Warning! The intended audience of this article is medical professionals and students. I am not your doctor. This article is not medical advice.

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Asymptomatic hypertension

The current evidence base suggests that intensive treatment of asymptomatic hypertension in noncardiac inpatients is likely to do more harm than good. See e.g. Anderson TS et al. JAMA Internal Medicine 2023;183(7):715–23.

Consent for Iron Infusion Y Li (Intern) Discussion with the patient regarding proposed [iron polymaltose/ferric carboxymaltose] infusion for [iron deficiency anaemia/iron deficiency/low iron stores] (Hb _, ferritin _). Procedure was discussed. Oral replacement is not preferred as duration is longer and gastrointestinal side effects are frequent. Discussed risks of flu-like symptoms, fever, bleeding, infection, allergy including anaphylaxis, iron leak including permanent staining. All questions answered. Pt verbally consented for infusion.
Discussion with the patient regarding proposed IVIg infusion for [indication]. Procedure was discussed. Alternative immunomodulators such as steroids are not prefered as associated with long-term systemic side effects. Discussed risks of flu-like symptoms, fever, bleeding, infection, allergy including anaphylaxis, aseptic meningitis, thromboembolism, kidney injury and haemolysis. All questions answered. Written consent form signed.

Lumbar puncture

Discussion with the patient regarding proposed lumbar puncture for [indication]. Procedure was discussed. Alternative investigations such as blood tests and neuroimaging cannot rule out infection or confirm a specific pathogen. Discussed risks of bleeding, infection, failure, anaesthetic risk, trauma, post dural puncture headache. All questions answered. Written consent form signed. Left lateral position. Chlorhexidine prep, sterile drape. Local infiltration with 1% lidocaine. 22G×38mm cutting point spinal needle to L3/4 interspace. First pass success yielding clear and colourless CSF. 3 tubes x 10 drops each. Haemostasis achieved with direct pressure. Site dressed with transparent dressing. Tolerated well. No immediate complication.

Mental state examination (MSE)

MSE A: B: S: M: A: Tf: Tc: P: C: I: J:

Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA)

Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) Y Li (Intern) [General comment] Visuospatial/executive . . . _/5 Naming . . . . . . . . . . . . . _/3 Memory (registration) . . . N/A Attention . . . . . . . . . . . . _/6 Language . . . . . . . . . . . . _/3 Abstraction . . . . . . . . . . . _/2 Delayed recall . . . . . . . . . _/5 Orientation . . . . . . . . . . . _/6 Total score . . . . . . . _/30 Scoring sheet filed in patient folder.

My Health Record access

My Health Record access Pt has a My Health Record but does not remember the access code. Verbal consent was obtained from the patient to access the My Health Record. My Health Record was accordingly accessed pursuant to the My Health Records Act 2012 s 66 (Collection, use and disclosure with healthcare recipient’s consent).

Neurological exam, cranial nerves, brief

Pupils equal, round, reactive. Full range of eye movement, no diplopia/nystagmus. CN 5 normal power/sensation. CN 7/11 normal power. Tongue, uvula midline.

Neurological exam, peripheral, brief

Upper limbs: RIGHT LEFT - Shoulder abduction 5/5 5/5 - Shoulder adduction 5/5 5/5 - Elbow flexion 5/5 5/5 - Elbow extension 5/5 5/5 - Finger flexion 5/5 5/5 - Light touch C5–T1 Intact Intact - Biceps reflex 2+ 2+ Lower limbs: RIGHT LEFT - Hip flexion 5/5 5/5 - Hip extension 5/5 5/5 - Knee flexion 5/5 5/5 - Knee extension 5/5 5/5 - Ankle plantarflexion 5/5 5/5 - Ankle dorsiflexion 5/5 5/5 - Light touch L2–S1 Intact Intact - Knee reflex 2+ 2+ - Plantar reflex Flexor Flexor

Newborn discharge examination

Newborn Discharge Examination Y Li (JRMO) Patent normotensive anterior and posterior fontanelles, normal sutures Pink, warm, central capillary refill time *** Normal ears, not low set *** epicanthic folds *** fundal reflexes Normal palate to inspection and palpation, good suck Heart sounds dual, no murmur Chest clear, no work of breathing Abdomen soft, non-tender, no masses or organomegaly Umbilicus *** Normal femoral pulses Normal *** genitalia Normal upper and lower limbs. Double palmar creases Symmetric hip creases. Negative Barlow/Ortolani tests Normal spine Patent anus Normal tone. Age appropriate head lag. Symmetric Moro reflex Impression _ Green book completed [ ]

Perinatal history

Maternal History Age: G_P_ Medical history: Maternal medications: Antenatal History Maternal blood group: Maternal red cell antibodies: Maternal serology: Maternal rubella immune status: Maternal GBS status: OGTT: NIPT: Scans: Antenatal complications: Birth History Time of birth: Gestation: Fetal distress: Presentation: Born via: Birth weight: Head circumference: Length: Apgars: Resuscitation: Sepsis Risk Highest maternal temperature: Length of ruptured membranes: Antepartum antibiotics: Sepsis risk calculator:

Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale (RUDAS)

Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale (RUDAS) Y Li (Intern) [General comment] Memory (registration) . . . . . . . N/A Visuospatial orientation . . . . . . _/5 Praxis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _/2 Visuoconstructional drawing . . . _/3 Judgement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _/4 Memory recall . . . . . . . . . . . . . _/8 Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _/8 Total score . . . . . . . . . . . __/30 Scoring sheet and drawing filed in patient folder.

Surgical preadmission clinic

Surgical Preadmission Clinic Y Li (Intern) Operation: _ Indication: _ Category: _ Surgeon: _ PMHx _ ? asthma/COPD, hypertension, myocardial infarction, atrial fibrillation, heart failure, diabetes, kidney disease ? COVID Surgical/Anaesthetic Hx _ ? Previous general anaesthetic/issues ? FHx Medications _ ? antiplatelets/anticoagulants/oral hypoglycaemics Allergies _ SHx Home with _ ? Occupation ? Independent ADLs, nil mobility aid ? Drives ? Smoker ? Alcohol ? Immunisations: COVID/flu Systems Review Respiratory – Dyspnoea, cough, wheeze: Cardiovascular – Chest pain, palpitations, orthopnoea, PND, oedema, syncope: Gastrointestinal – Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhoea, reflux: Haematological – Easy bruising/bleeding, frequent infection, PHx/FHx VTE: Constitutional – Fever, chills, sweats, rigors, loss of weight, loss of appetite: Exercise tolerance: _ ? DASI -> METS 9.89 STOP-BANG _ O/E HR _, BP _ RR _, SpO2 _ Height: _ cm Weight: _ kg -> BMI: _ ? Heart sounds dual, no murmur. Chest clear. Abdomen soft, non-tender. No pedal oedema. ? Dentition Mallampati _ ? Full range of neck movement Thyromental distance ≥ _ cm Investigations Bloods: _ ECG: _ Imaging: _ Impression _ ASA _ Plan ? Signed consent sighted ? Blood transfusion consent ? Request for bloods and ECG ? Perioperative medications: antiplatelets, anticoagulation, hypoglycaemics ? Imaging to request ? Anaesthetic referral

Trauma survey

A - Own, patent. No dental trauma. No neck bruising or laceration. B - Saturating on room air. Speaks full sentences, nil work of breathing. Breathes deeply, symmetric chest expansion, no paradoxical movement. No chest wall bruising or laceration. No tenderness or deformity of clavicles/ribs. No subcutaneous emphysema. No tracheal deviation. Chest clear. C - Haemodynamically stable. No exsanguinating external haemorrhage. Warm peripheries. Heart sounds dual, no murmur. D - GCS 15 No scalp/facial bruising or laceration No mastoid/periorbital ecchymosis No otorrhoea/rhinorrhoea/haemotympanum No tenderness or deformity of skull Pupils equal, round, reactive. Full range of eye movement, no diplopia/nystagmus. CN 5 normal power/sensation. CN 7/11 normal power. Tongue, uvula midline No abdominal bruising or laceration Abdomen soft, non-tender No pulsatile mass No tenderness or deformity of large bones of upper/lower limbs No pelvic instability No hip irritability Able to actively straight leg raise bilaterally Normal upper/lower limb power and sensation Palpable radial and dorsalis pedis pulses No back bruising or laceration No tenderness or deformity of C/T/L-spine Unrestricted neck flexion/extension/rotation

Urinary catheterisation

Urinary Catheterisation Y Li (Intern) Discussion with the patient regarding insertion of indwelling urinary catheter for _. Procedure was discussed. Discussed risks of bleeding, infection, failure, allergy, trauma. Pt verbally consented for catheterisation. _ as chaperone. Chlorhexidine/cetrimide prep, sterile drape, lidocaine gel. Two way _Fr silicone catheter inserted under aseptic technique. Balloon inflated with 10 mL water for injection. [If applicable:] Foreskin replaced. Tolerated well. No immediate complication. Catheter draining _ urine.