{# ledger-pyreport Copyright © 2020 Lee Yingtong Li (RunasSudo) This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . #} {% macro print_rows(account, invert=False, level=0) %} {{ account.bits[-1] }} {% for balance_sheet in balance_sheets %} {% set amount = balance_sheet.get_balance(account.name) * (-1 if invert else 1) %} {% if amount != 0 %}{{ amount|a }}{% endif %} {% endfor %} {% for child in account.children if child in accounts %} {{ print_rows(child, invert, level + 1) }} {% endfor %} {% endmacro %} {% macro do_accounts(root, label, invert, year_headers) %} {% for account_class in balance_sheets[0].get_account(root).children if account_class in accounts %} {% set isfirst = (loop.index0 == 0) %} {% if isfirst and year_headers %} {{ account_class.bits[-1] }} {{ label }} {% for date in dates %}{{ date.strftime('%Y') }} {% endfor %} {% else %} {{ account_class.bits[-1] }} {{ label }} {% endif %} {% for account in account_class.children if account in accounts %} {{ print_rows(account, invert=invert) }} {% endfor %} Total {{ account_class.bits[-1] }} {{ label }} {% for balance_sheet in balance_sheets %}{{ (balance_sheet.get_total(account_class.name) * (-1 if invert else 1))|a }}{% endfor %}   {% endfor %} Total {{ label }} {% for balance_sheet in balance_sheets %}{{ (balance_sheet.get_total(root) * (-1 if invert else 1))|a }}{% endfor %} {% endmacro %} Balance Sheet as at {{ dates[0].strftime('%d %B %Y') }}

Balance Sheet

As at {{ dates[0].strftime('%d %B %Y') }}

{# Assets #} {{ do_accounts(config['assets_account'], 'Assets', False, True) }} {# Liabilities #} {{ do_accounts(config['liabilities_account'], 'Liabilities', True, False) }} {# Equity #} {% for account in balance_sheets[0].get_account(config['equity_account']).children if account in accounts %} {{ print_rows(account, invert=True) }} {% endfor %} {% for balance_sheet in balance_sheets %}{% endfor %}
Total Equity{{ -balance_sheet.get_total(config['equity_account'])|a }}