Complete scan implementation

This commit is contained in:
RunasSudo 2017-12-10 23:06:48 +10:30
parent cb65838b2c
commit 95ff3efa7c
Signed by: RunasSudo
GPG Key ID: 7234E476BF21C61A
1 changed files with 166 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -4,13 +4,174 @@
# #
import zeep import zeep
# Override WS-Addressing namespace (use WS2006 instead of WS 1.1) # Override WS-Addressing namespace (use WS2006 instead of WS 1.1)
zeep.ns.WSA = '' zeep.ns.WSA = ''
import zeep.wsa, zeep.plugins
import zeep.wsa import papersize
client = zeep.Client('data/ScanService/WSDScannerService.wsdl', plugins=[zeep.wsa.WsAddressingPlugin()]) import argparse
service = client.create_service('{}ScannerServiceBinding', '') import datetime
import getpass
import platform
import sys
# == Arguments ==
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Interact with a network scanner using the Microsoft WSD (Web Services on Devices) WS-Scan protocol')
parser.add_argument('url', help='URL of the WS-Scan endpoint, e.g.')
parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true', help='Print debug information to stderr')
parser_operation = parser.add_subparsers(title='operation', dest='operation', help='The operation to perform')
must_honor = ['ColorProcessing', 'CompressionQualityFactor', 'ContentType', 'InputSize', 'InputSource', 'Resolution', 'ScanRegionWidth', 'ScanRegionHeight', 'ScanRegionXOffset', 'ScanRegionYOffset']
parser_scan = parser_operation.add_parser('scan', help='Scan a document')
parser_scan.add_argument('--name','Scan job at %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), help='Name of the scan job (JobName)')
parser_scan.add_argument('--user', default='{} on {}'.format(getpass.getuser(), platform.node()), help='Name of the originating user (JobOriginatingUserName)')
parser_scan.add_argument('--quality', default='100', help='Quality for lossless compression (CompressionQualityFactor, default "100")')
parser_scan.add_argument('--type', default='Auto', choices=['Auto', 'Text', 'Photo', 'Halftone', 'Mixed'], help='Type of scan (ContentType, default "Auto")')
parser_scan.add_argument('--format', default='exif', choices=['dib', 'exif', 'jbig', 'jfif', 'jpeg2k', 'pdf-a', 'png', 'tiff-single-uncompressed', 'tiff-single-g4', 'tiff-single-g3mh', 'tiff-single-jpeg-tn2', 'tiff-multi-uncompressed', 'tiff-multi-g4', 'tiff-multi-g3mh', 'tiff-multi-jpeg-tn2', 'xps'], help='Output file format (Format, default "exif")')
parser_scan.add_argument('--size', default='auto', help='Input paper size, either "auto", a size like "a4", or a measurement like "21cm x 29.7cm" (InputSize, default "auto")')
parser_scan.add_argument('--source', default='Auto', choices=['Auto', 'ADF', 'ADFDuplex', 'Film', 'Platen'], help='Output file format (InputSource, default "Auto")')
parser_scan.add_argument('--color', default=['Default'], choices=['Default', 'BlackAndWhite1', 'Grayscale4', 'Grayscale8', 'Grayscale16', 'RGB24', 'RGB48', 'RGBa32', 'RGBa64'], nargs='+', help='Color type, for front and optionally for back, (ColorProcessing)')
parser_scan.add_argument('--ppi', default=['Default'], nargs='+', help='Scan resolution, for front and optionally for back, in pixels per inch, e.g. "300x300" (Resolution)')
parser_scan.add_argument('--region', default=['Default'], nargs='+', help='Scan region, for front and optionally for back, "WxH+X,Y unit" (ScanRegion)')
parser_scan.add_argument('--optional', nargs='*', default=[], choices=must_honor, help='Space-separated list of settings which need not be honored (by default, all applicable settings are MustHonor)')
parser_shell = parser_operation.add_parser('shell', help='Initialise pyWSDscan and run a PDB shell')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.operation is None:
print(sys.argv[0] + ': error: you must specify an operation', file=sys.stderr)
# == End arguments ==
history = zeep.plugins.HistoryPlugin()
client = zeep.Client('data/ScanService/WSDScannerService.wsdl', plugins=[zeep.wsa.WsAddressingPlugin(), history])
service = client.create_service('{}ScannerServiceBinding', args.url)
# Load some types
ScanTicket = client.get_type('ns0:ScanTicketType')
if args.operation == 'scan':
def make_mediaside(side):
if side > 0:
side0 = make_mediaside(0)
return {
'ColorProcessing': side0['ColorProcessing'] if len(args.color) <= side else None if args.color[side] == 'Default' else args.color[side],
'Resolution': (
side0['Resolution'] if len(args.ppi) <= side else
None if args.ppi[side] == 'Default' else
'Width': args.ppi[side].split('x')[0],
'Height': args.ppi[side].split('x')[1] if 'x' in args.ppi[side] else args.ppi[side]
'ScanRegion': (
side0['ScanRegion'] if len(args.region) <= side else
None if args.region[side] == 'Default' else
'ScanRegionWidth': int(papersize.convert_length(float(args.region[side].split('x')[0]), args.region[side].split(' ')[1], 'in')*1000),
'ScanRegionHeight': int(papersize.convert_length(float(args.region[side].split('x')[1].split('+')[0]), args.region[side].split(' ')[1], 'in')*1000),
'ScanRegionXOffset': int(papersize.convert_length(float(args.region[side].split('+')[1].split(',')[0]), args.region[side].split(' ')[1], 'in')*1000),
'ScanRegionYOffset': int(papersize.convert_length(float(args.region[side].split(',')[1].split(' ')[0]), args.region[side].split(' ')[1], 'in')*1000)
# Prepare ticket
scan_ticket = ScanTicket(
'JobOriginatingUserName': args.user
'CompressionQualityFactor': args.quality,
'ContentType': args.type,
'Format': args.format,
'InputSize': (
{'DocumentSizeAutoDetect': {}} if args.size == 'auto' else
{'InputMediaSize': {
'Width': int(papersize.parse_papersize(args.size, 'in')[0]*1000),
'Height': int(papersize.parse_papersize(args.size, 'in')[1]*1000)
'InputSource': None if args.source == 'Auto' else args.source,
'MediaSides': {
'MediaFront': make_mediaside(0),
'MediaBack': make_mediaside(1) if args.source == 'ADFDuplex' else None
# Set MustHonour flags
for x in ['CompressionQualityFactor', 'ContentType', 'Format', 'InputSize', 'InputSource']:
if x not in args.optional:
val = getattr(scan_ticket.DocumentParameters, x)
if val is not None:
val.MustHonor = 'true'
for y in ['MediaFront', 'MediaBack']:
side = getattr(scan_ticket.DocumentParameters.MediaSides, y)
if side is not None:
if 'ColorProcessing' not in args.optional:
if side.ColorProcessing is not None:
side.ColorProcessing.MustHonor = 'true'
if 'Resolution' not in args.optional:
if side.Resolution is not None:
side.Resolution.MustHonor = 'true'
if side.ScanRegion is not None:
for x in ['ScanRegionWidth', 'ScanRegionHeight', 'ScanRegionXOffset', 'ScanRegionYOffset']:
if x not in args.optional:
getattr(side.ScanRegion, x).MustHonor = 'true'
if args.debug:
print('=== Scan ticket:', file=sys.stderr)
print(scan_ticket, file=sys.stderr)
# Confusingly, my printer doesn't honour validity and just says "Yes!" all the time…
print('Validating scan ticket...', file=sys.stderr)
validate_result = service.ValidateScanTicket(scan_ticket)
if args.debug:
print('=== ValidateScanTicket result:', file=sys.stderr)
print(validate_result, file=sys.stderr)
if not validate_result.ValidTicket._value_1:
print('Error: Scan parameters not supported', file=sys.stderr)
print('Creating new scan job...', file=sys.stderr)
create_result = service.CreateScanJob(ScanTicket=scan_ticket)
if args.debug:
print('=== CreateScanJob result:', file=sys.stderr)
print(create_result, file=sys.stderr)
print('Retrieving image data...', file=sys.stderr)
retrieve_result = service.RetrieveImage(
except zeep.exceptions.Fault as ex:
print('Error: Scan failed', file=sys.stderr)
print(ex, file=sys.stderr)
elif args.operation == 'shell':
print('You may use the PDB shell to interact with the scanner, e.g. service.GetJobHistory()', file=sys.stderr)
import pdb; pdb.set_trace() import pdb; pdb.set_trace()