Write Sphinx documentation
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@ -1,2 +1,4 @@
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ Relevant statistical functions are all directly available from the top-level *yl
* Bayesian inference:
* *bayesfactor_afbf*: Adjusted fractional Bayes factor for a hypothesis on parameters from regression
Each function is documented in the respective docstring within the source code. Examples can be found in the unit tests in the *tests* directory.
Each function is documented in the respective docstring within the source code, and Sphinx documentation is buildable from the *docs* directory. Examples can be found in the unit tests in the *tests* directory.
## Warning
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
# Minimal makefile for Sphinx documentation
# You can set these variables from the command line, and also
# from the environment for the first two.
SPHINXBUILD ?= sphinx-build
BUILDDIR = _build
# Put it first so that "make" without argument is like "make help".
.PHONY: help Makefile
# Catch-all target: route all unknown targets to Sphinx using the new
# "make mode" option. $(O) is meant as a shortcut for $(SPHINXOPTS).
%: Makefile
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
Bayesian inference
.. autofunction:: yli.bayesfactor_afbf
Result classes
.. autoclass:: yli.bayes_factors.BayesFactor
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
# Configuration file for the Sphinx documentation builder.
# For the full list of built-in configuration values, see the documentation:
# https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/configuration.html
import sys, os
# -- Project information -----------------------------------------------------
# https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/configuration.html#project-information
project = 'scipy-yli'
copyright = '2022, RunasSudo'
author = 'RunasSudo'
# -- General configuration ---------------------------------------------------
# https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/configuration.html#general-configuration
extensions = ['sphinx.ext.autodoc']
templates_path = ['_templates']
exclude_patterns = ['_build', 'Thumbs.db', '.DS_Store']
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html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme'
html_static_path = ['_static']
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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
.. autodata:: yli.beta_oddsratio
.. automethod:: yli.distributions.betaoddsrat_gen.from_scipy
.. automethod:: yli.distributions.betaoddsrat_gen.set_cdf_terms
.. autodata:: yli.beta_ratio
.. automethod:: yli.distributions.betarat_gen.from_scipy
.. autodata:: yli.transformed_dist
.. autofunction:: yli.hdi
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
General specifications
.. _nan-handling:
NaN handling
Most functions take a parameter **nan_policy** to specify how to handle *nan* values in the data. The options are:
* **warn** (default) – Warn on *nan* values
* **raise** – Raise an error on *nan* values
* **omit** – Silently drop rows with *nan* values
In determining whether there is *nan* in the data, only the columns specified in the function (if applicable) are considered.
General result classes
.. autoclass:: yli.utils.ConfidenceInterval
.. autoclass:: yli.utils.Estimate
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
Global options
.. autodata:: yli.config
.. autoattribute:: yli.config.Config.alpha
.. autoattribute:: yli.config.Config.pvalue_leading_zero
.. autoattribute:: yli.config.Config.pvalue_max_dps
.. autoattribute:: yli.config.Config.pvalue_min_dps
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
scipy-yli API reference
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
:caption: Contents:
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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
.. autofunction:: yli.pickle_read_compressed
.. autofunction:: yli.pickle_read_encrypted
.. autofunction:: yli.pickle_write_compressed
.. autofunction:: yli.pickle_write_encrypted
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
pushd %~dp0
REM Command file for Sphinx documentation
if "%SPHINXBUILD%" == "" (
set SPHINXBUILD=sphinx-build
set BUILDDIR=_build
if errorlevel 9009 (
echo.The 'sphinx-build' command was not found. Make sure you have Sphinx
echo.installed, then set the SPHINXBUILD environment variable to point
echo.to the full path of the 'sphinx-build' executable. Alternatively you
echo.may add the Sphinx directory to PATH.
echo.If you don't have Sphinx installed, grab it from
exit /b 1
if "%1" == "" goto help
goto end
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
.. autofunction:: yli.logit_then_regress
.. autoclass:: yli.PenalisedLogit
.. autofunction:: yli.regress
.. autofunction:: yli.vif
Result classes
.. autoclass:: yli.regress.CategoricalTerm
.. autoclass:: yli.regress.LikelihoodRatioTestResult
.. autoclass:: yli.regress.RegressionResult
.. autoclass:: yli.regress.SingleTerm
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
Significance tests
.. autofunction:: yli.anova_oneway
.. autofunction:: yli.chi2
.. autofunction:: yli.mannwhitney
.. autofunction:: yli.pearsonr
.. autofunction:: yli.ttest_ind
Result classes
.. autoclass:: yli.sig_tests.BrunnerMunzelResult
.. autoclass:: yli.sig_tests.FTestResult
.. autoclass:: yli.sig_tests.MannWhitneyResult
.. autoclass:: yli.sig_tests.PearsonChiSquaredResult
.. autoclass:: yli.sig_tests.PearsonRResult
.. autoclass:: yli.sig_tests.TTestResult
@ -18,26 +18,45 @@ class BayesFactor:
"""A Bayes factor"""
def __init__(self, factor, num_symbol, num_desc, denom_symbol, denom_desc):
#: Value of the Bayes factor (*float*)
self.factor = factor
#: Symbol representing the hypothesis in the numerator (*str*)
self.num_symbol = num_symbol
#: Description of the hypothesis in the numerator (*str*)
self.num_desc = num_desc
#: Symbol representing the hypothesis in the denominator (*str*)
self.denom_symbol = denom_symbol
#: Description of the hypothesis in the denominator (*str*)
self.denom_desc = denom_desc
def _repr_html_(self):
return 'BF<sub>{0}{1}</sub> = {2:.2f}, {5}<br>H<sub>{0}</sub>: {3}<br>H<sub>{1}</sub>: {4}'.format(self.num_symbol, self.denom_symbol, self.factor, self.num_desc, self.denom_desc, self.interpret_lw(html=True))
def summary(self):
Return a stringified summary of the Bayes factor
:rtype: str
return 'BF{0}{1} = {2:.2f}, {5}\nH{0}: {3}\nH{1}: {4}'.format(self.num_symbol, self.denom_symbol, self.factor, self.num_desc, self.denom_desc, self.interpret_lw(html=False))
def invert(self):
"""Invert the Bayes factor"""
Invert the Bayes factor
:rtype: :class:`BayesFactor`
return BayesFactor(1 / self.factor, self.denom_symbol, self.denom_desc, self.num_symbol, self.num_desc)
def interpret_lw(self, html):
"""Interpret the Bayes factor according to the Lee & Wagenmakers classification scheme"""
Interpret the Bayes factor according to the Lee & Wagenmakers classification scheme
:meta private:
if self.factor == 1:
return 'Evidence favours neither hypothesis to the other'
@ -64,11 +83,11 @@ class BayesFactor:
def bayesfactor_afbf(params, cov, n, hypothesis):
Compute an adjusted fractional Bayes factor for the hypothesis
Using R "BFpack" library
See R documentation for BFpack.BF
Uses R *BFpack* library. See R documentation for *BFpack.BF*.
Returns Bayes factor for hypothesis vs its complement
:return: Bayes factor for the hypothesis versus its complement
:rtype: :class:`yli.bayes_factors.BayesFactor`
import rpy2.robjects as ro
@ -15,18 +15,18 @@
# along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
class Config:
"""Stores global configuration for the library"""
"""Global configuration for the library"""
def __init__(self):
# Display at least this many decimal places for p values
#: Display at least this many decimal places for *p* values (*int*)
self.pvalue_min_dps = 2
# Display at most this many decimal places for p values
#: Display at most this many decimal places for *p* values (*int*)
self.pvalue_max_dps = 3
# Display a leading zero for p values
#: Display a leading zero for *p* values (*bool*)
self.pvalue_leading_zero = True
# Alpha level for significance tests, confidence intervals
#: Alpha level for significance tests, confidence intervals (*float*)
self.alpha = 0.05
"""Global config singleton"""
"""Global configuration singleton"""
config = Config()
@ -23,17 +23,31 @@ from .utils import ConfidenceInterval
class betarat_gen(stats.rv_continuous):
Ratio of 2 independent beta-distributed variables
Ratio of Beta(a1, b1) / Beta(a2, b2)
1. Pham-Gia T. Distributions of the ratios of independent beta variables and applications. Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods. 2000;29(12):2693–715. doi: 10.1080/03610920008832632
2. Weekend Editor. On the ratio of Beta-distributed random variables. Some Weekend Reading. 2021 Sep 13. https://www.someweekendreading.blog/beta-ratios/
This is a SciPy *stats.rv_continuous* distribution which takes 4 parameters, *a1*, *b1*, *a2* and *b2*,
and gives the distribution of Beta(*a1*, *b1*) / Beta(*a2*, *b2*).
1. Pham-Gia T. Distributions of the ratios of independent beta variables and applications. *Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods*. 2000;29(12):2693–715. `doi: 10.1080/03610920008832632 <https://doi.org/10.1080/03610920008832632>`_
2. Weekend Editor. On the ratio of Beta-distributed random variables. *Some Weekend Reading*. 2021 Sep 13. https://www.someweekendreading.blog/beta-ratios/
# TODO: _rvs based on stats.beta
def from_scipy(self, beta1, beta2):
"""Construct a new beta_ratio distribution from two SciPy beta distributions"""
Construct a new *beta_ratio* distribution from two SciPy beta distributions
:param beta1: Distribution for the numerator of the ratio
:type beta1: frozen SciPy stats.beta
:param beta2: Distribution for the denominator of the ratio
:type beta2: frozen SciPy stats.beta
:rtype: Frozen *beta_ratio* distribution
return self(*beta1.args, *beta2.args)
def _do_vectorized(self, func, x, a1, b1, a2, b2):
@ -104,20 +118,38 @@ beta_ratio = betarat_gen(name='beta_ratio', a=0) # a = lower bound of support
class betaoddsrat_gen(stats.rv_continuous):
Ratio of the odds of 2 independent beta-distributed variables
Ratio of (X/(1-X)) / (Y/(1-Y)), where X ~ Beta(a1, b1), Y ~ Beta(a2, b2)
Hora SC, Kelley GD. Bayesian inference on the odds and risk ratios. Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods. 1983;12(6):725–38. doi: 10.1080/03610928308828491
This is a SciPy *stats.rv_continuous* distribution which takes 4 parameters, *a1*, *b1*, *a2* and *b2*,
and gives the distribution of (*X*/(1-*X*)) / (*Y*/(1-*Y*)), where *X* ~ Beta(*a1*, *b1*), and *Y* ~ Beta(*a2*, *b2*).
**Reference:** Hora SC, Kelley GD. Bayesian inference on the odds and risk ratios. *Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods*. 1983;12(6):725–38. `doi: 10.1080/03610928308828491 <https://doi.org/10.1080/03610928308828491>`_
# TODO: _rvs based on stats.beta
def from_scipy(self, beta1, beta2):
"""Construct a new beta_ratio distribution from two SciPy beta distributions"""
Construct a new *beta_oddsratio* distribution from two SciPy beta distributions
:param beta1: Distribution for the numerator of the ratio
:type beta1: frozen SciPy stats.beta
:param beta2: Distribution for the denominator of the ratio
:type beta2: frozen SciPy stats.beta
:rtype: Frozen *beta_oddsratio* distribution
return self(*beta1.args, *beta2.args)
def set_cdf_terms(self, cdf_terms):
"""Set the number of terms to use when calculating CDF (see _cdf)"""
Set the number of terms to use when calculating the CDF
If *cdf_terms* = *np.inf* (default), the CDF will be computed by numerical integration of the PDF.
Otherwise, the CDF will be computed by truncating the infinite sum given by Hora & Kelley to the specified number of terms.
def _do_vectorized(self, func, x, a1, b1, a2, b2):
@ -179,12 +211,7 @@ class betaoddsrat_gen(stats.rv_continuous):
return 1 - k * inf_sum
def _cdf(self, w, a1, b1, a2, b2):
CDF for the distribution
If BETA_ODDSRATIO_CDF_TERMS = np.inf, compute the CDF by integrating the PDF
Otherwise, compute the CDF by truncating the infinite sum given by Hora & Kelley
"""CDF for the distribution"""
w = np.atleast_1d(w)
a1 = np.atleast_1d(a1)
@ -259,10 +286,24 @@ beta_oddsratio = betaoddsrat_gen(name='beta_oddsratio', a=0) # a = lower bound
class transformed_gen(stats.rv_continuous):
Represents a transformation, Y, of a "base" random variable, X, where f(Y) = X
Hence Y.pdf(x) = X.pdf(f(x)) * f'(x)
Represents a transformation, *Y*, of a "base" random variable, *X*
e.g. if X is a model parameter, then transformed_dist(X, f=np.exp, fprime=np.exp, finv=np.log) is distribution of the log-parameter
This is a SciPy *stats.rv_continuous* distribution which takes parameters as described below.
The transformation is *f*\ (*Y*) = *X*.
Hence *Y*.pdf\ (*x*) = *X*.pdf\ (*f*\ (*x*)) \* *f*'\ (*x*).
For example, if *X* is a model parameter, then ``transformed_dist(X, f=np.exp, fprime=np.exp, finv=np.log)`` is the distribution of the log-parameter.
* **base** (*frozen SciPy distribution*) – Distribution of the base random variable
* **f** (*callable*) – Function *f* representing the transformation, which takes values of *Y* to values of *X*
* **fprime** (*callable*) – Derivative of the function *f*
* **finv** (*callable*) – Inverse of the function *f*, which takes values of *X* to values of *Y*
def _pdf(self, x, base, f, fprime, finv):
@ -297,7 +338,12 @@ def hdi(distribution, level=None):
Get the highest density interval for the distribution, e.g. for a Bayesian posterior, the highest posterior density interval (HPD/HDI)
level: Coverage/confidence probability, default (None) is 1 - config.alpha
:param distribution: Distribution to compute the interval for
:type distribution: frozen SciPy distribution
:param level: Coverage/confidence probability, default (*None*) is 1 − *config.alpha*
:type level: float
:rtype: :class:`yli.utils.ConfidenceInterval`
if level is None:
@ -23,9 +23,16 @@ def pickle_write_encrypted(df, fname):
Write the DataFrame to an encrypted file
DataFrame is serialised with Pickle, compressed with LZMA, then encrypted
Encryption is AES-256-CTR
Password is derived using scrypt KDF
Prompts the user for a password.
The DataFrame is serialised with *pickle*, compressed with LZMA, then encrypted.
Encryption uses AES-256-CTR.
Encryption key is derived from the password using the scrypt KDF.
:param df: Data to serialise
:type df: DataFrame
:param fname: Filename to write data to
:type fname: str
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
@ -56,7 +63,12 @@ def pickle_write_compressed(df, fname):
Write the DataFrame to a compressed file
DataFrame is serialised with Pickle and compressed with LZMA
The DataFrame is serialised with *pickle*, then compressed with LZMA.
:param df: Data to serialise
:type df: DataFrame
:param fname: Filename to write data to
:type fname: str
# Serialise Pandas and compress
@ -67,6 +79,13 @@ def pickle_write_compressed(df, fname):
def pickle_read_encrypted(fname):
Read a DataFrame from an encrypted file
See :meth:`yli.pickle_write_encrypted`.
:param fname: Filename to read data from
:type fname: str
:rtype: DataFrame
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
@ -91,7 +110,14 @@ def pickle_read_encrypted(fname):
def pickle_read_compressed(fname):
Read a DataFrame from an compressed (but not encrypted) file
Read a DataFrame from a compressed file
See :meth:`yli.pickle_write_compressed`.
:param fname: Filename to read data from
:type fname: str
:rtype: DataFrame
# Uncompress and deserialise to Pandas
@ -30,11 +30,17 @@ from .config import config
from .sig_tests import FTestResult
from .utils import Estimate, check_nan, cols_for_formula, fmt_p, formula_factor_ref_category, parse_patsy_term
def vif(df, formula=None, nan_policy='warn'):
def vif(df, formula=None, *, nan_policy='warn'):
Calculate the variance inflation factor for each variable in df
Calculate the variance inflation factor (VIF) for each variable in *df*
formula: If specified, calculate the VIF only for the variables in the formula
:param df: Data to calculate the VIF for
:type df: DataFrame
:param formula: If specified, calculate the VIF only for the variables in the formula
:type formula: str
:return: The variance inflation factor
:rtype: float
if formula:
@ -63,24 +69,37 @@ def vif(df, formula=None, nan_policy='warn'):
# Regression
class LikelihoodRatioTestResult:
"""Result of a likelihood ratio test for regression"""
Result of a likelihood ratio test for regression
See :meth:`RegressionResult.lrtest_null`.
def __init__(self, statistic, dof, pvalue):
#: Likelihood ratio test statistic (*float*)
self.statistic = statistic
#: Degrees of freedom for the likelihood ratio test statistic (*int*)
self.dof = dof
#: *p* value for the likelihood ratio test (*float*)
self.pvalue = pvalue
def _repr_html_(self):
return 'LR({}) = {:.2f}; <i>p</i> {}'.format(self.dof, self.statistic, fmt_p(self.pvalue, html=True))
def summary(self):
Return a stringified summary of the likelihood ratio test
:rtype: str
return 'LR({}) = {:.2f}; p {}'.format(self.dof, self.statistic, fmt_p(self.pvalue, html=False))
class RegressionResult:
Result of a regression
llf/llnull: Log-likelihood of model/null model
See :func:`yli.regress`.
def __init__(self,
@ -92,44 +111,63 @@ class RegressionResult:
dof_resid, rsquared, f_statistic,
# A copy of the raw result so we can access it
#: Raw result from statsmodels *model.fit*
self.raw_result = raw_result
# Information for display
#: Full name of the regression model type (*str*)
self.full_name = full_name
#: Short name of the regression model type (*str*)
self.model_name = model_name
#: Method for fitting the regression model (*str*)
self.fit_method = fit_method
# Basic fitted model information
#: Name of the dependent variable (*str*)
self.dep = dep
#: Number of observations (*int*)
self.nobs = nobs
#: Degrees of freedom for the model (*int*)
self.dof_model = dof_model
#: Date and time of fitting the model (Python *datetime*)
self.fitted_dt = fitted_dt
#: Method for computing the covariance matrix (*str*)
self.cov_type = cov_type
# Regression coefficients/p values
#: Coefficients and *p* values for each term in the model (*dict* of :class:`SingleTerm` or :class:`CategoricalTerm`)
self.terms = terms
# Model log-likelihood
#: Log-likelihood of fitted model (*float*)
self.llf = llf
#: Log-likelihood of null model (*float*)
self.llnull = llnull
# Extra statistics (not all regression models have these)
#: Degrees of freedom for the residuals (*int*; *None* if N/A)
self.dof_resid = dof_resid
#: *R*:sup:`2` statistic (*float*; *None* if N/A)
self.rsquared = rsquared
#: *F* statistic (*float*; *None* if N/A)
self.f_statistic = f_statistic
# Config for display style
#: See :func:`yli.regress`
self.exp = exp
def pseudo_rsquared(self):
"""McFadden's pseudo R-squared"""
"""McFadden's pseudo *R*:sup:`2` statistic"""
return 1 - self.llf/self.llnull
def lrtest_null(self):
"""Compute the likelihood ratio test comparing the model to the null model"""
Compute the likelihood ratio test comparing the model to the null model
:rtype: :class:`LikelihoodRatioTestResult`
statistic = -2 * (self.llnull - self.llf)
pvalue = 1 - stats.chi2.cdf(statistic, self.dof_model)
@ -137,17 +175,28 @@ class RegressionResult:
return LikelihoodRatioTestResult(statistic, self.dof_model, pvalue)
def ftest(self):
"""Perform the F test that all slopes are 0"""
Perform the *F* test that all slopes are 0
:rtype: :class:`yli.sig_tests.FTestResult`
pvalue = 1 - stats.f(self.dof_model, self.dof_resid).cdf(self.f_statistic)
return FTestResult(self.f_statistic, self.dof_model, self.dof_resid, pvalue)
def bayesfactor_beta_zero(self, term):
Compute Bayes factor testing the hypothesis that the given beta is 0
Requires statsmodels regression
Compute a Bayes factor testing the hypothesis that the given beta is 0
term: Raw name (from statsmodels, available via RegressionResult.raw_result) of term to be tested
Uses the R *BFpack* library.
Requires the regression to be from statsmodels.
The term must be specified as the *raw name* from the statsmodels regression, available via :attr:`RegressionResult.raw_result`.
:param term: Raw name of the term to be tested
:type term: str
:rtype: :class:`yli.bayes_factors.BayesFactor`
# FIXME: Allow specifying our renamed terms
@ -264,6 +313,12 @@ class RegressionResult:
return out
def summary(self):
Return a stringified summary of the regression model
:rtype: str
# Render header table
left_col, right_col = self._header_table(html=False)
@ -325,24 +380,23 @@ class RegressionResult:
return out
class SingleTerm:
A term in a RegressionResult which is a single term
raw_name: The raw name of the term (e.g. in RegressionResult.raw_result data)
beta: An Estimate of the coefficient
pvalue: The p value
"""A term in a :class:`RegressionResult` which is a single term"""
def __init__(self, raw_name, beta, pvalue):
#: Raw name of the term (*str*; e.g. in :attr:`RegressionResult.raw_result`)
self.raw_name = raw_name
#: :class:`yli.utils.Estimate` of the coefficient
self.beta = beta
#: *p* value for the coefficient (*float*)
self.pvalue = pvalue
class CategoricalTerm:
"""A group of terms in a RegressionResult corresponding to a categorical variable"""
"""A group of terms in a :class:`RegressionResult` corresponding to a categorical variable"""
def __init__(self, categories, ref_category):
#: Terms for each of the categories, excluding the reference category (*dict* of :class:`SingleTerm`)
self.categories = categories
#: Name of the reference category (*str*)
self.ref_category = ref_category
def regress(
@ -356,8 +410,30 @@ def regress(
Fit a statsmodels regression model
bool_baselevels: Show reference categories for boolean independent variables even if reference category is False
exp: Report exponentiated parameters rather than raw parameters
:param model_class: Type of regression model to fit
:type model_class: statsmodels model class
:param df: Data to perform regression on
:type df: DataFrame
:param dep: Column in *df* for the dependent variable (numeric)
:type dep: str
:param formula: Patsy formula for the regression model
:type formula: str
:param nan_policy: How to handle *nan* values (see :ref:`nan-handling`)
:type nan_policy: str
:param model_kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to *model_class* constructor
:type model_kwargs: dict
:param fit_kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to *model.fit*
:type fit_kwargs: dict
:param family: See statsmodels *GLM* constructor
:param cov_type: See statsmodels *model.fit*
:param maxiter: See statsmodels *model.fit*
:param start_params: See statsmodels *model.fit*
:param bool_baselevels: Show reference categories for boolean independent variables even if reference category is *False*
:type bool_baselevels: bool
:param exp: Report exponentiated parameters rather than raw parameters, default (*None*) is to autodetect based on *model_class*
:type exp: bool
:rtype: :class:`yli.regress.RegressionResult`
# Populate model_kwargs
@ -473,7 +549,23 @@ def regress(
def logit_then_regress(model_class, df, dep, formula, *, nan_policy='warn', **kwargs):
"""Perform logistic regression, then use parameters as start parameters for desired regression"""
Perform logistic regression, then use parameters as start parameters for desired regression
:param model_class: Type of regression model to fit
:type model_class: statsmodels model class
:param df: Data to perform regression on
:type df: DataFrame
:param dep: Column in *df* for the dependent variable (numeric)
:type dep: str
:param formula: Patsy formula for the regression model
:type formula: str
:param nan_policy: How to handle *nan* values (see :ref:`nan-handling`)
:type nan_policy: str
:param kwargs: Passed through to :func:`yli.regress`
:rtype: :class:`yli.regress.RegressionResult`
# Check for/clean NaNs
# Do this once here so we only get 1 warning
@ -496,10 +588,11 @@ def logit_then_regress(model_class, df, dep, formula, *, nan_policy='warn', **kw
class PenalisedLogit(statsmodels.discrete.discrete_model.BinaryModel):
Statsmodel-compatible model for computing Firth penalised logistic regression
Uses R "logistf" library
statsmodel-compatible model for computing Firth penalised logistic regression
NB: This class expects to be used in the context of yli.regress()
Uses the R *logistf* library.
This class should be used in conjunction with :func:`yli.regress`.
def fit(self, disp=False):
@ -30,26 +30,50 @@ from .utils import Estimate, as_2groups, check_nan, fmt_p
class TTestResult:
Result of a Student's t test
Result of a Student's *t* test
delta: Mean difference
See :func:`yli.ttest_ind`.
def __init__(self, statistic, dof, pvalue, delta, delta_direction):
#: *t* statistic (*float*)
self.statistic = statistic
#: Degrees of freedom of the *t* distribution (*int*)
self.dof = dof
#: *p* value for the *t* statistic (*float*)
self.pvalue = pvalue
#: Absolute value of the mean difference (:class:`yli.utils.Estimate`)
self.delta = delta
#: Description of the direction of the effect (*str*)
self.delta_direction = delta_direction
def _repr_html_(self):
return '<i>t</i>({:.0f}) = {:.2f}; <i>p</i> {}<br>Δ<i>μ</i> ({:g}% CI) = {}, {}'.format(self.dof, self.statistic, fmt_p(self.pvalue, html=True), (1-config.alpha)*100, self.delta.summary(), self.delta_direction)
def summary(self):
Return a stringified summary of the *t* test
:rtype: str
return 't({:.0f}) = {:.2f}; p {}\nΔμ ({:g}% CI) = {}, {}'.format(self.dof, self.statistic, fmt_p(self.pvalue, html=False), (1-config.alpha)*100, self.delta.summary(), self.delta_direction)
def ttest_ind(df, dep, ind, *, nan_policy='warn'):
"""Perform an independent-sample Student's t test"""
Perform an independent 2-sample Student's *t* test
:param df: Data to perform the test on
:type df: DataFrame
:param dep: Column in *df* for the dependent variable (numeric)
:type dep: str
:param ind: Column in *df* for the independent variable (dichotomous)
:type ind: str
:param nan_policy: How to handle *nan* values (see :ref:`nan-handling`)
:type nan_policy: str
:rtype: :class:`yli.sig_tests.TTestResult`
# Check for/clean NaNs
df = check_nan(df[[ind, dep]], nan_policy)
@ -78,22 +102,49 @@ def ttest_ind(df, dep, ind, *, nan_policy='warn'):
# One-way ANOVA
class FTestResult:
"""Result of an F test for ANOVA/regression"""
Result of an *F* test for ANOVA/regression
See :func:`yli.anova_oneway` and :meth:`yli.regress.RegressionResult.ftest`.
def __init__(self, statistic, dof1, dof2, pvalue):
#: *F* statistic (*float*)
self.statistic = statistic
#: Degrees of freedom in the *F* distribution numerator (*int*)
self.dof1 = dof1
#: Degrees of freedom in the *F* distribution denominator (*int*)
self.dof2 = dof2
#: *p* value for the *F* statistic (*float*)
self.pvalue = pvalue
def _repr_html_(self):
return '<i>F</i>({}, {}) = {:.2f}; <i>p</i> {}'.format(self.dof1, self.dof2, self.statistic, fmt_p(self.pvalue, html=True))
def summary(self):
Return a stringified summary of the *F* test
:rtype: str
return 'F({}, {}) = {:.2f}; p {}'.format(self.dof1, self.dof2, self.statistic, fmt_p(self.pvalue, html=False))
def anova_oneway(df, dep, ind, *, nan_policy='omit'):
"""Perform one-way ANOVA"""
Perform one-way ANOVA
:param df: Data to perform the test on
:type df: DataFrame
:param dep: Column in *df* for the dependent variable (numeric)
:type dep: str
:param ind: Column in *df* for the independent variable (categorical)
:type ind: str
:param nan_policy: How to handle *nan* values (see :ref:`nan-handling`)
:type nan_policy: str
:rtype: :class:`yli.sig_tests.FTestResult`
# Check for/clean NaNs
df = check_nan(df[[ind, dep]], nan_policy)
@ -115,16 +166,21 @@ def anova_oneway(df, dep, ind, *, nan_policy='omit'):
class MannWhitneyResult:
Result of a Mann-Whitney test
Result of a Mann-Whitney *U* test
brunnermunzel: BrunnerMunzelResult on same data
See :func:`yli.mannwhitney`.
def __init__(self, statistic, pvalue, rank_biserial, direction, brunnermunzel=None):
#: Mann–Whitney *U* statistic (*float*)
self.statistic = statistic
#: *p* value for the *U* statistic (*float*)
self.pvalue = pvalue
#: Absolute value of the rank-biserial correlation (*float*)
self.rank_biserial = rank_biserial
#: Description of the direction of the effect (*str*)
self.direction = direction
#: :class:`BrunnerMunzelResult` on the same data, or *None* if N/A
self.brunnermunzel = brunnermunzel
def _repr_html_(self):
@ -135,6 +191,12 @@ class MannWhitneyResult:
return line1
def summary(self):
Return a stringified summary of the Mann–Whitney test
:rtype: str
line1 = 'U = {:.1f}; p {}\nr = {}, {}'.format(self.statistic, fmt_p(self.pvalue, html=False), self.rank_biserial, self.direction)
if self.brunnermunzel:
return line1 + '\n' + self.brunnermunzel.summary()
@ -142,24 +204,55 @@ class MannWhitneyResult:
return line1
class BrunnerMunzelResult:
Result of a Brunner–Munzel test
See :func:`yli.mannwhitney`. This library calls the Brunner–Munzel test statistic *W*.
"""Result of a Brunner-Munzel test"""
def __init__(self, statistic, pvalue):
#: *W* statistic (*float*)
self.statistic = statistic
#: *p* value for the *W* statistic (*float*)
self.pvalue = pvalue
def _repr_html_(self):
return '<i>W</i> = {:.1f}; <i>p</i> {}'.format(self.statistic, fmt_p(self.pvalue, html=True))
def summary(self):
Return a stringified summary of the Brunner–Munzel test
:rtype: str
return 'W = {:.1f}; p {}'.format(self.statistic, fmt_p(self.pvalue, html=False))
def mannwhitney(df, dep, ind, *, nan_policy='warn', brunnermunzel=True, use_continuity=False, alternative='two-sided', method='auto'):
Perform a Mann-Whitney test
Perform a Mann-Whitney *U* test
brunnermunzel: Set to False to skip the Brunner-Munzel test
use_continuity, alternative, method: See scipy.stats.mannwhitneyu
By default, this function performs a Brunner–Munzel test if the Mann–Whitney test is significant.
If the Mann–Whitney test is significant but the Brunner–Munzel test is not, a warning is raised.
The Brunner–Munzel test is returned only if non-significant.
:param df: Data to perform the test on
:type df: DataFrame
:param dep: Column in *df* for the dependent variable (numeric)
:type dep: str
:param ind: Column in *df* for the independent variable (dichotomous)
:type ind: str
:param nan_policy: How to handle *nan* values (see :ref:`nan-handling`)
:type nan_policy: str
:param brunnermunzel: Whether to compute the Brunner–Munzel test if the Mann–Whitney test is significant
:type brunnermunzel: bool
:param use_continuity: See *scipy.stats.mannwhitneyu*
:param alternative: See *scipy.stats.mannwhitneyu*
:param method: See *scipy.stats.mannwhitneyu*
:rtype: :class:`yli.sig_tests.MannWhitneyResult`
# Check for/clean NaNs
@ -198,14 +291,24 @@ def mannwhitney(df, dep, ind, *, nan_policy='warn', brunnermunzel=True, use_cont
# Pearson chi-squared test
class PearsonChiSquaredResult:
"""Result of a Pearson chi-squared test"""
Result of a Pearson *χ*:sup:`2` test
See :func:`yli.chi2`.
def __init__(self, ct, statistic, dof, pvalue, oddsratio=None, riskratio=None):
#: Contingency table for the observations (*DataFrame*)
self.ct = ct
#: *χ*:sup:`2` statistic (*float*)
self.statistic = statistic
#: Degrees of freedom for the *χ*:sup:`2` distribution (*int*)
self.dof = dof
#: *p* value for the *χ*:sup:`2` test (*float*)
self.pvalue = pvalue
#: Odds ratio (*float*; *None* if not a 2×2 table)
self.oddsratio = oddsratio
#: Risk ratio (*float*; *None* if not a 2×2 table)
self.riskratio = riskratio
def _repr_html_(self):
@ -217,6 +320,12 @@ class PearsonChiSquaredResult:
self.ct._repr_html_(), self.dof, self.statistic, fmt_p(self.pvalue, html=True))
def summary(self):
Return a stringified summary of the *χ*:sup:`2` test
:rtype: str
if self.oddsratio is not None:
return '{0}\nχ²({1}) = {2:.2f}; p {3}\nOR ({4:g}% CI) = {5}\nRR ({4:g}% CI) = {6}'.format(
self.ct, self.dof, self.statistic, fmt_p(self.pvalue, html=False), (1-config.alpha)*100, self.oddsratio.summary(), self.riskratio.summary())
@ -225,7 +334,24 @@ class PearsonChiSquaredResult:
self.ct, self.dof, self.statistic, fmt_p(self.pvalue, html=False))
def chi2(df, dep, ind, *, nan_policy='warn'):
"""Perform a Pearson chi-squared test"""
Perform a Pearson *χ*:sup:`2` test
If a 2×2 contingency table is obtained (i.e. if both variables are dichotomous), an odds ratio and risk ratio are calculated.
The ratios are calculated for the higher-valued value in each variable (i.e. ``True`` compared with ``False`` for a boolean).
The risk ratio is calculated relative to the independent variable.
:param df: Data to perform the test on
:type df: DataFrame
:param dep: Column in *df* for the dependent variable (categorical)
:type dep: str
:param ind: Column in *df* for the independent variable (categorical)
:type ind: str
:param nan_policy: How to handle *nan* values (see :ref:`nan-handling`)
:type nan_policy: str
:rtype: :class:`yli.sig_tests.PearsonChiSquaredResult`
# Check for/clean NaNs
df = check_nan(df[[ind, dep]], nan_policy)
@ -266,20 +392,45 @@ def chi2(df, dep, ind, *, nan_policy='warn'):
# Pearson correlation
class PearsonRResult:
"""Result of Pearson correlation"""
Result of Pearson correlation
See :func:`yli.pearsonr`.
def __init__(self, statistic, pvalue):
#: Pearson *r* correlation statistic (*float*)
self.statistic = statistic
#: *p* value for the *r* statistic (*float*)
self.pvalue = pvalue
def _repr_html_(self):
return '<i>r</i> ({:g}% CI) = {}; <i>p</i> {}'.format((1-config.alpha)*100, self.statistic.summary(), fmt_p(self.pvalue, html=True))
def summary(self):
Return a stringified summary of the Pearson correlation
:rtype: str
return 'r ({:g}% CI) = {}; p {}'.format((1-config.alpha)*100, self.statistic.summary(), fmt_p(self.pvalue, html=False))
def pearsonr(df, dep, ind, *, nan_policy='warn'):
"""Compute the Pearson correlation coefficient (Pearson's r)"""
Compute the Pearson correlation coefficient (Pearson's r)
:param df: Data to perform the test on
:type df: DataFrame
:param dep: Column in *df* for the dependent variable (numerical)
:type dep: str
:param ind: Column in *df* for the independent variable (numerical)
:type ind: str
:param nan_policy: How to handle *nan* values (see :ref:`nan-handling`)
:type nan_policy: str
:rtype: :class:`yli.sig_tests.PearsonRResult`
# Check for/clean NaNs
df = check_nan(df[[ind, dep]], nan_policy)
@ -143,26 +143,44 @@ class ConfidenceInterval:
"""A confidence interval"""
def __init__(self, lower, upper):
#: Lower confidence limit (*float*)
self.lower = lower
#: Upper confidence limit (*float*)
self.upper = upper
def _repr_html_(self):
return self.summary()
def summary(self):
Return a stringified summary of the confidence interval
:rtype: str
return '{:.2f}–{:.2f}'.format(self.lower, self.upper)
class Estimate:
"""A point estimate and surrounding confidence interval"""
def __init__(self, point, ci_lower, ci_upper):
#: Point estimate (*float*)
self.point = point
#: Lower confidence limit (*float*)
self.ci_lower = ci_lower
#: Upper confidence limit (*float*)
self.ci_upper = ci_upper
def _repr_html_(self):
return self.summary()
def summary(self):
Return a stringified summary of the estimate and confidence interval
:rtype: str
return '{:.2f} ({:.2f}–{:.2f})'.format(self.point, self.ci_lower, self.ci_upper)
def __neg__(self):
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