Weinberg's Standardized Drumset Notation in Musescore
Here is a Musescore drumset file that configures the drumset engraving in Musescore to conform to Norman Weinberg's Guide to Standardized Drumset Notation:
While in drum note entry mode, this file can be loaded by clicking Edit Drumset → Load.
This drumset file is suitable for all four built-in Musescore fonts (Bravura, Emmentaler, Gonville and MuseJazz).
Note that some drum techniques (e.g. open vs closed hi-hat) require additional articulation markings that need to be separately added manually.
I am also providing drumset files as above, but with longer durations of crossed noteheads represented as circled crossed noteheads, in the style of Gould:
- Full drum set (circled crossed noteheads – Bravura)
- Full drum set (circled crossed noteheads – Emmentaler, Gonville, MuseJazz)
All these files are licensed under the Apache Licence 2.0.
- Weinberg N. Guide to standardized drumset notation. Oklahoma: Percussive Arts Society; 1998.
- Audio Graffiti. Guide to drum & percussion notation. https://web.mit.edu/merolish/Public/drums.pdf
- Weinberg N. Guidelines for drumset notation. Percussive Notes. 1994 Jun: 15–26. http://www.normanweinberg.com/uploads/8/1/6/4/81640608/940506pn_guildines_for_drumset.pdf
- Gould E. Behind bars: the definitive guide to music notation. London: Faber Music; 2011.