Investigating a proprietary Android 2FA system
This article concerns an Android app used as part of a proprietary two-factor authentication (2FA) system. Investigation of the app and 2FA protocol reveals some interesting design decisions.
The 2FA system is similar to well-known offerings such as Duo Security and Okta Verify.… »
Investigating a historical Android anti-root protection system
This article concerns a specialised Android app used as part of a proprietary authentication protocol, developed in the late 2010s. Given the intended use case, the app features a number of aggressive security measures – the app uses FLAG_SECURE and does not run when developer… »
Spoofing Android device model via Smali patching
I recently came up against an Android application which gates certain functionality behind detecting a ‘compatible’ Android device – which mine was not. My usual approach, on a rooted device, would be to use XPrivacyLua to spoof the device information returned to the application, but… »
GUIDE: Exporting Encrypted bitcoin-qt Wallets into MultiBit
Bitcoin is awesome. Unfortunately, migrating between Bitcoin clients is not. It's especially annoying when the recommended method of exporting with pywallet, importing into BlockChain.info, exporting as an aes.json and importing into MultiBit is 1) incredibly confusing and 2) doesn't actually work.So, here… » -
Hand-Crafting a Linux Computer Virus… in Java!
It's a computer virus… for Linux… in Java. That's right, I've broken the Internet.
(app.exec is a shell script, hello.exec and hello2.exec are compiled C programs)Disclaimer
There won't be any code in this post, nor will there be detailed plans for how to implement… » -
GUIDE: Directly Executable JAR File
Java is great, but having to type java -jar program.jar gets annoying. Why can't you run it like any other program, with ./program.jar? Well, you can, and it's incredibly simple!
echo '#!/usr/bin/java -jar' | cat - Program.jar>Program
chmod +x Program
Tada! That's it! Program.jar… »