #[test] fn cm_otten() { let mut cm = ConstraintMatrix::new(&mut [3, 2]); // Totals let c = &mut cm[&[0, 1]]; c.min = 7; c.max = 7; let c = &mut cm[&[0, 2]]; c.min = 7; c.max = 7; let c = &mut cm[&[1, 0]]; c.min = 7; c.max = 7; let c = &mut cm[&[2, 0]]; c.min = 6; c.max = 6; let c = &mut cm[&[3, 0]]; c.min = 1; c.max = 1; // Candidates let c = &mut cm[&[1, 1]]; c.cands = 4; let c = &mut cm[&[2, 1]]; c.cands = 11; let c = &mut cm[&[3, 1]]; c.cands = 2; let c = &mut cm[&[1, 2]]; c.cands = 7; let c = &mut cm[&[2, 2]]; c.cands = 3; let c = &mut cm[&[3, 2]]; c.cands = 1; // Init cm.init(); while !cm.step().expect("No conformant result") {} println!("{}", cm); assert_cell(&cm, &[1, 1], 0, 0, 4, 4); assert_cell(&cm, &[2, 1], 0, 3, 6, 11); assert_cell(&cm, &[3, 1], 0, 0, 1, 2); assert_cell(&cm, &[0, 1], 0, 7, 7, 17); assert_cell(&cm, &[1, 2], 0, 3, 7, 7); assert_cell(&cm, &[2, 2], 0, 0, 3, 3); assert_cell(&cm, &[3, 2], 0, 0, 1, 1); assert_cell(&cm, &[0, 2], 0, 7, 7, 11); assert_cell(&cm, &[1, 0], 0, 7, 7, 11); assert_cell(&cm, &[2, 0], 0, 6, 6, 14); assert_cell(&cm, &[3, 0], 0, 1, 1, 3); assert_cell(&cm, &[0, 0], 0, 14, 14, 28); // Election of Welsh man cm[&[3, 1]].elected += 1; cm.recount_cands(); while !cm.step().expect("No conformant result") {} println!("{}", cm); assert_cell(&cm, &[1, 1], 0, 0, 3, 4); assert_cell(&cm, &[2, 1], 0, 3, 6, 11); assert_cell(&cm, &[3, 1], 1, 1, 1, 2); assert_cell(&cm, &[0, 1], 1, 7, 7, 17); // Error in Otten paper assert_cell(&cm, &[1, 2], 0, 4, 7, 7); assert_cell(&cm, &[2, 2], 0, 0, 3, 3); assert_cell(&cm, &[3, 2], 0, 0, 0, 1); assert_cell(&cm, &[0, 2], 0, 7, 7, 11); assert_cell(&cm, &[1, 0], 0, 7, 7, 11); assert_cell(&cm, &[2, 0], 0, 6, 6, 14); assert_cell(&cm, &[3, 0], 1, 1, 1, 3); assert_cell(&cm, &[0, 0], 1, 14, 14, 28); // Remaining Welsh man, Welsh woman doomed cm[&[3, 1]].cands -= 1; cm[&[3, 2]].cands -= 1; // Election of 2 English men, 2 English women // Exclusion of 1 Scottish woman cm[&[1, 1]].elected += 2; cm[&[1, 2]].elected += 2; cm[&[2, 2]].cands -= 1; cm.recount_cands(); while !cm.step().expect("No conformant result") {} println!("{}", cm); assert_cell(&cm, &[1, 1], 2, 2, 2, 4); assert_cell(&cm, &[2, 1], 0, 4, 4, 11); assert_cell(&cm, &[3, 1], 1, 1, 1, 1); assert_cell(&cm, &[0, 1], 3, 7, 7, 16); // Error in Otten paper assert_cell(&cm, &[1, 2], 2, 5, 5, 7); assert_cell(&cm, &[2, 2], 0, 2, 2, 2); assert_cell(&cm, &[3, 2], 0, 0, 0, 0); assert_cell(&cm, &[0, 2], 2, 7, 7, 9); assert_cell(&cm, &[1, 0], 4, 7, 7, 11); assert_cell(&cm, &[2, 0], 0, 6, 6, 13); assert_cell(&cm, &[3, 0], 1, 1, 1, 1); assert_cell(&cm, &[0, 0], 5, 14, 14, 25); } }