Investigating and disabling hard-coded certificate pinning in an Android application
mitmproxy is an open source interactive HTTPS proxy, which makes it easy to intercept HTTPS for reverse engineering, including an Android clients. It does this by installing its own CA certificate on the client device.1
Recently, I was attempting to reverse engineer the HTTPS… »
Monash Medicine in review – Year 4C: MED4100/4200
Note: I undertook year 4C in 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Significant disruptions and changes resulted during this year, which may or may not reflect the situation in the future.
Year 4C, like year 3B, is taught entirely from clinical sites. Unlike year 3B,… »
DRM Round-up: Q4 2020
Wow! It's been a while! Today is International Day Against DRM 2020, which means it's time to check in with my e-book collection for the first time since Q2 2019.
I have a policy of refusing to purchase any e-books encumbered with DRM,
Lodging retrospective tax returns 5 years late
Naughty me!
In late 2014, I registered an ABN for a small Minecraft server hosting business, which remains ongoing to today. Under section 161 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936, the Commissioner of Taxation may require certain persons to lodge a tax return.… »
Supplementary content – ‘Let's Talk about being agender, aromantic, asexual and Asian’
This week I chipped in to Seb Whitaker's Let's Talk! podcast about issues related to life at Monash Residential Services, in an episode titled ‘Let's Talk about being agender, aromantic, asexual and Asian (the 4 A's)’. On the podcast, we discussed my experience exploring… »