FIX: Systemd services fail with code 228/SECCOMP
Services like systemd-journald and systemd-logind show a failed state with error code 228/SECCOMP, and return an error message when attempted to be started using systemctl. This also caused journald logs to not be created or updated for any services.
The problem on my… »
An even smarterer html_truncate tag for Jekyll
As you know, I am using Jekyll to generate this blog. When setting mine up I read how Benjamin Thomas read how Jack Moffitt set up his Jekyll installation, and thought the idea of an html_truncate filter was pretty cool, and thought the… »
Mini vMac with colour (on Linux)
Notice 2020-10-30
This post is several years old and is now out-of-date. Pre-built binaries are now available from the Mini vMac downloads page supporting Macintosh II with 256 colours.
The original post appears below for posterity.
As I posted some time ago, Mini vMac… »
A Comparison of English Translations of ‘A Cruel Angel's Thesis’
Disclaimer: I know zero Japanese. When I see ‘残酷’, I read ‘cánkù’. This post is based on the generously-licenced work of Wiktionary and others.
Welcome to the new home of ‘$ sudo FIXIT!!’
I've just completed the migration of all blog posts and comments from the old Blogger site to this new Jekyll/HashOver-based blog. Hooray for open source software!
Along with the revamped site and layout comes a name change: Goodbye, $ sudo FIXIT!!,… »
Breaking URLs anywhere in (Lua)LaTeX (even in itemize, enumerate, adjustwidth, etc. environments)
\( \LaTeX \) is fantastic, but sometimes it does strange things, like breaking \urls only at certain points. Using tricks like this glorious \UrlBreaks hack, one can force URLs to break at any point, but for some reason, this does not work in… »