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# scipy-yli: Helpful SciPy utilities and recipes
# Copyright © 2022 Lee Yingtong Li (RunasSudo)
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
import pandas as pd
from scipy import stats
import statsmodels.api as sm
import functools
import warnings
from .utils import Estimate, as_2groups, check_nan, fmt_p_html, fmt_p_text
# ----------------
# Student's t test
class TTestResult:
Result of a Student's t test
delta: Mean difference
def __init__(self, statistic, dof, pvalue, delta, delta_direction):
self.statistic = statistic
self.dof = dof
self.pvalue = pvalue = delta
self.delta_direction = delta_direction
def _repr_html_(self):
return '<i>t</i>({:.0f}) = {:.2f}; <i>p</i> {}<br><i>δ</i> (95% CI) = {}, {}'.format(self.dof, self.statistic, fmt_p_html(self.pvalue),, self.delta_direction)
def summary(self):
return 't({:.0f}) = {:.2f}; p {}\nδ (95% CI) = {}, {}'.format(self.dof, self.statistic, fmt_p_text(self.pvalue),, self.delta_direction)
def ttest_ind(df, dep, ind, *, nan_policy='warn'):
"""Perform an independent-sample Student's t test"""
# Check for/clean NaNs
df = check_nan(df[[ind, dep]], nan_policy)
# Ensure 2 groups for ind
group1, data1, group2, data2 = as_2groups(df, dep, ind)
# Do t test
# Use statsmodels rather than SciPy because this provides the mean difference automatically
d1 = sm.stats.DescrStatsW(data1)
d2 = sm.stats.DescrStatsW(data2)
cm = sm.stats.CompareMeans(d1, d2)
statistic, pvalue, dof = cm.ttest_ind()
delta = d1.mean - d2.mean
ci0, ci1 = cm.tconfint_diff()
# t test is symmetric so take absolute values
return TTestResult(
statistic=abs(statistic), dof=dof, pvalue=pvalue,
delta=abs(Estimate(delta, ci0, ci1)),
delta_direction=('{0} > {1}' if d1.mean > d2.mean else '{1} > {0}').format(group1, group2))
# -----------------
# Mann-Whitney test
class MannWhitneyResult:
Result of a Mann-Whitney test
brunnermunzel: BrunnerMunzelResult on same data
def __init__(self, statistic, pvalue, rank_biserial, direction, brunnermunzel=None):
self.statistic = statistic
self.pvalue = pvalue
self.rank_biserial = rank_biserial
self.direction = direction
self.brunnermunzel = brunnermunzel
def _repr_html_(self):
line1 = '<i>U</i> = {:.1f}; <i>p</i> {}<br><i>r</i> = {:.2f}, {}'.format(self.statistic, fmt_p_html(self.pvalue), self.rank_biserial, self.direction)
if self.brunnermunzel:
return line1 + '<br>' + self.brunnermunzel._repr_html_()
return line1
def summary(self):
line1 = 'U = {:.1f}; p {}\nr = {}, {}'.format(self.statistic, fmt_p_text(self.pvalue), self.rank_biserial, self.direction)
if self.brunnermunzel:
return line1 + '\n' + self.brunnermunzel.summary()
return line1
class BrunnerMunzelResult:
"""Result of a Brunner-Munzel test"""
def __init__(self, statistic, pvalue):
self.statistic = statistic
self.pvalue = pvalue
def _repr_html_(self):
return '<i>W</i> = {:.1f}; <i>p</i> {}'.format(self.statistic, fmt_p_html(self.pvalue))
def summary(self):
return 'W = {:.1f}; p {}'.format(self.statistic, fmt_p_text(self.pvalue))
def mannwhitney(df, dep, ind, *, nan_policy='warn', brunnermunzel=True, use_continuity=False, alternative='two-sided', method='auto'):
Perform a Mann-Whitney test
brunnermunzel: Set to False to skip the Brunner-Munzel test
use_continuity, alternative, method: See scipy.stats.mannwhitneyu
# Check for/clean NaNs
df = check_nan(df[[ind, dep]], nan_policy)
# Ensure 2 groups for ind
group1, data1, group2, data2 = as_2groups(df, dep, ind)
# Do Mann-Whitney test
# Stata does not perform continuity correction
result = stats.mannwhitneyu(data1, data2, use_continuity=use_continuity, alternative=alternative, method=method)
u1 = result.statistic
u2 = len(data1) * len(data2) - u1
r = abs(2*u1 / (len(data1) * len(data2)) - 1) # rank-biserial
# If significant, perform a Brunner-Munzel test for our interest
if result.pvalue < 0.05 and brunnermunzel:
result_bm = stats.brunnermunzel(data1, data2)
if result_bm.pvalue >= 0.05:
warnings.warn('Mann-Whitney test is significant but Brunner-Munzel test is not. This could be due to a difference in shape, rather than location.')
return MannWhitneyResult(
statistic=min(u1, u2), pvalue=result.pvalue,
#med1=data1.median(), med2=data2.median(),
rank_biserial=r, direction=('{1} > {0}' if u1 < u2 else '{0} > {1}').format(group1, group2),
brunnermunzel=BrunnerMunzelResult(statistic=result_bm.statistic, pvalue=result_bm.pvalue))
return MannWhitneyResult(
statistic=min(u1, u2), pvalue=result.pvalue,
#med1=data1.median(), med2=data2.median(),
rank_biserial=r, direction=('{1} > {0}' if u1 < u2 else '{0} > {1}').format(group1, group2))