Monash University examination PA noises
Good afternoon, everyone. Students, may I have your full attention as I explain some important rules.
By attending your exam today, you are acknowledging that you are well enough to sit the exam. Should you become unwell during your exam or require any other assistance, you must inform your invigilator.
Please place your photo ID face up on the top right-hand corner of your desk. Please remove your watches and place them face up on your desk. Any smart watch/device or mobile phone must be switched off and placed in your bag or screen-down on the floor. If you are found in possession of a mobile phone, smart phone or electronic device, it will be confiscated and you will receive a fine. You will be fined if your phone or device emits a noise during the exam. Please check your alarms are turned off, as alarms may sound when your phone is switched off.
Please place your bags or any other items directly under the centre of your desk. For the safety of staff and students, please ensure all of your belongings are clear of the aisles around you.
Invigilators, please distribute your exam papers.
During the exam, you must not have in your possession a book, notes, paper, calculator, pencil case, mobile phone, smart watch/device, writing on any part of your body or any other material which has not been authorised for your exam. Items that are specifically permitted will be stated on the front page of your exam paper. Any material or item on your desk, chair or person will be deemed to be in your possession. You are reminded that possession of unauthorised materials or attempting to cheat or cheating in an exam is a discipline offence. Please do a final check of your pockets and clothing, and place any unauthorised material in your bag or beneath your desk now. Any item on your desk will be inspected by invigilators.
If you need to go to the toilet during the exam please raise your hand in the air, and remain seated until you are directed by an invigilator. A reminder that bags must not be taken into the toilet at any time.
If you wish the leave exam before its scheduled finish time, it is your responsibility to leave your answers and all other exam materials on your desk. No materials may leave the venue. You will not be allowed to leave this exam before 3 pm.
It is your responsibility to make sure you have been provided with the correct exam paper.
There must be no writing, noting, highlighting or use of calculators until you are given permission to do so.
And lastly, there are a number of different exams being held in this room today. so it is important that you read the instructions on your paper to determine the duration.
If any student has not received an exam paper, please raise your hand now.
You can now fill in your student ID and desk number on the cover of your answer book and other exam materials. If you have a separate multiple-choice answer sheet, you must also complete the name section. You may now start writing.
Students who are taking exams which are 2 hours and 10 minutes in duration, you have 10 minutes writing time left. Please make sure you have recorded your student ID and desk number on all answer materials before the end of the exam. If you have a separate multiple-choice answer sheet, you must also complete the name section. No one sitting these exams may now leave the room.
Students who are taking exams which are 2 hours and 10 minutes in duration, you must now stop writing. Students caught writing may receive a fine or be reported to their faculty.
If you have used more than one answer book, ensure that any additional books or answer sheets are placed inside the cover of your first answer book together with your exam question paper. Please make sure that your question paper is protruding from your script book so it is clearly visible to your invigilator.
Students who have been issued with an envelope should place all exam materials in the envelope.
You must stay seated and do not open or take your bags from under your desk until you are told you can leave. All exam papers and other exam materials are to be left on your desk.
If any student still has their exam paper in front of them, please raise your hand now.
Please remain quiet as other exams are still continuing. Students, you may now leave.