Implement cash flow statement (direct)

This commit is contained in:
RunasSudo 2020-04-03 22:34:01 +11:00
parent 4c6776f545
commit 17e79acb4a
Signed by: RunasSudo
GPG Key ID: 7234E476BF21C61A
4 changed files with 141 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -136,6 +136,43 @@ def pandl():
return flask.render_template('pandl.html', period=describe_period(date_end, date_beg), ledger=l, pandls=pandls, accounts=accounts, config=config, report_currency=report_currency, cash=cash, scope=scope)
def cashflow():
date_beg = datetime.strptime(flask.request.args['date_beg'], '%Y-%m-%d')
date_end = datetime.strptime(flask.request.args['date_end'], '%Y-%m-%d')
compare = int(flask.request.args['compare'])
method = flask.request.args['method']
dates_beg = [date_beg.replace(year=date_beg.year - i) for i in range(0, compare + 1)]
dates_end = [date_end.replace(year=date_end.year - i) for i in range(0, compare + 1)]
report_currency = Currency(*config['report_currency'])
l = ledger.raw_transactions_at_date(date_end)
cash_accounts = [a for a in l.accounts.values() if a.is_cash]
# Calculate opening and closing cash
opening_balances = []
closing_balances = []
cashflows = []
for de, db in zip(dates_end, dates_beg):
tb = accounting.trial_balance(l.clone(), db - timedelta(days=1), db, report_currency)
opening_balances.append(sum((tb.get_balance(a) for a in cash_accounts), Balance()).exchange(report_currency, True))
tb = accounting.trial_balance(l.clone(), de, db, report_currency)
closing_balances.append(sum((tb.get_balance(a) for a in cash_accounts), Balance()).exchange(report_currency, True))
cashflows.append(accounting.account_flows(tb.ledger, de, db, cash_accounts))
if method == 'direct':
# Delete accounts with always zero balances
accounts = list(l.accounts.values())
for account in accounts[:]:
if all(p.get_balance(account) == 0 and p.get_total(account) == 0 for p in cashflows):
return flask.render_template('cashflow_direct.html', period=describe_period(date_end, date_beg), ledger=l, cashflows=cashflows, opening_balances=opening_balances, closing_balances=closing_balances, accounts=accounts, config=config, report_currency=report_currency)
def transactions():
date_beg = datetime.strptime(flask.request.args['date_beg'], '%Y-%m-%d')

View File

@ -166,3 +166,18 @@ def ledger_to_cash(ledger, currency):
account_to_cash(account, currency)
return ledger
# Summarise related transactions
def account_flows(ledger, date, pstart, accounts):
transactions = [t for t in ledger.transactions if any(p.account in accounts for p in t.postings) and <= date and >= pstart]
tb = TrialBalance(ledger, date, pstart)
for transaction in transactions:
for posting in transaction.postings:
if posting.account in accounts:
tb.balances[] = tb.get_balance(posting.account) - posting.amount
return tb

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
Copyright © 2020 Lee Yingtong Li (RunasSudo)
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
{% extends 'base_report.html' %}
{% macro print_rows(account, invert=False, level=0) %}
<td style="padding-left: calc(2px + {{ level }}em);">
{% if cashflows|length == 1 %}
<a href="/transactions?{{ {'date_end': cashflows[0].date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), 'date_beg': cashflows[0].pstart.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), 'account':, 'cash': 'on' if cash else ''}|urlencode }}">{{ account.bits[-1] }}</a>
{% else %}
{{ account.bits[-1] }}
{% endif %}
{% for cashflow in cashflows %}
{% set amount = (-cashflow.get_balance(account) if invert else cashflow.get_balance(account)).exchange(report_currency, True) %}
<td>{% if not amount.near_zero %}{{ amount|a('/transactions?' + {'date':'%Y-%m-%d'), 'pstart': cashflow.pstart.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), 'account':, 'cash': 'on' if cash else ''}|urlencode) }}{% endif %}</td>
{% endfor %}
{% for child in account.children|sort(attribute='name') if child in accounts %}
{{ print_rows(child, invert, level + 1) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endmacro %}
{% block title %}Cash Flow Statement for the {{ period }}{% endblock %}
{% block report %}
<h1>Cash Flow Statement</h1>
<h2>For the {{ period }}</h2>
<table class="ledger onedesc">
{# Cash flows #}
<th class="h2">Cash Inflows (Outflows)</th>
{% for cashflow in cashflows %}<th class="h2">{{'%Y') }}&nbsp;</th>{% endfor %}
{% for account in ledger.root_account.children|sort(attribute='name') if account in accounts %}
{{ print_rows(account, invert=invert) }}
{% endfor %}
<tr class="total">
<td>Net Cash Inflow (Outflow)</td>
{% for cashflow in cashflows %}<td>{{ cashflow.get_total(ledger.root_account).exchange(report_currency, True)|a }}</td>{% endfor %}
<tr><td colspan="{{ cashflows|length + 1 }}">&nbsp;</td></tr>
{# Summary #}
<td>Opening Cash</td>
{% for opening_balance in opening_balances %}<td>{{ opening_balance|a }}</td>{% endfor %}
<td>Net Cash Inflow (Outflow)</td>
{% for cashflow in cashflows %}<td>{{ cashflow.get_total(ledger.root_account).exchange(report_currency, True)|a }}</td>{% endfor %}
<tr class="total">
<td>Closing Cash</td>
{% for closing_balance in closing_balances %}<td>{{ closing_balance|a }}</td>{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}

View File

@ -56,6 +56,19 @@
<div style="margin-bottom: 1em;">
<form action="{{ url_for('cashflow') }}">
<button type="submit">Cash flows</button>
<label>Begin date: <input name="date_beg" data-inputgroup="pstart" value="{{ pstart.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') }}" style="width: 6em;" oninput="txtc(this)"></label>
<label>End date: <input name="date_end" data-inputgroup="date" value="{{ date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') }}" style="width: 6em;" oninput="txtc(this)"></label>
<label>Compare <input name="compare" data-inputgroup="compare" value="0" style="width: 2em;" oninput="txtc(this)"> periods</label>
<label>Method: <select name="method">
<option value="indirect" selected>Indirect</option>
<option value="direct">Direct</option>
<div style="margin-bottom: 1em;">
<form action="{{ url_for('transactions') }}">
<button type="submit">General ledger</button>