importScripts('opentally.js'); var wasm = wasm_bindgen; var wasmRaw; // For asyncify const DATA_ADDR = 16; const DATA_START = DATA_ADDR + 8; const DATA_END = 50 * 1024; // Needs to be increased compared with Asyncify default async function initWasm() { wasmRaw = await wasm_bindgen('opentally_async.wasm'); new Int32Array(wasmRaw.memory.buffer, DATA_ADDR).set([DATA_START, DATA_END]); postMessage({'type': 'init', 'version': wasm.version()}); } initWasm(); var numbers, election, opts, state, stageNum; onmessage = function(evt) { try { if ( === 'countElection') { errored = false; if ( === 'fixed') { numbers = 'Fixed'; wasm.fixed_set_dps(; } else if ( === 'gfixed') { numbers = 'GuardedFixed'; wasm.gfixed_set_dps(; } else if ( === 'float64') { numbers = 'NativeFloat64'; } else if ( === 'rational') { numbers = 'Rational'; } else { throw 'Unknown --numbers'; } // Init election election = wasm['election_from_blt_' + numbers](; if ( { wasm['election_normalise_ballots_' + numbers](election); } // Init constraints if applicable if ( { wasm['election_load_constraints_' + numbers](election,; } // Init STV options opts =,; // Validate options opts.validate(); // Describe count postMessage({'type': 'describeCount', 'content': wasm['describe_count_' + numbers](, election, opts)}); // Init results table postMessage({'type': 'initResultsTable', 'content': wasm['init_results_table_' + numbers](election, opts)}); // Step election state = wasm['CountState' + numbers].new(election); wasm['count_init_' + numbers](state, opts); postMessage({'type': 'updateResultsTable', 'result': wasm['update_results_table_' + numbers](1, state, opts)}); postMessage({'type': 'updateStageComments', 'comment': wasm['update_stage_comments_' + numbers](state)}); stageNum = 2; resumeCount(); } else if ( == 'userInput') { userInputBuffer =; // Rewind the stack // Asyncify will retrace the function calls in the stack until again reaching get_user_input wasmRaw.asyncify_start_rewind(DATA_ADDR); resumeCount(); } } catch (ex) { if (errored) { // Panic already logged and sent to UI } else { throw ex; } } } function resumeCount() { for (;; stageNum++) { let isDone = wasm['count_one_stage_' + numbers](state, opts); if (wasmRaw.asyncify_get_state() !== 0) { // This stage caused a stack unwind in get_user_input so ignore the result // We will resume execution when a userInput message is received return; } if (isDone) { break; } postMessage({'type': 'updateResultsTable', 'result': wasm['update_results_table_' + numbers](stageNum, state, opts)}); postMessage({'type': 'updateStageComments', 'comment': wasm['update_stage_comments_' + numbers](state)}); } postMessage({'type': 'updateResultsTable', 'result': wasm['finalise_results_table_' + numbers](state)}); postMessage({'type': 'finalResultSummary', 'summary': wasm['final_result_summary_' + numbers](state, opts)}); } var errored = false; function wasm_error(message) { postMessage({'type': 'errorMessage', 'message': message}); errored = true; } var userInputBuffer = null; function get_user_input(message) { if (userInputBuffer === null) { postMessage({'type': 'requireInput', 'message': message}); // Record the current state of the stack wasmRaw.asyncify_start_unwind(DATA_ADDR); // No further WebAssembly will be executed and control will return to resumeCount return null; } else { // We have reached the point the stack was originally unwound, so resume normal execution wasmRaw.asyncify_stop_rewind(); // Return the correct result to WebAssembly let userInput = userInputBuffer; userInputBuffer = null; return userInput; } }