For API nomenclature, the following guidelines are used:
* Prefer to call a test by its specific name (e.g. *anova* rather than *ftest* where applicable), unless most commonly known only by the distribution of the test statistic (e.g. *chi2*, *ttest*).
* A test/statistic is not referred to by both a distribution and specific name (e.g. *mannwhitney* rather than *mannwhitneyu*), unless required for disambiguation (e.g. *pearsonr* to distinguish the Pearson *χ*:sup:`2` test).
* The word "test" is omitted (e.g. *chi2* rather than *chi2test*), unless the name would otherwise be a single letter (e.g. *ttest*, *ftest*), or unless required for disambiguation (e.g. *LikelihoodRatioTestResult* to distinguish from the unrelated meaning of "likelihood ratio" in epidemiology).
* Underscores are usually omitted from the names of specific tests, test families and statistics (e.g. *ttest*, *oddsratio*, *pearsonr*, *pvalue*), but are used to separate these from other components (e.g. *ttest_ind*, *anova_oneway*, *lrtest_null*). There are a few exceptions (e.g. *rank_biserial*, *pseudo_rsquared*, *f_statistic*).
* The result class for a test has the same naming convention as the test function (e.g. *TTestResult* for *ttest_ind*), with abbreviations spelled out (e.g. *PearsonChiSquaredResult*, *LikelihoodRatioTestResult*); unless the result class is generic among several tests (e.g. *FTestResult* for *anova_oneway* and *RegressionResult.ftest*), or unless required for disambiguation (e.g. *PearsonChiSquaredResult* for *chi2*, as there are other *χ*:sup:`2` tests).