# scipy-yli: Helpful SciPy utilities and recipes # Copyright © 2022–2023 Lee Yingtong Li (RunasSudo) # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . from collections import namedtuple def init_fonts(): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.rcParams['font.family'] = 'Helvetica Neue LT Std' plt.rcParams['text.latex.preamble'] = r'\usepackage{tgheros}\usepackage{newtxmath}' plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 11 plt.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 100 EffectPlotData = namedtuple('EffectPlotData', ['y', 'mean', 'ci0', 'ci1', 'pvalue']) class EffectPlotText: def __init__(self, y, text, skip_width=False, **kwargs): self.y = y self.text = text self.skip_width = skip_width self.kwargs = kwargs class HorizontalEffectPlot: # TODO: Documentation def __init__(self, measure_name, xlabel, *, header_y=1): self.measure_name = measure_name self.xlabel = xlabel self.text_left = [[]] # [EffectPlotText] #self.text_right = [[], [], [], [], [], [], []] # [EffectPlotText] self.text_right = [[], [], [], [], [], []] # [EffectPlotText] self.data = [] #self.space_right = [0.15, 0.05, 0, 0, 0.1, 0, 0] # Space in inches between each right text column self.space_right = [0.15, 0.05, 0, 0, 0.1, 0] # Space in inches between each right text column # Add headings self.text_right[0].append(EffectPlotText(header_y, measure_name, skip_width=True, ha='center', fontweight='medium')) self.text_right[2].append(EffectPlotText(header_y, '(95% CI)', skip_width=True, ha='center', fontweight='medium')) self.text_right[5].append(EffectPlotText(header_y, 'p', skip_width=True, ha='center', fontweight='medium', fontstyle='italic')) def add_nobar(self, y, label, mean=None, ci0=None, ci1=None, pvalue=None): # Label self.text_left[0].append(EffectPlotText(y, label, ha='right')) # Mean if mean is not None: self.text_right[0].append(EffectPlotText(y, mean, ha='right')) # Confidence intervals if ci0 is not None: self.text_right[1].append(EffectPlotText(y, '({}'.format(ci0), ha='right')) self.text_right[2].append(EffectPlotText(y, '–', ha='left')) self.text_right[3].append(EffectPlotText(y, '{})'.format(ci1), ha='left')) # P value and flag if pvalue is not None: self.text_right[5].append(EffectPlotText(y, pvalue, ha='right')) def add_bar(self, y, label, mean, ci0, ci1, pvalue): self.data.append(EffectPlotData(y=y, mean=mean, ci0=ci0, ci1=ci1, pvalue=pvalue)) # Label self.text_left[0].append(EffectPlotText(y, label, ha='right')) # Mean self.text_right[0].append(EffectPlotText(y, '{:.2f}'.format(mean), ha='right')) # Confidence intervals self.text_right[1].append(EffectPlotText(y, '({:.2f}'.format(ci0), ha='right')) self.text_right[2].append(EffectPlotText(y, '–', ha='left')) self.text_right[3].append(EffectPlotText(y, '{:.2f})'.format(ci1), ha='left')) # P value and flag if pvalue < 0.0005: self.text_right[4].append(EffectPlotText(y, '<', ha='left')) self.text_right[5].append(EffectPlotText(y, '0.001*', ha='left')) elif pvalue < 0.01: self.text_right[5].append(EffectPlotText(y, '{:.3f}*'.format(pvalue), ha='left')) elif pvalue < 0.05: self.text_right[5].append(EffectPlotText(y, '{:.2f}*'.format(pvalue), ha='left')) else: self.text_right[5].append(EffectPlotText(y, '{:.2f}'.format(pvalue), ha='left')) #if pvalue < 0.05: # self.text_right[6].append(EffectPlotText(y, '*', ha='left')) def add_group_heading(self, y, label): self.text_left[0].append(EffectPlotText(y, label, ha='right', fontweight='medium')) def _width_of(self, text): txt = self.ax.text(9999, 9999, text, in_layout=False, transform=self.ax.transAxes) txt_width_px = txt.get_window_extent(renderer=self.fig.canvas.get_renderer()).width txt_width_in = self.fig.dpi_scale_trans.inverted().transform([txt_width_px, 0])[0] txt.remove() return txt_width_in def render( self, width=4, xscale='log', xlim=(0.5, 4), xticks=['0.5', '1', '2', '4'], minorticks=[], ): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig_height = 0.3 * max(d.y for d in self.data) + 0.2 self.fig, self.ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(width, fig_height)) if xscale == 'log': self.ax.axvline(1, color='grey', linewidth=1) else: self.ax.axvline(0, color='grey', linewidth=1) self.ax.set_xscale(xscale) self.ax.set_xlim(*xlim) self.ax.set_xticks([float(x) for x in xticks]) self.ax.set_xticks(minorticks, minor=True) self.ax.set_xticklabels(xticks) self.ax.set_xticklabels([], minor=True) self.ax.set_xlabel(self.xlabel) self.ax.set_ylim(-max(d.y for d in self.data) - 1, 0) self.ax.set_yticks([]) # Render data bars for data in self.data: self.ax.errorbar(x=[data.mean], y=[-data.y], xerr=[[data.mean-data.ci0], [data.ci1-data.mean]], fmt='o', color='C0', capsize=4, capthick=1.5) # Left text tmp = self.fig.dpi_scale_trans.inverted().transform(self.ax.transAxes.transform([0, 0])) tmp[0] -= 0.15 x = self.ax.transAxes.inverted().transform(self.fig.dpi_scale_trans.transform(tmp))[0] for text in self.text_left[0]: y = self.ax.transAxes.inverted().transform(self.ax.transData.transform([1, -text.y]))[1] self.ax.text(x, y, text.text, transform=self.ax.transAxes, va='center_baseline', **text.kwargs) # Get width of right columns widths_right = [max(self._width_of(t.text) if not t.skip_width else 0 for t in col) if len(col) > 0 else 0 for col in self.text_right] # Right text for i, col in enumerate(self.text_right): for text in col: tmp = self.fig.dpi_scale_trans.inverted().transform(self.ax.transAxes.transform([1, 0])) tmp[0] += sum(self.space_right[0:i+1]) tmp[0] += sum(widths_right[0:i]) or 0 if text.kwargs['ha'] == 'center': tmp[0] += widths_right[i] / 2 if text.kwargs['ha'] == 'right': tmp[0] += widths_right[i] x = self.ax.transAxes.inverted().transform(self.fig.dpi_scale_trans.transform(tmp))[0] y = self.ax.transAxes.inverted().transform(self.ax.transData.transform([1, -text.y]))[1] self.ax.text(x, y, text.text, transform=self.ax.transAxes, va='center_baseline', **text.kwargs)