# legalmd An extension of Markdown to notate Australian-style legal markup, using the Python [mistletoe](https://github.com/miyuchina/mistletoe) Markdown parser. legalmd can process Markdown files into LaTeX source code, and RTF. The output style is based on, but separate from, the [latex-legal](https://gitlab.com/RunasSudo/latex-legal) style. ## Examples See example.md for example markup. To generate LaTeX output, run: ``` python -m legalmd example.md > example.tex ``` The LaTeX output file can then be compiled as usual into a PDF document. Note that the generated code utilises *fontspec* for font support, so LuaLaTeX or XeLaTeX will be required. To generate RTF output, run: ``` python -m legalmd --format rtf example.md > example.rtf ``` The RTF output file can then be directly viewed in a compatible RTF editor.