In part 2, we reverse engineered the decrypted format of the licence file data for this particular software. In this part, we investigate that how exactly that licence file is encrypted.

Into the fray

In part 2, we identified that the decrypted licence file data appears to originate from a call to FUN_004e8028. The relevant disassembly of this function is:

                     undefined FUN_004e8028()
     undefined         AL:1           <RETURN>
; ...
004e803b b1 01           MOV        CL,0x1
004e803d 8b d6           MOV        EDX,ESI
004e803f 8b 18           MOV        EBX,dword ptr [EAX]
004e8041 ff 53 14        CALL       dword ptr [EBX + 0x14]
; ...

Again, this is a dynamic call, so we use winedbg/GDB to investigate:

$ winedbg --gdb foobar.exe
Wine-gdb> b *0x4e8041
Breakpoint 1 at 0x4e8041
Wine-gdb> c

Breakpoint 1, 0x004e8041 in ?? ()
Wine-gdb> info reg
eax            0x1012800           16852992
ecx            0x32fe01            3341825
edx            0x10123f4           16851956
ebx            0x4e1300            5116672

The call is derived from an address at ebx, which is 0x4e1300. 0x4e1300 points to a location within memory identified by Ghidra as VMT_4E12B4_TCipher_Blowfish:

Ghidra disassembly

Googling for TCipher_Blowfish leads us to suspect that this is probably from the Delphi Encryption Compendium (DEC) library. Since this software binary is from 2004, the likely version of DEC used was DEC 3.0, released in 1999. Having access to the source code of DEC 3.0 will be of great value later in this process.

Blowfish is a symmetric-key block cipher designed in 1993. Its blocks are 64 bits (8 bytes). Although not considered insecure, it has been superseded in modern use by the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), which was established in 2001 – too late for AES to be included in DEC 3.0.

Continuing to follow where the call leads:

Wine-gdb> si
0x004d12ac in ?? ()

The called function at 0x4d12ac is a large function which calls into many other functions, so let us turn to another approach to narrow the search.

We know, from part 2, that the decrypted licence data is written to 0x1013ff4, so we set a watchpoint in winedbg/GDB and wait for the decrypted data to be written:

Wine-gdb> watch *0x1013ff4
Hardware watchpoint 1: *0x1013ff4
Wine-gdb> commands 1
>x/8bx 0x1013ff4
Wine-gdb> c
Hardware watchpoint 1: *0x1013ff4

Old value = [...]
New value = [...]
0x00402a3f in ?? ()
0x1013ff4:      0x86    0x0d    0x96    0x9f    0xb8    0xa3    0xec    0x46
Wine-gdb> bt
#0  0x00402a3f in ?? ()
#1  0x004e8044 in ?? ()
#2  0x004e85e9 in ?? ()
#3  0x00404623 in ?? ()
#4  0x7b62dd10 in ?? ()
#5  0x7bc54377 in ?? ()
#6  0x7bc54a30 in ?? ()
#7  0x00000000 in ?? ()

0x402a3f is located within System.Move, so we need to climb up the call stack to identify where this is being called from. The backtrace generated by winedbg/GDB here is incorrect, so we manually set a breakpoint for the return instruction in System.Move and see where execution returns to:

Wine-gdb> b *0x402a4f
Breakpoint 2 at 0x402a4f
Wine-gdb> c

Breakpoint 2, 0x00402a4f in ?? ()
Wine-gdb> si
0x004d138a in ?? ()

The call to Move, then, is the code immediately preceding 0x4d138a. The Ghidra disassembly for this is:

004d137c 8b d0           MOV        EDX,EAX
004d137e 8b 45 f8        MOV        EAX,dword ptr [EBP + local_c]
004d1381 8b 40 04        MOV        EAX,dword ptr [EAX + 0x4]
004d1384 59              POP        ECX
004d1385 e8 86 16        CALL       Move
         f3 ff

From the documentation, we know that Move will copy the data at address eax (first parameter) to address edx (second parameter). We can therefore set a breakpoint at the function call to determine where the decrypted data is being copied from:

$ winedbg --gdb foobar.exe
Wine-gdb> b *0x4d1385
Breakpoint 1 at 0x4d1385
Wine-gdb> c

Breakpoint 1, 0x004d1385 in ?? ()
Wine-gdb> info reg
eax            0x925a08            9591304
ecx            0x3c                60
edx            0x1013ff4           16859124
ebx            0x32fe01            3341825
Wine-gdb> x/32bx $eax
0x925a08:       0x86    0x0d    0x96    0x9f    0xb8    0xa3    0xec    0x46
0x925a10:       0x13    0x1f    0x7b    0x8a    0x4a    0x96    0x31    0xbd
0x925a18:       0x24    0x43    0x30    0x2c    0x72    0xc2    0x6c    0x0e
0x925a20:       0xd3    0x58    0xc3    0xca    0xed    0xf6    0xb9    0x13

We see, then, that the decrypted data is actually being copied from a buffer at 0x925a08. Therefore, to try to identify where the actual decryption is being performed, we repeat the process, set a watchpoint for 0x925a08 and wait for the decrypted data to be written:

$ winedbg --gdb foobar.exe
Wine-gdb> watch *0x925a08
Hardware watchpoint 1: *0x925a08
Wine-gdb> commands 1
>x/8bx 0x925a08
Wine-gdb> c
Hardware watchpoint 1: *0x925a08

Old value = [...]
New value = [...]
0x00402a23 in ?? ()
0x925a08:       0x86    0x0d    0x96    0x9f    0xb8    0xa3    0xec    0x46

This is again within the Move function, and the backtrace generated by winedbg/GDB is again incorrect, but after manually traversing the call stack a few levels, we reach FUN_004d0f4c, which is one of the functions called by FUN_004d12ac.

We see that this function is referred to in the virtual method tables (VMTs) of a number of classes, including TProtection, TCipher (and subclasses like TCipher_Blowfish), THash (and subclasses like THash_SHA1) and TMAC. We therefore surmise that this must be a high-level function defined in a mutual superclass of these. Examining the DEC 3.0 source code, we identify the likely culprit, TProtection.

The FUN_004d0f4c function has a distinctive structure when viewed in Ghidra's decompiler view, outlined below:

void FUN_004d0f4c(code **param_1,code **param_2,code **param_3,byte param_4,int param_5) {
  // ...
  if (param_2 == (code **)0x0) {
  local_10 = param_3;
  if (param_3 == (code **)0x0) {
    local_10 = param_2;
  // ...
  if (param_5 < 0) {
    // ...
  // ...
  if (param_4 == 3) {
    while (0 < iVar1) {
      // ...
  else {
    while (0 < iVar1) {
      // ...
  // ...

Scrolling through the DEC source code for TProtection in DECUtil.pas, we can match this structure with the TProtection.CodeStream procedure:

procedure TProtection.CodeStream(Source, Dest: TStream; DataSize: Integer; Action: TPAction);
// ...
  if Source = nil then Exit;
  if Dest = nil then Dest := Source;
  if DataSize < 0 then
    // ...
  // ...
    // ...
    if Action = paCalc then
      while DataSize > 0 do
        // ...
    end else
      while DataSize > 0 do
        // ...
        CodeBuf(Buf^, Len, Action);
        // ...
  // ...

By examining the Delphi source code, we observe that TProtection.CodeBuf is the relevant function which proceeds with the decryption, which calls TCipher.CodeBuf and TCipher.DecodeBuffer. By following the equivalent disassembly, we identify FUN_004e28b8 as TCipher.DecodeBuffer.

Nonstandard crypto from the '90s

The main body of FUN_004e28b8 is a large switch statement with multiple cases. By stepping through the function in winedbg/GDB, we identify that the software lands in the equivalent of the following case:

  // ...
  TCipherMode = (cmCTS, cmCBC, cmCFB, cmOFB, cmECB, cmCTSMAC, cmCBCMAC, cmCFBMAC);
{ the Cipher Modes:
  cmCTS     Cipher Text Stealing, a Variant from cmCBC, but relaxes
            the restriction that the DataSize must be a mulitply from BufSize,
            this is the Defaultmode, fast and Bytewise

// ...

procedure TCipher.DecodeBuffer(const Source; var Dest; DataSize: Integer);
  S,D,F,B: PByte;
  // ...
  S := @Source;
  D := @Dest;
  case FMode of
    // ...
        if S <> D then Move(S^, D^, DataSize);
        F := FFeedback;
        B := FBuffer;
        while DataSize >= FBufSize do
          XORBuffers(D, F, FBufSize, B);
          XORBuffers(D, F, FBufSize, D);
          S := B;
          B := F;
          F := S;
          Inc(D, FBufSize);
          Dec(DataSize, FBufSize);
        if F <> FFeedback then Move(F^, FFeedback^, FBufSize);
        if DataSize > 0 then
          Move(FFeedback^, FBuffer^, FBufSize);
          XORBuffers(FBuffer, D, DataSize, D);
          XORBuffers(FBuffer, FFeedback, FBufSize, FFeedback);
    // ...

This algorithm is a nonstandard modification of the ciphertext stealing block cipher mode of operation.1

Note that in the algorithm, each iteration involves XOR with FFeedback, which in the first iteration will act as an initialisation vector (IV). Using winedbg/GDB, we can extract the initial value of FFeedback (i.e. the IV), noting that Blowfish operates on blocks of 64 bits (8 bytes):2

$ winedbg --gdb foobar.exe
Wine-gdb> b *0x4e29ee
Breakpoint 1 at 0x4e29ee
Wine-gdb> c

Breakpoint 1, 0x004e29ee in ?? ()
Wine-gdb> x/8bx $eax
0x1012f70:      0x01    0x23    0x45    0x67    0x89    0xab    0xcd    0xef

Mangled ciphertext?

From TCipher.DecodeBuffer, we can also extract the raw input data, Source, passed to the Blowfish decryption algorithm:

$ winedbg --gdb foobar.exe
Wine-gdb> b *0x4e28b8
Breakpoint 1 at 0x4e28b8
Wine-gdb> c

Breakpoint 1, 0x004e28b8 in ?? ()
Wine-gdb> x/64bx $edx
0x1014038:      0x69    0xa6    0x9a    0x69    0xa6    0x9a    0x69    0xa6
0x1014040:      0x9a    0x69    0xa6    0x9a    0x69    0xa6    0x9a    0x69
0x1014048:      0xa6    0x9a    0x69    0xa6    0x9a    0x69    0xa6    0x9a
0x1014050:      0x69    0xa6    0x9a    0x69    0xa6    0x9a    0x69    0xa6
0x1014058:      0x9a    0x69    0xa6    0x9a    0x69    0xa6    0x9a    0x69
0x1014060:      0xa6    0x9a    0x69    0xa6    0x9a    0x69    0xa6    0x9a
0x1014068:      0x69    0xa6    0x9a    0x69    0xa6    0x9a    0x69    0xa6
0x1014070:      0x9a    0x69    0xa6    0x9a    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00

Now this is unusual. Recall that our license.bin file contains 0x50 ASCII a characters (0x61). However, the input to Blowfish is instead only of length 0x3c, and appears to be a repetition of the bytes "0x69 0xa6 0x9a".

By putting different-length strings of ASCII a characters into license.bin, and running echo 'b *0x4e28b8\nc\nx/64bx $edx' | winedbg --gdb foobar.exe, we can see what input is passed to Blowfish for varying-length inputs:

  • 1 character: breakpoint is never reached
  • 2 characters: 0x1014000: 0x69 0x00
  • 3 characters: 0x1014000: 0x69 0xa6 0x00
  • 4 characters: 0x1013ff4: 0x69 0xa6 0x9a 0x00
  • 5 characters: 0x1013ff4: 0x69 0xa6 0x9a 0x00
  • 6 characters: 0x1013ff4: 0x69 0xa6 0x9a 0x69 0x00
  • 7 characters: 0x1013ff4: 0x69 0xa6 0x9a 0x69 0xa6 0x00
  • 8 characters: 0x1014000: 0x69 0xa6 0x9a 0x69 0xa6 0x9a 0x00
  • 9 characters: 0x1014000: 0x69 0xa6 0x9a 0x69 0xa6 0x9a 0x00

It appears only 3 of every 4 license.bin bytes affects the input to Blowfish. The result also appears periodic, repeating "0x69 0xa6 0x9a". Astute readers may already have an idea of what this algorithm is – in Base64, each Base64 character represents 6 bits of data, so each set of 4 Base64 characters represents 3 bytes of data.3

We can confirm this by noting that a long string of as in Base64 decodes to repetitions of "0x69 0xa6 0x9a":

$ echo -n aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | base64 -d | xxd
00000000: 69a6 9a69 a69a 69a6 9a69 a69a            i..i..i..i..

We deduce, then, that license.bin contains the Base64 encoding of the raw ciphertext that will be passed to Blowfish.

Identifying the encryption key

At this point, we have everything we need to reimplement the Blowfish encryption/decryption, except for the Blowfish key. The key is not passed to TCipher.DecodeBuffer, so we must look elsewhere.

The Blowfish key schedule involves initialising a P-array and S-boxes, which are then combined with the key. The initial values in the P-array and S-boxes comprise a large number of distinctive nothing-up-my-sleeve numbers. For example, the first entry of the P-array has initial value 0x243F6A88.

Using Ghidra, we can search for this value, and locate it at address 0x502b20:

Ghidra disassembly

This address is referred to by FUN_004e3338. Ghidra's decompilation of this function relevantly reads:

void FUN_004e3338(int *param_1,int param_2,int param_3,undefined4 param_4) {
  // ...
  local_c = param_3;
  local_8 = param_1;
  // ...
  iVar5 = 0;
  iVar6 = 0;
  do {
    puVar1 = (uint *)(iVar3 + iVar6 * 4);
    *puVar1 = *puVar1 ^ (uint)*(byte *)(param_2 + iVar5 % local_c) * 0x1000000 +
                        (uint)*(byte *)(param_2 + (iVar5 + 1) % local_c) * 0x10000 +
                        (uint)*(byte *)(param_2 + (iVar5 + 2) % local_c) * 0x100 +
                        (uint)*(byte *)(param_2 + (iVar5 + 3) % local_c);
    iVar5 = (iVar5 + 4) % local_c;
    iVar6 = iVar6 + 1;
  } while (iVar6 != 0x12);
  // ...

Compare this with this algorithm from Wikipedia for the initialisation of the P-array:

/* initialize P box w/ key*/
uint32_t k;
for (short i = 0, p = 0; i < 18; i++) {
    k = 0x00;
    for (short j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
        k = (k << 8) | (uint8_t) key[p];
        p = (p + 1) % key_len;
    P[i] ^= k;

At first glance, these algorithms do not look entirely alike. However, note that i loops from 0 to 18, which is equivalent to iVar6 looping from 0 to 0x12. Similarly, the 8-bit left shifts in C are equivalent to multiplying by powers of 0x100.

Now, note that key is indexed into by p, which is a counter modulo key_len. Equivalently, param_2 is indexed into by iVar5 modulo local_c/param_3.

We therefore identify param_2 (edx) as a pointer to the key and param_3 (ecx) as the length of the key.

Using winedbg/GDB one final time, we can now inspect these registers when FUN_004e3338 is called to extract the Blowfish key:4

$ winedbg --gdb foobar.exe
Wine-gdb> b *0x4e3338
Breakpoint 1 at 0x4e3338
Wine-gdb> c

Breakpoint 1, 0x004e3338 in ?? ()
Wine-gdb> info reg
eax            0x1012800           16852992
ecx            0x20                32
edx            0x1011f04           16850692
ebx            0x4e1300            5116672
Wine-gdb> x/32bx $edx
0x1011f04:      0x11    0x22    0x33    0x44    0x55    0x66    0x77    0x88
0x1011f0c:      0x99    0xaa    0xbb    0xcc    0xdd    0xee    0xff    0x11
0x1011f14:      0x22    0x33    0x44    0x55    0x66    0x77    0x88    0x99
0x1011f1c:      0xaa    0xbb    0xcc    0xdd    0xee    0xff    0x11    0x22

Implementing decryption

With this, we can now implement the complete decryption process used in this software:

ciphertext = b'a' * 0x50

import base64
ciphertext = base64.b64decode(ciphertext)

from Crypto.Cipher import Blowfish
key = bytes.fromhex('11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 aa bb cc dd ee ff 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 aa bb cc dd ee ff 11 22')
iv = bytes.fromhex('01 23 45 67 89 ab cd ef')
cipher =, Blowfish.MODE_ECB)

# Nonstandard DEC CTS mode

f = iv
data_remains = False

for i in range(0, len(ciphertext), Blowfish.block_size):
	d = ciphertext[i:i+Blowfish.block_size]
	if len(d) < Blowfish.block_size:
		data_remains = True
	b = bytes(x ^ y for x, y in zip(d, f))
	d = cipher.decrypt(d)
	d = bytes(x ^ y for x, y in zip(d, f))
	f = b

if data_remains:
	b = f
	b = cipher.encrypt(b)
	d = bytes(x ^ y for x, y in zip(b, d))

We confirm that this code produces the same decrypted ‘licence data’ as was found at 0x1013ff4 in part 2.

Generating valid licence files

We can now reverse the decryption process to derive valid licence files containing arbitrary licence data of our choice:

plaintext = b"Functionality=1\nRegBy=That's all folks!\nRegTo=Thanks for playing!\"

from Crypto.Cipher import Blowfish
key = bytes.fromhex('11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 aa bb cc dd ee ff 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 aa bb cc dd ee ff 11 22')
iv = bytes.fromhex('01 23 45 67 89 ab cd ef')
cipher =, Blowfish.MODE_ECB)

# Nonstandard DEC CTS mode

ciphertext = bytearray()
f = iv
data_remains = False

for i in range(0, len(plaintext), Blowfish.block_size):
	s = plaintext[i:i+Blowfish.block_size]
	if len(s) < Blowfish.block_size:
		data_remains = True
	d = bytes(x ^ y for x, y in zip(s, f))
	d = cipher.encrypt(d)
	f = bytes(x ^ y for x, y in zip(d, f))

if data_remains:
	s = plaintext[i:]
	b = f
	b = cipher.encrypt(b)
	d = bytes(x ^ y for x, y in zip(s, b))

import base64

Successful registration

Thanks for reading to the end! If you enjoyed this series, you may enjoy my writeup of an earlier reverse engineering project looking at an early-2010s gaming DRM system.


  1. In DEC 3.0, this was the default block cipher mode of operation! In the modern DEC library, this mode is referred to as ‘CTS3’ and described as ‘a proprietary mode developed by Frederik Winkelsdorf’, which ‘has a less secure padding of the truncated final block’, and is disabled by default. See also here where it is reviewed unfavourably. 

  2. In this series, magic numbers have been replaced with placeholders for demonstration purposes. 

  3. For less astute readers, such as myself, the process may involve wallowing around in Ghidra until stumbling upon a relevant reference to TStringFormat_MIME64, i.e. the Base64 transfer encoding for MIME. Interestingly, the TStringFormat_MIME64 implementation of Base64 accepts invalid Base64 input without warning, producing garbage output or, alternately, stack overflows and crashes. This was very fun to diagnose when reverse engineering(!) 

  4. Further analysis shows this key is derived from computing the RIPEMD-256 hash of "innocuous-looking string" in TSecurity.Create from part 2. Because the key is fixed, it was unnecessary to go into the details here, but it is an interesting ‘hiding in plain sight’ approach.