# pyRCV2 pyRCV2 is an application for counting various preferential voting elections. pyRCV2 may be used in a number of different ways: * as an online web application, no installation or special software required, at * as a standalone Python command line application * as a library within another Python application ## Features pyRCV2 accepts data in the [BLT file format](http://www.dia.govt.nz/diawebsite.NSF/Files/meekm/%24file/meekm.pdf), and can count votes using: * weighted inclusive Gregory STV (e.g. [Scottish STV](https://www.opavote.com/methods/scottish-stv-rules)) * unweighted inclusive Gregory STV * [Wright STV](https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/House_of_Representatives_Committees?url=em/elect07/subs/sub051.1.pdf) pyRCV2 is highly customisable, including options for: * different quotas and quota rules (e.g. exact Droop, Hare) or progressively reducing quota * calculations using fixed-point arithmetic or exact rational numbers * different tie breaking rules (backwards, random, manual) with auditable deterministic random number generation * extensible API for other counting methods