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# pyRCV2: Preferential vote counting
# Copyright © 2020–2021 Lee Yingtong Li (RunasSudo)
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
__pragma__ = lambda x: None
from pyRCV2.method.base_stv import BaseSTVCounter, STVException
from pyRCV2.model import CandidateState, CountCard
from pyRCV2.numbers import Num
from pyRCV2.safedict import SafeDict
class MeekCountCard(CountCard):
def __init__(self, *args):
CountCard.__init__(self, *args)
self.keep_value = Num(1) # Not read by the count algorithm, but can be used for auditing
def clone(self):
"""Overrides CountCard.clone"""
result = MeekCountCard()
result.orig_votes = self.orig_votes
result.transfers = self.transfers
#result.parcels = [[(b[0].clone(), b[1]) for b in p] for p in self.parcels]
result.state = self.state
result.order_elected = self.order_elected
result.keep_value = keep_value
return result
class BallotTree:
def __init__(self):
self.num = Num('0')
self.ballots = [] # List of tuples (ballot, idx)
self.next_preferences = None # SafeDict: Candidate -> BallotTree
self.next_exhausted = None # BallotTree
def descend_tree(self):
"""Expand one further level of the tree"""
if self.next_exhausted is not None:
raise Exception('Attempt to descend into already descended tree')
self.next_preferences = SafeDict()
self.next_exhausted = BallotTree()
for ballot, idx in self.ballots:
if idx is None:
idx = 0
idx = idx + 1
if idx < len(ballot.preferences):
cand = ballot.preferences[idx]
if cand not in self.next_preferences:
np = BallotTree()
self.next_preferences[cand] = np
np = self.next_preferences[cand]
np.num += ballot.value
np.ballots.append((ballot, idx))
self.next_exhausted.num += ballot.value
self.next_exhausted.ballots.append((ballot, idx))
class MeekSTVCounter(BaseSTVCounter):
def describe_options(self):
"""Overrides BaseSTVCounter.describe_options"""
return '--method meek ' + BaseSTVCounter.describe_options(self)
def __init__(self, *args):
BaseSTVCounter.__init__(self, *args)
# Convert to MeekCountCard
self.candidates = SafeDict([(c, MeekCountCard()) for c in self.election.candidates])
for candidate in self.election.withdrawn:
self.candidates[candidate].state = CandidateState.WITHDRAWN
self._quota_tolerance = Num('1.0001')
# For tree packing
self.ballots_tree = BallotTree()
for ballot in self.election.ballots:
self.ballots_tree.num += ballot.value
self.ballots_tree.ballots.append((ballot, None))
def reset(self):
if self.options['quota_mode'] != 'progressive':
raise STVException('Meek method requires --quota-mode progressive')
if self.options['bulk_exclude']:
raise STVException('Meek method is incompatible with --bulk_exclude')
if self.options['defer_surpluses']:
raise STVException('Meek method is incompatible with --defer-surpluses')
if self.options['papers'] != 'both':
raise STVException('Meek method is incompatible with --transferable-only')
if self.options['exclusion'] != 'one_round':
raise STVException('Meek method requires --exclusion one_round')
if self.options['round_votes'] is not None:
raise STVException('Meek method is incompatible with --round-votes')
if self.options['round_tvs'] is not None:
raise STVException('Meek method is incompatible with --round-tvs')
if self.options['round_weights'] is not None:
raise STVException('Meek method is incompatible with --round-weights')
self._exclusion = None # Optimisation to avoid re-collating/re-sorting ballots
self.logs.append('First preferences distributed.')
self.quota = None
self.vote_required_election = None # For ERS97
self.logs.append( + ' usable votes, so the quota is ' + self.quota.pp(2) + '.')
return self.make_result('First preferences')
def distribute_recursively(self, tree, remaining_multiplier):
if tree.next_exhausted is None:
# Credit votes at this level
for candidate, cand_tree in tree.next_preferences.items():
count_card = self.candidates[candidate]
if count_card.state == CandidateState.HOPEFUL:
# Hopeful candidate has keep value 1, so transfer entire remaining value
count_card.transfers += remaining_multiplier * cand_tree.num
elif count_card.state == CandidateState.EXCLUDED or count_card.state == CandidateState.WITHDRAWN:
# Excluded candidate has keep value 0, so skip over this candidate
# Recurse
self.distribute_recursively(cand_tree, remaining_multiplier)
elif count_card.state == CandidateState.ELECTED:
# Transfer according to elected candidate's keep value
count_card.transfers += remaining_multiplier * cand_tree.num * count_card.keep_value
new_remaining_multiplier = remaining_multiplier * (Num(1) - count_card.keep_value)
# Recurse
self.distribute_recursively(cand_tree, new_remaining_multiplier)
raise STVException('Unexpected candidate state')
# Credit exhausted votes at this level
self.exhausted.transfers += remaining_multiplier * tree.next_exhausted.num
def distribute_first_preferences(self):
Overrides BaseSTVCounter.distribute_first_preferences
Unlike in other STV methods, this is called not only as part of reset() but also at other stages
# Reset the count
# Carry over candidate states, keep values, etc.
new_candidates = SafeDict()
for candidate, count_card in self.candidates.items():
new_count_card = MeekCountCard()
new_count_card.state = count_card.state
new_count_card.keep_value = count_card.keep_value
new_count_card.order_elected = count_card.order_elected
new_candidates[candidate] = new_count_card
self.candidates = new_candidates
self.exhausted = CountCard()
self.loss_fraction = CountCard()
# Distribute votes
self.distribute_recursively(self.ballots_tree, Num('1'))
# Recompute transfers
if len(self.step_results) > 0:
last_result = self.step_results[len(self.step_results)-1]
for candidate, count_card in self.candidates.items():
def distribute_surpluses(self):
Overrides BaseSTVCounter.distribute_surpluses
Surpluses are distributed in Meek STV by recomputing the keep values, and redistributing all votes
# Do surpluses need to be distributed?
has_surplus = [(c, cc) for c, cc in self.candidates.items() if cc.state == CandidateState.ELECTED and cc.votes / self.quota > self._quota_tolerance]
if len(has_surplus) > 0:
num_iterations = 0
orig_quota = self.quota
while len(has_surplus) > 0:
num_iterations += 1
# Recompute keep values
for candidate, count_card in has_surplus:
# Perform in steps to avoid rounding error
count_card.keep_value *= self.quota
count_card.keep_value /= count_card.votes
# Redistribute votes
# Recompute quota if more ballots have become exhausted
has_surplus = [(c, cc) for c, cc in self.candidates.items() if cc.state == CandidateState.ELECTED and cc.votes / self.quota > self._quota_tolerance]
if num_iterations == 1:
self.logs.append('Surpluses distributed, requiring 1 iteration.')
self.logs.append('Surpluses distributed, requiring ' + str(num_iterations) + ' iterations.')
self.logs.append('Keep values of elected candidates are: ' + ', '.join([ + ' (' + cc.keep_value.pp(2) + ')' for c, cc in self.candidates.items() if cc.state == CandidateState.ELECTED]) + '.')
if self.quota != orig_quota:
self.logs.append( + ' usable votes, so the quota is ' + self.quota.pp(2) + '.')
# Declare elected any candidates meeting the quota as a result of surpluses
# NB: We could do this earlier, but this shows the flow of the election more clearly in the count sheet
return self.make_result('Surpluses distributed')
def do_exclusion(self, candidates_excluded):
Overrides BaseSTVCounter.do_exclusion
for candidate, count_card in candidates_excluded:
count_card.state = CandidateState.EXCLUDED
# Redistribute votes
def elect_meeting_quota(self):
Overrides BaseSTVCounter.elect_meeting_quota
Skip directly to CandidateState.ELECTED
# Does a candidate meet the quota?
meets_quota = [(c, cc) for c, cc in self.candidates.items() if cc.state == CandidateState.HOPEFUL and self.meets_quota(cc)]
if len(meets_quota) > 0:
meets_quota.sort(key=lambda x: x[1].votes, reverse=True)
if len(meets_quota) == 1:
self.logs.append(meets_quota[0][0].name + ' meets the quota and is elected.')
self.logs.append(self.pretty_join([ for c, cc in meets_quota]) + ' meet the quota and are elected.')
# Declare elected any candidate who meets the quota
while len(meets_quota) > 0:
x = self.choose_highest(meets_quota)
candidate, count_card = x[0], x[1]
count_card.state = CandidateState.ELECTED
self.num_elected += 1
count_card.order_elected = self.num_elected
def compute_quota(self):
Overrides BaseSTVCounter.compute_quota
Do not log quota changes
__pragma__('opov') = sum((cc.votes for c, cc in self.candidates.items()), Num('0'))
self.loss_fraction.transfers += (self.total_orig - - self.exhausted.votes) - self.loss_fraction.votes
if self.options['quota'] == 'droop' or self.options['quota'] == 'droop_exact':
self.quota = / Num(self.election.seats + 1)
elif self.options['quota'] == 'hare' or self.options['quota'] == 'hare_exact':
self.quota = / Num(self.election.seats)
raise STVException('Invalid quota option')
if self.options['round_quota'] is not None:
if self.options['quota'] == 'droop' or self.options['quota'] == 'hare':
# Increment to next available increment
factor = Num(10).__pow__(self.options['round_quota'])
self.quota = ((self.quota * factor).__floor__() + Num(1)) / factor
# Round up (preserving the original quota if exact)
self.quota = self.quota.round(self.options['round_quota'], self.quota.ROUND_UP)