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# Spoilers!
These solution notes are **very** detailed! Reading them before tackling the challenge yourself will dispossess you of the masochistic joy of working through the best worst use of your spare time mankind has ever devised! Read on at your peril!
Note: Codes seem to be unique for every user.
## The programming codes
### Code 1
Found in `arch-spec`.
== hints ==
- Here's a code for the challenge website: ............
### Code 2
Obtained on initial execution of code. (Or just be lazy like me and extract it from the binary.)
Welcome to the Synacor Challenge!
Please record your progress by putting codes like
this one into the challenge website: ............
Required opcodes: `nop` and `out`
### Code 3
Obtained at the completion of the self-test.
Executing self-test...
self-test complete, all tests pass
The self-test completion code is: ............
Required opcodes: All except `halt` and `in`
## The RPG codes
### Code 4 (Tablet)
At the foothills, the first area of the RPG:
== Foothills ==
Things of interest here:
- tablet
> take tablet
> use tablet
You find yourself writing "............" on the tablet. Perhaps it's some kind of code?
Required opcodes: All except `halt`
### Code 5 (Twisty passages)
After falling down the bridge, there is an `empty lantern` to the `east`, which should be `take`n. To the `west`, there is a `passage`, where one can take the `ladder` down or venture into the `darkness`. Attempting to venture into the `darkness` at this point will result in being eaten by Grues.
Taking the `ladder` down, then traversing `west`, `south`, `north`, a code is obtained:
Chiseled on the wall of one of the passageways, you see:
You take note of this and keep walking.
There is also a can, which can be `take`n and `use`d to fill the lantern, which can then be `use`d to become lit, and which will keep away Grues.
### Code 6 (Dark passage, ruins and teleporter)
Returning to the fork at the passage and venturing to the `darkness`, we now `continue` `west`ward several times, then `north`ward several times to the ruins. The `north` door is locked, but dotted elsewhere around the ruins are a `red coin` (2 dots), `corroded coin` (triangle = 3 sides), `shiny coin` (pentagon = 5 sides), `concave coin` (7 dots) and `blue coin` (9 dots) which should be `take`n and `look`ed at, and the equation:
_ + _ * _^2 + _^3 - _ = 399
We know the `_ * _^2 + _^3` terms must be close to 399, and working from this by trial and error, the solution is:
9 + 2 * 5^2 + 7^3 - 3 = 399
The coins should therefore be `use`d in the order: `blue`, `red`, `shiny`, `concave`, `corroded`.
Proceed to the `north` door and `use` the `teleporter` to obtain the code:
== Ruins ==
Things of interest here:
- teleporter
> use teleporter
You activate the teleporter! As you spiral through time and space, you think you see a pattern in the stars...
After a few moments, you find yourself back on solid ground and a little disoriented.
## The true-believers-only codes
At this point, you will almost certainly need to delve into the code of the challenge, if you haven't already. The code in `challenge.bin` past the self-test is encrypted, so disassembling and analysing the code is most easily done based off a memory dump from a running copy:
.dbg_dump dumps/init (From inside the game)
./tools/ dumps/init dumps/init.raw
./tools/ dumps/init.raw > dumps/init.asm
(Note to self: `pop` takes an operand, *duh*. No wonder everything looked funny…)
### The guts
Note that at `1808` there is the following data:
1808 data 00b7
1809 data "You find yourself standing at the base of an enormous mountain. ...
(Accompanied by some other familiar-sounding but somewhat garbled strings.) Searching the code for references to `1809` yields nothing, but searching for `1808` yields the following as the only result:
090d data 17fe 1808 6914 6917
0911 halt # (i.e. data 0000)
The first address referred to in the `090d` line has value `0009`, which looks suspiciously like a length. Indeed, this is the exact length of the following string `Foothills`. Continuing in this manner,
17fe data 0009 "Foothills"
1808 data 00b7 "You find yourself standing at the base of an enormous mountain. ...
6914 data 0002 18c0 18c8
6917 data 0002 0917 0912
Following the rabbit hole,
18c0 data 0007 "doorway"
18c8 data 0005 "south"
0917 data 1929 1933 691e 6921 0000
0912 data 18ce 18d8 691a 691c 0000
And unsurprisingly, the `0912` line leads to the data for the screen reached when venturing `south` from the beginning.
Scrolling through the list of rooms beginning `090d`, we notice a peculiarly long line, `0949`:
0949 data
1fe3 # -> string "Twisty passages"
1ff3 # -> string "You are in a maze ...
695b # -> data 0005 206f 2076 207c 2082 2087
6961 # -> data 0005 093f 094e 0953 0958 095d
So far so good, but what's this??
0e9e # -> wmem 0e8e 0000; ret
208c # -> string "Twisty passages"
209c # -> string "You are in a twisty maze ...
Aah, so it looks like each room is stored as a block of 5 words, the first four pointers to lengths of words: a string (the title), a string (the text), a list of pointers to strings (the exit names) and a list of pointers to more rooms (the exits), followed by a memory location to `call` (or `0000`).
Further analysis suggests that this particular call relates to keeping track of which rooms in the maze have been visited, which is used to determine whether the code is shown when arriving at the designated room in the maze.
We probably could have reached these same conclusions by analysing the suspicious-looking block of code following the room definitions, but assembly makes my head spin so ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯
Now what about items? Looking at a familiar item, the tablet:
0a6c data 468e 4695 090d 1270
468e data 0006 "tablet"
4695 data 0088 "The tablet seems appropriate for use as a writing surface but is unfortunately blank. Perhaps you should USE it as a writing surface..."
090d ... # the foothills from earlier
1270 ... # a subroutine that presumably prints code 4
### Code 7 (Synacor Headquarters and Teleporter 2: Electric Boogaloo)
Examining the data for the teleporter:
0a94 data 4a55 4a60 099f 1545
4a55 data 000a "teleporter"
4a60 data 0048 "This small device has a button on it and reads \"teleporter\" on the side."
099f ... # the north room in the ruins
1545 ... # aha!
Now, let's see what this `1545` does. C-style, because assembly makes my brain spin.
int 1545() {
if (R8 == 0)
return 15e5(); // Ground state teleport
05b2(70ac, 05fb, 1807 + 585a); // Secure text print
for(i = 0; i < 5; i++); // Speed up loop, because why not?
if (178b(0004, 0001) != 0006) // The check!
return 15cb();
05b2(7156, 05fb, 1ed6 + 0992);
0731(R8, 650a, 7fff, 7239);
05b2(723d, 05fb, 7c1f + 0146);
mem[0aac] = 09c2;
mem[0aad] = 0000;
mem[0a94 + 0002] = 7fff;
return 1652();
int 178b(R1, R2) {
if (R1 != 0) {
return 1793(R1, R2);
return R2 + 0001;
int 1793(R1, R2) {
if (R2 != 0) {
return 17a0(R1, R2);
R1 = R1 + 7fff;
R2 = R8;
R1 = 178b(R1, R2);
return R1;
int 17a0(R1, R2) {
R2 = R2 + 7fff;
R2 = 178b(R1, R2);
R1 = R1 + 7fff;
R1 = 178b(R1, R2);
return R1;
Phew, so in other words, we seek an `R8` such that `178b(4, 1, R8)` equals 6. Let's see if we can't rewrite that function. Note that adding 0x7fff = 32767 to a number modulo 32768 is equivalent to subtracting 1. Thinking through the code, then,
A(R1, R2) = R2 + 1 , if R1 = 0
A(R1 - 1, R8) , if R1 ≠ 0 and R2 = 0
A(R1 - 1, A(R1, R2 - 1)) , if R1 ≠ 0 and R2 ≠ 0
Recognise anything? Well, neither did I the first time, and I'd [already seen the video]( It's the [Ackermann function](! With the slight twist that instead of the second line being `A(R1 - 1, 1)`, it's `A(R1 - 1, R8)`.
No mathematical wizardry here, just implementing this and run a brute-force on all possible values of `R8`. And as much as it pains me to admit this, this is a tool for the raw processing efficiency of C, which I am not very proficient in, so I based my solution on [this wonderful code]( by [glguy]( My only contribution is the parallelisation of the computation. (500% speed-up! Whoo!)
gcc ackermann.c -o ackermann -lpthread -O3 && ./ackermann
Running the algorithm, the correct value is revealed to be `0x6486`. Now we simply set `R8` to `0x6486` and patch the code to skip the check, before `use`ing the `teleporter`:
1571 call 178b -> nop nop
1573 eq R2 R1 0006 -> nop nop nop nop
1577 jf R2 15cb -> nop nop nop
I've implemented this as a debug function to prepare the teleporter:
> .dbg_teleporter
Patched. Ready to run "use teleporter".
> use teleporter
A strange, electronic voice is projected into your mind:
"Unusual setting detected! Starting confirmation process! Estimated time to completion: 1 billion years."
You wake up on a sandy beach with a slight headache. The last thing you remember is activating that teleporter... but now you can't find it anywhere in your pack. Someone seems to have drawn a message in the sand here:
It begins to rain. The message washes away. You take a deep breath and feel firmly grounded in reality as the effects of the teleportation wear off.
### Code 8 (Beach and vault)
Arriving at the beach, traverse `north`ward until you reach a fork. To the `east` lies a `journal` containing clues as to the upcoming puzzle.
With the ability to map the puzzle (possibly with the help of our knowledge of the map data format), and (unlike the adventurers, it seems) a grasp of basic arithmetic, this puzzle shouldn't be too difficult to solve. Armed with our map data, we can now do a [breadth-first search to find the shortest solution](
The solution is:
* start: **22**
* `north`, `east`: 22 + 4 = 26
* `east`, `north`: 26 − 11 = 15
* `west`, `south`: 15 × 4 = 60
* `east`, `east`: 42 − 18 = 42
* `west`, `north`: 31 − 11 = 31
* `north`, `east`: 30 − 1 = **30**
Navigating through the maze:
As you approach the vault door, the number on the vault door flashes white! The hourglass is still running! It flashes white! You hear a click from the vault door. The orb evaporates out of hour hands.
> vault
== Vault ==
Things of interest here:
- mirror
> use mirror
You gaze into the mirror, and you see yourself gazing back. But wait! It looks like someone wrote on your face while you were unconscious on the beach! Through the mirror, you see "............" scrawled in charcoal on your forehead.
Congratulations; you have reached the end of the challenge!
Given that you've made it this far (You didn't cheat, did you? I did warn you at the beginning!) this last challenge should be no problem.
## Putting it all together
Now that we've solved the puzzle, the only thing left is to write a [tool-assisted speed-run]( to completely break any given instance of the challenge in 5 seconds.
time python -u dbg_speedrun | head -n 849