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2020-01-14 00:06:14 +11:00
# ledger-pyreport
# Copyright © 2020 Lee Yingtong Li (RunasSudo)
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from . import accounting
2020-01-14 00:06:14 +11:00
from . import ledger
from .config import config
from .model import *
2020-01-14 00:06:14 +11:00
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from decimal import Decimal
2020-01-14 00:06:14 +11:00
import flask
import itertools
2020-01-14 00:06:14 +11:00
app = flask.Flask(__name__, template_folder='jinja2')
def index():
date = datetime.now()
pstart = ledger.financial_year(date)
return flask.render_template('index.html', date=date, pstart=pstart)
def trial():
date = datetime.strptime(flask.request.args['date'], '%Y-%m-%d')
pstart = datetime.strptime(flask.request.args['pstart'], '%Y-%m-%d')
compare = int(flask.request.args['compare'])
2020-03-21 01:18:48 +11:00
cash = flask.request.args.get('cash', False)
report_currency = Currency(*config['report_currency'])
2020-01-14 00:06:14 +11:00
if compare == 0:
# Get trial balance
l = ledger.raw_transactions_at_date(date)
2020-03-21 01:18:48 +11:00
if cash:
l = accounting.ledger_to_cash(l, report_currency)
trial_balance = accounting.trial_balance(l, date, pstart)
trial_balance = accounting.add_unrealized_gains(trial_balance, report_currency)
total_dr = Amount(0, report_currency)
total_cr = Amount(0, report_currency)
for account in l.accounts.values():
# Display in "cost basis" as we have already accounted for unrealised gains
balance = trial_balance.get_balance(account).exchange(report_currency, True)
if balance > 0:
total_dr += balance
total_cr -= balance
return flask.render_template('trial.html', date=date, pstart=pstart, trial_balance=trial_balance, accounts=sorted(l.accounts.values(), key=lambda a: a.name), total_dr=total_dr, total_cr=total_cr, report_currency=report_currency)
# Get multiple trial balances for comparison
dates = [date.replace(year=date.year - i) for i in range(0, compare + 1)]
pstarts = [pstart.replace(year=pstart.year - i) for i in range(0, compare + 1)]
l = ledger.raw_transactions_at_date(date)
2020-03-21 01:18:48 +11:00
if cash:
l = accounting.ledger_to_cash(l, report_currency)
trial_balances = [accounting.add_unrealized_gains(accounting.trial_balance(l, d, p), report_currency) for d, p in zip(dates, pstarts)]
# Delete accounts with always zero balances
2020-03-20 22:14:05 +11:00
accounts = sorted(l.accounts.values(), key=lambda a: a.name)
for account in accounts[:]:
if all(t.get_balance(account) == 0 for t in trial_balances):
2020-03-21 01:18:48 +11:00
return flask.render_template('trial_multiple.html', trial_balances=trial_balances, accounts=accounts, report_currency=report_currency, cash=cash)
2020-01-14 00:06:14 +11:00
def balance():
date = datetime.strptime(flask.request.args['date'], '%Y-%m-%d')
pstart = datetime.strptime(flask.request.args['pstart'], '%Y-%m-%d')
compare = int(flask.request.args['compare'])
2020-03-21 01:18:48 +11:00
cash = flask.request.args.get('cash', False)
2020-01-14 00:06:14 +11:00
dates = [date.replace(year=date.year - i) for i in range(0, compare + 1)]
pstarts = [pstart.replace(year=pstart.year - i) for i in range(0, compare + 1)]
2020-01-14 00:06:14 +11:00
2020-03-20 22:14:05 +11:00
report_currency = Currency(*config['report_currency'])
l = ledger.raw_transactions_at_date(date)
2020-03-21 01:18:48 +11:00
if cash:
l = accounting.ledger_to_cash(l, report_currency)
2020-03-20 22:14:05 +11:00
balance_sheets = [accounting.balance_sheet(accounting.add_unrealized_gains(accounting.trial_balance(l, d, p), report_currency)) for d, p in zip(dates, pstarts)]
2020-01-14 00:06:14 +11:00
# Delete accounts with always zero balances
accounts = list(l.accounts.values())
for account in accounts[:]:
if all(b.get_balance(account).exchange(report_currency, True).near_zero and b.get_total(account).exchange(report_currency, True).near_zero for b in balance_sheets):
2020-01-14 00:06:14 +11:00
2020-03-21 01:18:48 +11:00
return flask.render_template('balance.html', ledger=l, balance_sheets=balance_sheets, accounts=accounts, config=config, report_currency=report_currency, cash=cash)
2020-01-14 00:06:14 +11:00
def describe_period(date_end, date_beg):
if date_end == (date_beg.replace(year=date_beg.year + 1) - timedelta(days=1)):
return 'year ended {}'.format(date_end.strftime('%d %B %Y'))
elif date_beg == ledger.financial_year(date_end):
return 'financial year to {}'.format(date_end.strftime('%d %B %Y'))
return 'period from {} to {}'.format(date_beg.strftime('%d %B %Y'), date_end.strftime('%d %B %Y'))
2020-01-14 00:06:14 +11:00
def pandl():
date_beg = datetime.strptime(flask.request.args['date_beg'], '%Y-%m-%d')
date_end = datetime.strptime(flask.request.args['date_end'], '%Y-%m-%d')
compare = int(flask.request.args['compare'])
2020-03-21 01:18:48 +11:00
cash = flask.request.args.get('cash', False)
dates_beg = [date_beg.replace(year=date_beg.year - i) for i in range(0, compare + 1)]
dates_end = [date_end.replace(year=date_end.year - i) for i in range(0, compare + 1)]
2020-03-20 22:14:05 +11:00
report_currency = Currency(*config['report_currency'])
l = ledger.raw_transactions_at_date(date_end)
2020-03-21 01:18:48 +11:00
if cash:
l = accounting.ledger_to_cash(l, report_currency)
2020-03-20 22:14:05 +11:00
pandls = [accounting.trial_balance(l, de, db) for de, db in zip(dates_end, dates_beg)]
2020-01-14 00:06:14 +11:00
# Delete accounts with always zero balances
accounts = list(l.accounts.values())
for account in accounts[:]:
2020-03-20 22:14:05 +11:00
if all(p.get_balance(account) == 0 and p.get_total(account) == 0 for p in pandls):
2020-01-14 00:06:14 +11:00
2020-03-21 01:18:48 +11:00
return flask.render_template('pandl.html', period=describe_period(date_end, date_beg), ledger=l, pandls=pandls, accounts=accounts, config=config, report_currency=report_currency, cash=cash)
2020-02-15 15:50:33 +11:00
def transactions():
date = datetime.strptime(flask.request.args['date'], '%Y-%m-%d')
pstart = datetime.strptime(flask.request.args['pstart'], '%Y-%m-%d')
account = flask.request.args.get('account', None)
2020-03-21 01:18:48 +11:00
cash = flask.request.args.get('cash', False)
commodity = flask.request.args.get('commodity', False)
2020-03-21 01:18:48 +11:00
report_currency = Currency(*config['report_currency'])
2020-02-15 15:50:33 +11:00
# General ledger
l = ledger.raw_transactions_at_date(date)
2020-03-21 01:18:48 +11:00
if cash:
l = accounting.ledger_to_cash(l, report_currency)
2020-02-15 15:50:33 +11:00
# Unrealized gains
l = accounting.add_unrealized_gains(accounting.trial_balance(l, date, pstart), report_currency).ledger
2020-02-15 15:50:33 +11:00
if not account:
# General Ledger
transactions = [t for t in l.transactions if t.date <= date and t.date >= pstart]
total_dr = sum((p.amount for t in transactions for p in t.postings if p.amount > 0), Balance()).exchange(report_currency, True)
total_cr = sum((p.amount for t in transactions for p in t.postings if p.amount < 0), Balance()).exchange(report_currency, True)
return flask.render_template('transactions.html', date=date, pstart=pstart, period=describe_period(date, pstart), account=None, ledger=l, transactions=transactions, total_dr=total_dr, total_cr=total_cr, report_currency=report_currency, cash=cash)
elif commodity:
# Account Transactions with commodity detail
account = l.get_account(account)
transactions = [t for t in l.transactions if t.date <= date and t.date >= pstart and any(p.account == account for p in t.postings)]
opening_balance = accounting.trial_balance(l, pstart - timedelta(days=1), pstart).get_balance(account).clean()
closing_balance = accounting.trial_balance(l, date, pstart).get_balance(account).clean()
def matching_posting(transaction, amount):
return next((p for p in transaction.postings if p.account == account and p.amount.currency == amount.currency), None)
return flask.render_template('transactions_commodity.html', date=date, pstart=pstart, period=describe_period(date, pstart), account=account, ledger=l, transactions=transactions, opening_balance=opening_balance, closing_balance=closing_balance, report_currency=report_currency, cash=cash, timedelta=timedelta, matching_posting=matching_posting)
# Account Transactions
account = l.get_account(account)
transactions = [t for t in l.transactions if t.date <= date and t.date >= pstart and any(p.account == account for p in t.postings)]
opening_balance = accounting.trial_balance(l, pstart - timedelta(days=1), pstart).get_balance(account).exchange(report_currency, True)
closing_balance = accounting.trial_balance(l, date, pstart).get_balance(account).exchange(report_currency, True)
2020-03-21 01:18:48 +11:00
return flask.render_template('transactions.html', date=date, pstart=pstart, period=describe_period(date, pstart), account=account, ledger=l, transactions=transactions, opening_balance=opening_balance, closing_balance=closing_balance, report_currency=report_currency, cash=cash, timedelta=timedelta)
2020-01-14 00:06:14 +11:00
2020-03-29 21:46:55 +11:00
def transaction():
tid = flask.request.args['tid']
cash = flask.request.args.get('cash', False)
commodity = flask.request.args.get('commodity', False)
2020-03-29 21:46:55 +11:00
report_currency = Currency(*config['report_currency'])
# General ledger
l = ledger.raw_transactions_at_date(None)
if cash:
l = accounting.ledger_to_cash(l, report_currency)
transaction = next((t for t in l.transactions if str(t.id) == tid))
if commodity:
total_dr = sum((p.amount for p in transaction.postings if p.amount > 0), Balance()).clean()
total_cr = sum((p.amount for p in transaction.postings if p.amount < 0), Balance()).clean()
totals = itertools.zip_longest(total_dr.amounts, total_cr.amounts)
return flask.render_template('transaction_commodity.html', ledger=l, transaction=transaction, totals=totals, total_dr=total_dr.exchange(report_currency, True), total_cr=total_cr.exchange(report_currency, True), report_currency=report_currency, cash=cash)
total_dr = sum((p.amount for p in transaction.postings if p.amount > 0), Balance()).exchange(report_currency, True)
total_cr = sum((p.amount for p in transaction.postings if p.amount < 0), Balance()).exchange(report_currency, True)
return flask.render_template('transaction.html', ledger=l, transaction=transaction, total_dr=total_dr, total_cr=total_cr, report_currency=report_currency, cash=cash)
2020-03-29 21:46:55 +11:00
# Template filters
2020-01-14 00:06:14 +11:00
def filter_amount(amt, link=None):
if amt.near_zero:
amt_str = '0.00'
is_pos = True
elif amt >= 0:
amt_str = '{:,.2f}'.format(amt.amount).replace(',', '&#8239;') # Narrow no-break space
is_pos = True
2020-01-14 00:06:14 +11:00
amt_str = '{:,.2f}'.format(-amt.amount).replace(',', '&#8239;')
is_pos = False
if link:
if is_pos:
return flask.Markup('<a href="{}"><span title="{}">{}</span></a>&nbsp;'.format(link, amt.tostr(False), amt_str))
return flask.Markup('<a href="{}"><span title="{}">({})</span></a>'.format(link, amt.tostr(False), amt_str))
if is_pos:
return flask.Markup('<span title="{}">&nbsp;'.format(amt.tostr(False), amt_str))
return flask.Markup('<span title="{}">({})</span>'.format(amt.tostr(False), amt_str))
2020-01-14 00:06:14 +11:00
def filter_amount_positive(amt):
return flask.Markup('<span title="{}">{:,.2f}</span>'.format(amt.tostr(False), amt.amount).replace(',', '&#8239;'))
def filter_currency_positive(amt):
if amt.currency.is_prefix:
return flask.Markup('<span title="{}">{}{:,.2f}</span>'.format(amt.tostr(False), amt.currency.name, amt.amount).replace(',', '&#8239;'))
return flask.Markup('<span title="{}">{:,.2f} {}</span>'.format(amt.tostr(False), amt.amount, amt.currency.name).replace(',', '&#8239;'))
def filter_currency_table_positive(amt, show_price, link=None):
result = []
if amt.currency.is_prefix:
amt_str = filter_currency_positive(amt)
cur_str = ''
amt_str = '{:,.2f}'.format(amt.amount).replace(',', '&#8239;')
cur_str = amt.currency.name
amt_full = amt.tostr(False)
result.append('<td style="text-align: right;"><a href="{}"><span title="{}">{}</span></a></td>'.format(link, amt_full, amt_str) if link else '<td style="text-align: right;"><span title="{}">{}</span></td>'.format(amt_full, amt_str))
result.append('<td><span title="{}">{}</span></td>'.format(amt_full, cur_str))
if show_price:
if amt.currency.price:
result.append('<td><span title="{}">{{{}}}</span></td>'.format(amt_full, filter_currency_positive(amt.currency.price)))
return flask.Markup(''.join(result))
# Debug views
def debug_noncash_transactions():
date = datetime.strptime(flask.request.args['date'], '%Y-%m-%d')
pstart = datetime.strptime(flask.request.args['pstart'], '%Y-%m-%d')
account = flask.request.args.get('account')
report_currency = Currency(*config['report_currency'])
l = ledger.raw_transactions_at_date(date)
account = l.get_account(account)
transactions = [t for t in l.transactions if any(p.account == account for p in t.postings)]
accounting.account_to_cash(account, report_currency)
return flask.render_template('debug_noncash_transactions.html', date=date, pstart=pstart, period=describe_period(date, pstart), account=account, ledger=l, transactions=transactions, report_currency=report_currency)
def debug_imbalances():
date = datetime.strptime(flask.request.args['date'], '%Y-%m-%d')
pstart = datetime.strptime(flask.request.args['pstart'], '%Y-%m-%d')
cash = flask.request.args.get('cash', False)
report_currency = Currency(*config['report_currency'])
l = ledger.raw_transactions_at_date(date)
if cash:
l = accounting.ledger_to_cash(l, report_currency)
transactions = [t for t in l.transactions if t.date <= date and t.date >= pstart and not sum((p.amount for p in t.postings), Balance()).exchange(report_currency, True).near_zero]
total_dr = sum((p.amount for t in transactions for p in t.postings if p.amount > 0), Balance()).exchange(report_currency, True)
total_cr = sum((p.amount for t in transactions for p in t.postings if p.amount < 0), Balance()).exchange(report_currency, True)
return flask.render_template('transactions.html', date=date, pstart=pstart, period=describe_period(date, pstart), account=None, ledger=l, transactions=transactions, total_dr=total_dr, total_cr=total_cr, report_currency=report_currency, cash=cash)