#!/usr/bin/env python3 # synacor.py - An implementation of the Synacor Challenge # Copyright © 2017 RunasSudo # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . from libsynacor import * import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('file', help='.bin file containing the initial memory dump') parser.add_argument('--hints', help='File(s) outlining additional jmp/call targets, label names, comments, etc', action='append') parser.add_argument('--smart', help='Given a raw Synacor challenge file, disassemble in a Synacor-aware manner', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--aggressive-labels', help='Replace values with corresponding labels irrespective of where they appear', action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args() with open(args.file, 'rb') as data: SYN_MEM = memory_from_file(data) disassemble_end = len(SYN_MEM) labels, comments_before, comments_inline, replacements = {}, {}, {}, {} # Do smart things if requested if args.smart: disassemble_end = 0x17b4 # Emulate 06bb to decrypt data for R1 in range(disassemble_end, 0x7562): R0 = SYN_MEM[R1] R0 ^= pow(R1, 2, 32768) R0 ^= 0x4154 SYN_MEM[R1] = R0 # Find things to label SYN_PTR = 0 while SYN_PTR < disassemble_end: word = SYN_MEM[SYN_PTR] if word in instructions_by_opcode: instruction, SYN_PTR = Instruction.next_instruction(SYN_MEM, SYN_PTR) if isinstance(instruction, InstructionJmp) or isinstance(instruction, InstructionJt) or isinstance(instruction, InstructionJf): if isinstance(instruction, InstructionJmp): op = instruction.args[0] else: op = instruction.args[1] if isinstance(op, OpLiteral): loc = op.get(None) labels['label_{:04x}'.format(loc)] = loc elif isinstance(instruction, InstructionCall): if isinstance(instruction.args[0], OpLiteral): loc = instruction.args[0].get(None) labels['sub_{:04x}'.format(loc)] = loc else: SYN_PTR += 1 # Read hints if args.hints: for hintfile in args.hints: with open(hintfile, 'r') as data: while True: line = data.readline() if line == '': break if line.startswith('jmp '): loc = int(line.split()[1], 16) labels['label_{:04x}'.format(loc)] = loc elif line.startswith('call '): loc = int(line.split()[1], 16) labels['sub_{:04x}'.format(loc)] = loc elif line.startswith('lbl '): loc = int(line.split()[1], 16) labels[line.split()[2]] = loc elif line.startswith('ren '): old_label = line.split()[1] new_label = line.split()[2] labels[new_label] = labels[old_label] del labels[old_label] elif line.startswith('cmb '): loc = int(line.split()[1], 16) comment = line[line.index(' ', line.index(' ') + 1) + 1:].strip() if loc not in comments_before: comments_before[loc] = [] comments_before[loc].append(comment) elif line.startswith('cmi '): loc = int(line.split()[1], 16) comment = line[line.index(' ', line.index(' ') + 1) + 1:].strip() comments_inline[loc] = comment elif line.startswith('rep '): loc = int(line.split()[1], 16) code = line[line.index(' ', line.index(' ') + 1) + 1:].strip() instruction = assemble_line(None, code)[0][0] replacements[loc] = instruction else: raise Exception('Invalid line in hint file: {}'.format(line)) MODE_OUT = False MODE_DAT = False #False, 1 (data), 2 (text) SYN_PTR = 0 def set_mode_out(mode): global MODE_OUT if MODE_OUT == mode: pass elif mode == False: # Switching off print('"') else: # Switching on print('{:04x}: out "'.format(SYN_PTR), end='') MODE_OUT = mode def set_mode_dat(mode): global MODE_DAT if MODE_DAT == mode: pass elif mode == False: # Switching off if MODE_DAT == 2: print('"', end='') print() elif MODE_DAT == 1: # Switching from data to text print() print('{:04x}: data "'.format(SYN_PTR), end='') elif MODE_DAT == 2: # Switching from text to data print('"') print('{:04x}: data'.format(SYN_PTR), end='') else: # Switching to a new mode print('{:04x}: data'.format(SYN_PTR), end='') if mode == 2: print('"', end='') MODE_DAT = mode def clear_modes(): set_mode_out(False) set_mode_dat(False) while SYN_PTR < len(SYN_MEM): # Handle comments if SYN_PTR in comments_before: clear_modes() for comment in comments_before[SYN_PTR]: print('; {}'.format(comment)) if SYN_PTR in comments_inline: comment_inline = ' ; {}'.format(comments_inline[SYN_PTR]) else: comment_inline = '' # Handle labels if any(v == SYN_PTR for k, v in labels.items()): clear_modes() print('${}:'.format(next(k for k, v in labels.items() if v == SYN_PTR))) # Handle replacements if SYN_PTR in replacements: instruction = replacements[SYN_PTR] print('{:04x}: {}{}'.format(SYN_PTR, instruction.describe(), comment_inline)) SYN_PTR += len(instruction.assemble(None)) continue word = SYN_MEM[SYN_PTR] if SYN_PTR >= disassemble_end or word not in instructions_by_opcode: # Data if 32 <= word <= 126: # Looks like letters - unfortunately "\n" looks like MULT set_mode_dat(2) print(escape_char(chr(word)), end='') if word == 0x0a: clear_modes() # Break on newlines else: set_mode_dat(1) print(' {:04x}'.format(word), end='') SYN_PTR += 1 else: # Instruction instruction, next_SYN_PTR = Instruction.next_instruction(SYN_MEM, SYN_PTR) # Special cases if isinstance(instruction, InstructionOut): if isinstance(instruction.args[0], OpLiteral): set_mode_out(True) print(escape_char(chr(instruction.args[0].get(None))), end='') if instruction.args[0].get(None) == 0x0a: clear_modes() # Break on newlines else: clear_modes() print('{:04x}: {}{}'.format(SYN_PTR, instruction.describe(), comment_inline)) elif isinstance(instruction, InstructionJmp) or isinstance(instruction, InstructionJt) or isinstance(instruction, InstructionJf) or isinstance(instruction, InstructionCall): clear_modes() if isinstance(instruction, InstructionJmp) or isinstance(instruction, InstructionCall): argidx = 0 else: argidx = 1 # Aggressively replace labels if requested for argnum in range(instruction.nargs) if args.aggressive_labels else [argidx]: if isinstance(instruction.args[argnum], OpLiteral): loc = instruction.args[argnum].get(None) if any(v == loc for k, v in labels.items()): label = next(k for k, v in labels.items() if v == loc) instruction.args[argnum] = OpLabel(label) print('{:04x}: {}{}'.format(SYN_PTR, instruction.describe(), comment_inline)) else: # Aggressively replace labels if requested if args.aggressive_labels: for argnum in range(instruction.nargs): if isinstance(instruction.args[argnum], OpLiteral): loc = instruction.args[argnum].get(None) if any(v == loc for k, v in labels.items()): label = next(k for k, v in labels.items() if v == loc) instruction.args[argnum] = OpLabel(label) clear_modes() print('{:04x}: {}{}'.format(SYN_PTR, instruction.describe(), comment_inline)) SYN_PTR = next_SYN_PTR