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2022-11-10 21:20:06 +11:00
# scipy-yli: Helpful SciPy utilities and recipes
# Copyright © 2022 Lee Yingtong Li (RunasSudo)
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
import pandas as pd
2022-12-03 22:23:29 +11:00
from scipy import stats
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from .config import config
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from .utils import as_numeric, check_nan
2022-11-10 21:20:06 +11:00
def auto_descriptives(df, cols, *, ordinal_range=[]):
2022-11-10 21:20:06 +11:00
Automatically compute descriptive summary statistics
The statistics computed are:
* For a categorical variable Counts of values
* For a continuous variable Mean and standard deviation
* For an ordinal variable Median and IQR (default) or range
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There is no *nan_policy* argument. *nan* values are omitted from summary statistics for each variable, and the count of *nan* values is reported.
:param df: Data to summarise
:type df: DataFrame
:param cols: Columns in *df* for the variables to summarise
:type cols: List[str]
:param ordinal_range: Columns of ordinal variables in *df* to report median and range (rather than IQR)
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:type ordinal_range: List[str]
:rtype: :class:`yli.descriptives.AutoDescriptivesResult`
result_data = []
result_labels = []
for col in cols:
data_cleaned = df[col].dropna()
if data_cleaned.dtype == 'category' and and in ('float64', 'int64', 'Float64', 'Int64'):
# Ordinal numeric data
data_cleaned = data_cleaned.astype('float64')
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if col in ordinal_range:
# Report range
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'{}, median (range)'.format(col),
'{}, median (range)'.format(col),
'{:.2f} ({:.2f}{:.2f})'.format(data_cleaned.median(), data_cleaned.min(), data_cleaned.max()),
len(df) - len(data_cleaned)
# Report IQR
2022-11-10 21:20:06 +11:00
'{}, median (IQR)'.format(col),
'{}, median (IQR)'.format(col),
'{:.2f} ({:.2f}{:.2f})'.format(data_cleaned.median(), data_cleaned.quantile(0.25), data_cleaned.quantile(0.75)),
len(df) - len(data_cleaned)
elif data_cleaned.dtype in ('bool', 'boolean', 'category', 'object'):
# Categorical data
# FIXME: Sort order
values = sorted(data_cleaned.unique())
# Value counts
'{}, {}'.format(col, ':'.join(str(v) for v in values)),
'{}, {}'.format(col, ':'.join(str(v) for v in values)),
':'.join(str((data_cleaned == v).sum()) for v in values),
len(df) - len(data_cleaned)
elif data_cleaned.dtype in ('float64', 'int64', 'Float64', 'Int64'):
# Continuous data
'{}, μ (SD)'.format(col),
'{}, <i>μ</i> (SD)'.format(col),
'{:.2f} ({:.2f})'.format(data_cleaned.mean(), data_cleaned.std()),
len(df) - len(data_cleaned)
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raise Exception('Unsupported dtype for auto_descriptives, {}'.format(df[col].dtype))
return AutoDescriptivesResult(result_data=result_data, result_labels=result_labels)
class AutoDescriptivesResult:
Result of automatically computed descriptive summary statistics
See :func:`yli.auto_descriptives`.
Results data stored within instances of this class is not intended to be directly accessed.
def __init__(self, *, result_data, result_labels):
# List of tuples (variable summary, missing count)
self._result_data = result_data
# List of tuples (plaintext label, HTML label)
self._result_labels = result_labels
def __repr__(self):
if config.repr_is_summary:
return self.summary()
return super().__repr__()
def _repr_html_(self):
result = '<table><thead><tr><th></th><th></th><th>Missing</th></tr></thead><tbody>'
for data, label in zip(self._result_data, self._result_labels):
result += '<tr><th>{}</th><td>{}</td><td>{}</td></tr>'.format(label[1], data[0], data[1])
result += '</tbody></table>'
return result
def summary(self):
Return a stringified summary of the tests of association
:rtype: str
# Format data for output
result_labels_fmt = [r[0] for r in self._result_labels]
table = pd.DataFrame(self._result_data, index=result_labels_fmt, columns=['', 'Missing'])
return str(table)
2022-12-03 22:23:29 +11:00
def auto_correlations(df, cols):
Automatically compute pairwise correlation coefficients
Dichotomous variables are coded as 0/1, according to which value is lower or higher in the natural sort order.
Categorical variables with more than 2 categories are coded with one-hot dummy variables for all categories.
Ordinal variables are factorised and coded as ranks.
Pairwise Pearson correlation coefficients are then calculated on the coded data.
The effect of the coding is that, for example:
* 2 continuous variables are compared using Pearson's *r*
* 2 ordinal variables are compared using Spearman's *ρ*
* 2 dichotomous variables are compared using Yule's *φ*
* A continuous variable and dichotomous variable are compared using point-biserial correlation
* An ordinal variable and dichotomous variable are compared using rank-biserial correlation
There is no *nan_policy* argument. *nan* values are omitted from summary statistics for each variable, and the count of *nan* values is reported.
:param df: Data to compute correlations for
:type df: DataFrame
:param cols: Columns in *df* for the variables to compute correlations for
:type cols: List[str]
:rtype: :class:`yli.descriptives.AutoCorrelationsResult`
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def _col_to_numeric(col):
if col.dtype == 'category' and
# Ordinal variable
# Factorise if required
col, _ = as_numeric(col)
# Code as ranks
col[col >= 0] = stats.rankdata(col[col >= 0])
# Put NaNs back
col = col.astype('float64')
col[col < 0] = pd.NA
return col
# FIXME: Bools, binary, etc.
return col
# Code columns as numeric/ranks/etc. as appropriate
df_coded = pd.DataFrame(index=df.index)
for col_name in cols:
col = df[col_name]
if col.dtype == 'category' and
# Ordinal variable
# Factorise if required
col, _ = as_numeric(col)
# Code as ranks
col[col >= 0] = stats.rankdata(col[col >= 0])
# Put NaNs back
col = col.astype('float64')
col[col < 0] = pd.NA
df_coded[col_name] = col
elif col.dtype in ('bool', 'boolean', 'category', 'object'):
cat_values = col.dropna().unique()
if len(cat_values) == 2:
# Categorical variable with 2 categories
# Code as 0/1/NA
cat_values = sorted(cat_values)
col = col.replace({cat_values[0]: 0, cat_values[1]: 1})
df_coded[col_name] = col
# Categorical variable with >2 categories
# Create dummy variables
dummies = pd.get_dummies(col, prefix=col_name)
df_coded = df_coded.join(dummies)
# Numeric variable, etc.
df_coded[col_name] = col
# Compute pairwise correlation
df_corr = pd.DataFrame(index=df_coded.columns, columns=df_coded.columns, dtype='float64')
for i, col1 in enumerate(df_coded.columns):
for col2 in df_coded.columns[:i]:
df_2cols = df_coded[[col1, col2]].dropna()
statistic = stats.pearsonr(df_2cols[col1], df_2cols[col2]).statistic
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df_corr.loc[col1, col2] = statistic
df_corr.loc[col2, col1] = statistic
# Correlation with itself is always 1
df_corr.loc[col1, col1] = 1
return AutoCorrelationsResult(df_corr)
class AutoCorrelationsResult:
Result of automatically computed pairwise correlation coefficients
See :func:`yli.auto_correlations`.
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def __init__(self, correlations):
#: Pairwise correlation coefficients (*DataFrame*)
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self.correlations = correlations
def __repr__(self):
if config.repr_is_summary:
return self.summary()
return super().__repr__()
def _repr_html_(self):
df_repr = self.correlations._repr_html_()
# Insert caption
idx_endopen = df_repr.index('>', df_repr.index('<table'))
df_repr = df_repr[:idx_endopen+1] + '<caption>Correlation Matrix</caption>' + df_repr[idx_endopen+1:]
return df_repr
def summary(self):
Return a stringified summary of the correlation matrix
:rtype: str
return 'Correlation Matrix\n\n' + str(self.correlations)
def plot(self):
Plot a heatmap of the pairwise correlation coefficients
import seaborn as sns
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sns.heatmap(self.correlations, vmin=-1, vmax=1, cmap='RdBu')